Venus and Mars in Aries: Love is (kinda, sorta) A Battlefield

Gutsy. Independent. Ferocious. Passionate...and ever, ever so sexy. These are just a few terms to describe the mighty Aries prowess. So, what happens when two of the most cosmically famous lovers meet up in this powerful sign?  


That's right, babies. Having Venus and Mars coupled up in a steamy, go-getting sign like Aries means no ordinary love will do...nor will shy love. Here in this sign, Venus does not play coy, nor does she play anyone's shrinking violet. In Aries, Venus stands apart from the crowd, goes after who or what she wants and takes no prisoners. So will Mars. At home in Aries, he'll go the distance for the object of his affection. He'll woo you, win you, and wear you out (wink.) What else would you expect of a champion?

While these two heavyweights get together for a raunchy, yet rare rendezvous from February 20-22, expect love to hit a fever pitch. This could mean interesting happenings in a new romance, an existing romance, or a creative or financial situation. Where Aries falls in your chart will give you clues on how things will unfold, especially if you have any planets or angles in the very early degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, or Aries. If anything, having Aries on your side can mean the courage to take care of yourself or to do what's necessary to take charge of your life. Wimping out is not an option.


P.S. If you're in New York City on 2/21/15 come and celebrate with me at this sexytime event!

Venus in Pisces: What's Your Potion?

Venus, our planetary Goddess of love and wealth, makes her way into Pisces today, where she'll eventually sync up with Neptune, then Mars. But not before having a face-off with Saturn in Sagittarius on January 29th. If we've been fooling ourselves in our relationships; playing too many rounds of victim-savior, or mistaking poverty for piety, Saturn will come along to deliver some hard, but necessary, truth. 


Yet, for those of us who have been erring too far on the side of the cynic, the stoic, the guarded, the critic, the pragmatic-because-it's-safe-side, this deep and dreamy union of Venus, Mars, and Neptune will be a reminder. A planetary potion of sorts to remind us of how it FEELS to be in love, to soul mate, to stand emotionally naked in front of another in our truth. 

  Drink up.

Mars In Pisces: Soldier of Love

Warrior planet, Mars, moves to soft and soulful Pisces today, where he'll stay until February 19th. What happens when you combine the God of War with the Messenger of Peace? Active compassion. Fierce fantasy. Creative courage. 

However, since Mars is also the planet of action and ambition, beware of passive aggression, lack of follow-through, or executing plans with no real aim. This is especially important as Mercury prepares to do his backward spin later this month. 

If love is your campaign, you'll win. Especially if you act on intuition.



Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Blood and Bone

October 23rd brings a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, our last eclipse of 2014. As such, the Universe delivers us just what we need: a chance to purge the psychic garbage we've accumulated over the year so that we may step into a new one, fresh and clean. 


Solar Eclipses herald beginnings and through Scorpio we begin the next chapter of our lives by releasing what no longer feeds us, the stagnant, the weak pieces. As Scorpio is a sign fixated on security, we strip down to necessity--no BS. We only devote our full attention to that which touches us to the very core and keeps our hearts beating. If what you hold doesn't move your soul, let it go; keep moving.

Below are the areas where each sign will feel an urgent need to purge, renew, or transform.

Aries: Intimacy, Finances, Emotional Health

Taurus:  Partnerships, Marriage, 1 on 1 Relationships

Gemini: Health, Daily Routine, Work/Life Balance

Cancer: Romance, Creative Projects, Relationships with Children

Leo: Family Life, Dealings with the Past/Parents, Home/Real Estate

Virgo: Communication, Thought, Dealings with Neighbors/Siblings

Libra: Values, Self-esteem, Income

Scorpio:  Attitude, Appearance, Personal Magnetism

Sagittarius:  Dreams, Faith, Sanctuary 

Capricorn: Friendships, Aspirations, Affiliations

Aquarius: Career, Expertise, Reputation 

Pisces:  Travel, Education, Worldview/Perception

Pluto in Capricorn Goes Direct: Out of the Mud

Pluto in Capricorn comes out of retrograde today! After five months--finally! This is important as Pluto means power and Capricorn means structure and long term reward. If there’s a place in your life where you’ve been feeling powerless, unstable, stuck--Pluto direct gets the momentum going again so you can get out of that place. The stuck places unstick, unstuck, free. Thank God/Goddess.


