New Moon in Sagittarius: Light In the Shadow
/I think many of my fellow Sagittarians will agree with me when I say that 2013 has largely been an introspective and emotionally "heavy" year for us. Many of us have found ourselves thrust into situations that demanded a serious investment of faith, patience, and in some cases, physical strength. Whatever challenges we may have brushed off with a raucous gathering of 90-11 friends or some other show of impulse/distraction have had to be met with long periods of solitude, meditation, tears, and the ability to put "no" in our otherwise exaggerated vocabularies. Recently, I joked to a Pisces friend that I've turned into a Scorpio (she laughed in agreement). No, we Sagittarians have not felt like our usual jovial, happy-go-lucky selves. The Universe has been asking that we try something different.
And this is not to say that those of us born under the influence of Sagittarius never experience pain or sadness. Much to the contrary of standard astrology, we do. We just make a conscious effort not to linger in said sadness. We recognize that at some point, unhappiness becomes a choice and as such, there are far too many roads to travel towards fulfillment to get stuck on just one. This is the Sagittarian way, and this evening's New Moon in Sagittarius aims to illuminate those roads, the paths on which we can tailor make our journey based on our own personal truths--the sum parts of ourselves that refuse to be denied, restricted, tamed, or hidden. What do you undeniably hold in your heart that's sorely in need of expression? What part of you needs to be set free?
This New Moon will not only spur a fresh, new cycle for Sagittarians but for anyone in need of some magic to break through whatever walls that have held them back. New Moons are gifts; like custom tailored reset buttons from the Cosmos that give us extra sticking power needed to successfully begin a new endeavor, relationship, journey, lifestyle, etc. Many of us, and not just Sagittarians, may be feeling that we've done enough of our bid in the shadows...we've sorted, sifted, and purged through enough of our shit. We're ready to step back into the light. Today, we get our chance.