Here are some of the areas where each sign can expect to feel this new energy :

Aries:  Career, Authority, Reputation

Taurus:  Perspective, Faith, Education

Gemini: Finances, Sex, Rebirth

Cancer:  Marriage, Partnership, 1 on 1 Relationships

Leo:  Health, Routine, Work

Virgo:  Love, Creativity, Birth/Children

Libra:  Family, Home, Letting Go of the Past

Scorpio:  Thought, Communication, Neighborhood/Siblings

Sagittarius:  Values, Self-esteem, Income

Capricorn:  Attitude, Appearance, Personal Magnetism

Aquarius:  Dreams, Intuition, Spirit

Pisces:  Friendship, Social Aquaintances, Aspirations


Cancer Season: Setting the Mood


It's fitting that the peak of vacation season coincides with the Sun's passage through Cancer (Summer Soltice), as the time for closing up shop, getting away, and relaxing with loved ones falls under The Crab's jurisdiction. If Gemini season was all about meetings, conferences, presentations, and press, then Cancer season is certainly about taking a much needed time out to catch our breath before Leo season bursts in to shove us back into the spotlight. Like Cancer, when we hit a sensory overload of too many people, places, and things it can make us easily susceptible to moodiness, irritation, and fatigue.

One of the things that I admire about Cancers (as with all water signs) is their ability to withdraw into a self-protective "shell" when their batteries need a recharge. They have no problem going off radar if the everyday world becomes too much. Ruled by the Moon and known as the zodiac's moodiest sign, Cancerian influenced people must have regular retreat or risk becoming chronically cranky.

Another thing that I love about Cancers is the way they often provide that same nurturing space to people that they love. Are you feeling tired, sad, hungry, overwhelmed? Leave it to Cancers to cocoon you up and nurse you back to health with their good food, warmth, and world-class hugs. No other sign in the zodiac does hugs better (Ok, Taurus, you too.)

As per usual, we have a lot going on in The Cosmos. We've had eclipses, New Moons, Full Moons, planets going retrograde (I see you, Mercury), as well as the recent grand cardinal cross and the Uranus-Pluto square. Many of us have been through a lot and will inevitably experience more. Life doesn't stop. However, it's during a time like Cancer season when we are called to remember how much of life we do influence by caring for ourselves and others. Happy Summer!

Gemini Season: Busy, Busy


Gemini season is in full swing. After what seemed like a relatively quiet winter/spring, June is gearing up to be one busy month. Since Gemini is the great Networker/Communicator/Media Personality, this is the time when we can usually expect our calendars to be jam packed with parties, events, launches, meetings, calls, webinars, workshops, and just about anything else that gathers and connects people together.

My schedule is nearly full. And as a Sagittarius sun/Aquarius Moon--I thrive on the busyness that Gemini provides. However, one thing I must be careful of is overcommitting myself. Overcommitting can be a problem (especially for Gemini) because too many obligations/interests can lead to flakiness. And bailing out at a time when others are counting on you is never a good look for all involved. So, stay busy friends, but know when to say when.

Full Moon in Scorpio: Roll, Roll, Rolling in the Deep


Scorpio wants to annihilate you. 

Well, not YOU per se but rather the you that you think you are…in fact, who are YOU, really? Scorpio wants to get the bottom of it—into the deep, dark parts of you where you hold onto stuff; like fears and feelings and ambitions and...OBSESSIONS. 

Scorpio wants your secrets, it’s OK, bare your soul. Show Scorpio where you’ve been hiding. No? Well you have got to come out sooner or later. Yes, you. The REAL you--the shrewd, fearless, passionate, dirty, sexy you. Scorpio wants the unrelenting you--the you that wants what it wants and won't stop to get it. Have you your strategy? Scorpio can help with that. It will stay up into the wee hours to plot with you on how to decimate the competition. Scorpio wants to break the weak links--it wants to rid you of the habits, the people, the situations you seemingly thought you needed, but don't. Yes, Scorpio WILL shift the landscape. You WILL be transformed. You're not afraid...are you?


The Full Moon in Scorpio (May 14th) asks us to face our fears and to eliminate outmoded energy in our lives that holds us back. At the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus (back on April 29th), we were called to set intentions to create something new, to put something in motion that will progress and stabilize us. Now, this moon asks that we bring these intentions to completion and to step fully into the next phase.

This Full Moon comes tied to Saturn in Scorpio, which suggests the need for structure and permanence, which echoes the message of the Taurus eclipse. At the same time, Venus, the planet of love and money, will be synced up with Uranus in Aries and in a tough tie with Pluto in Capricorn, calling us to take an unflinchingly honest appraisal of our relationships with money and power. Since Scorpio is involved, we'll be ask to completely transform our approach to both.

Charting Astrology: What You Need to Know Right Now About the State of Things

When I first began to seriously study astrology five years ago, I was moved to do so because I was standing at a precipice of sorts. I had fallen hard for a very charismatic (yet toxic for me) Scorpio and I desperately needed out. I came to astrology seeking answers that neither my friends, nor advice columns, nor said Scorpio could provide. Full of heartbreak, I think my biggest question at the time was "Why did this have to happen to ME?"

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Venus in Aries: Tough Love

When Venus first moved into tough-as-nails Aries on May 3rd, I wanted to write something about the call to fiery, passionate love--the kind of love we throw ourselves into with wild, reckless abandon--and for some of us this love is still relevant, still ripe for the taking but as it is, there are those of us who may be in the throes of "tough love." 

Tough love is complicated love. It's shaky ground, uncertain if this is for real love. It's walking the tricky path of where My Needs and Your Needs intersect love and trying to find a way on how to merge the two. Tough love is failing miserably at love and trying to work up the courage to try again. Tough love is getting down to the nitty-gritty, stripped down to the tacks, sober love. Tough love takes heart.

The world is full of people. Some of whom we meet, we fall for, put ourselves out on a limb for, and make an attempt to stand with them, courageously, in love. Sometimes this is tough. Sometimes, we are called to be tough; to either dig in and fight for love, or to concede in love and tap ourselves out. This is are some themes we'll contend with during this Venus transit (until May 29th), which comes on the heels of two Venus-infused, game changing eclipses (Libra, Taurus). And regardless of which choices we ultimately make, we'll be called to do it with heart.


April's Grand Cardinal Cross: Under Pressure

In astrology a Grand Cross is a fancy name for the tense energy created when four planets/bodies transit signs that share a difficult relationship. In this case it's Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer, and Mars in Libra. While a facet of this energy has been brewing on and off since 2012 (largely with Uranus and Pluto), the pressure mounts again on April 22-23, reminding us that true progress isn't won without facing our fears (Pluto), drawing boundaries (Mars), venturing outside of what we know (Jupiter) and doing the unexpected (Uranus). Cardinal energy is bold, dynamic and almost impossible to ignore. Finding out where the Grand Cross lands in your birth chart will give you a leg up on how to go about next steps in your plan of action. This is especially important for those with major planets or angles in Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, or Aries.


April Showers: The Eclipses

 Lunar Eclipse in Libra, April 15

With a Lunar Eclipse there's a chapter in our lives that's about to come to a close or completion. With this eclipse in Libra, relationships will be at the forefront. For some of us, this may mean taking the next step in a partnership or choosing to do away with one all together. The big theme here will be around balance and reciprocation, as Libra is the sign of The Scales.

Solar Eclipse in Taurus, April 29

If Lunar Eclipses represent endings or completion, then Solar Eclipses represent beginnings and fresh starts. Through Taurus this comes by way of physical comfort/health, as Taurus represents an earthy, palpable kind of mojo. Taurus wants to give you something you can hold on to like cold, hard cash or a sound body. Resources will be a theme here; taking advantage of opportunities to build and maintain/protect them are the focus.


Keep in mind that emotions will be on high during this month. The days surrounding the eclipses tend to bring anxious energy. Take time to ground yourself in activities you enjoy, with people you enjoy, to take some of the edge off.

Lastly, on the eclipses--it's interesting to note that they both occur in signs represented by Venus, the planet of love and wealth. It seems the Universe wants to highlight our relationship to our own pleasure and self-worth. Is it healthy? Are we actively participating in fulfilling our desires or passively standing by? What would it take for each of us to create a pleasurable life? How many of us truly feel we deserve one? These are just a few questions to get your brains stirring, of course, knowing where the eclipses will transit your chart will help too. Those with major planets or angles in Libra, Aries, Scorpio, or Taurus should pay extra special attention.


P.S. You can use these major events to catapult yourself forward. How? Get my Eclipse Reading.



Venus in Pisces: Bewitched


Happy Venus in Pisces! (April 5-May 2) Creativity, fantasy, and allure abound while the planet of love makes her stop here. Will we be awash in true love or a thinly veiled guise of it? Keep intuition at the ready.

To celebrate, here's an excerpt from my Love, Sex, and Astrology guide describing Pisces Venus natives...

"Venus in Pisces:

This attributes of this Venus may very well be what mermaids are made of...and she pulls her bedmates in like one too. She's bewitching, enchanting--built with a compassionate nature and an uncanny sixth sense. She gets off on creating tailor made romantic liaisons that blur the lines of time and space. Easily addictive. Boys with this Venus placement are drawn to Piscean-like women who'll bring them a higher love."


New Moon in Aries: Fire in the Belly

Happy New Moon in #Aries! What would you like to create/initiate? How do you separate yourself from the pack? Do you recognize how awesome you really are? 

Aries is a leader, a motivator and a fierce warrior. As a Fire sign and the "firstborn" of the zodiac, Aries' power rests in its bold, assertive, and adventurous approach to life. Aries doesn't wait for the okay to take action. Aries IS the action; first row, front and center. Under this juicy, fertile energy of the new moon we are called to harness this power in the name of our own success and progress. We are called to show up for ourselves, to stand up for ourselves, to employ the courage needed to create the kind of life that we want. 

However, with this new moon joining up with Uranus in Aries and forming a tense aspect to Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, we will be reminded that true progress isn't won without facing our fears (Pluto), venturing outside of what we know (Jupiter) and doing the unexpected (Uranus). Since running themes are a major component to astrology, this moon gives us a preview of the kind of themes we will be dealing with in April due to the upcoming eclipses and Grand Cardinal Cross (an uneasy relationship between four planets). Those themes are change, upheaval, and transformation. 

Still, with Aries in the mix, the Universe will only provide the fuel necessary to feed the fire  in our bellies. 


Full Moon in Virgo: Get Sh*t Done

Happy Full Moon in Virgo! Full Moons represent the culmination of something already in the works. In Virgo, it's all about tying up the loose ends, getting down to the details and fine tuning a system. How's that health routine working for you? That diet? Is that budget saving you money? Have you tackled that cleaning/organizing project? What about that writing assignment? Ooh, baby! Today, we celebrate getting sh*t done. Check off that to-do list like a boss!




Full Moon in Cancer: Soul Food

The Full Moon in ‪#‎Cancer‬ this evening highlights the quality of our heart space. What have we been filling it with lately? Is it nourishing? Does it build strong bones and character? Does it make us feel good? As the sign that represents home and hearth, family, and tradition; Cancer is the commissioner of soul food, literally and figuratively speaking. Under this moon is a call to make space for and celebrate what feeds you. Eat up.


New Moon in Capricorn: Make It Work

New Moon in #Capricorn on January 1st to kick off the New Year. #Capricorn is the sign associated with long term plans and goals, financial security, ambition, and structure. What are your 2014 resolutions? May they manifest under the blessings of this New Moon. And thank you all for your support and love throughout 2013. Have a happy, prosperous New Year! Xoxo