Full Moon in Sagittarius: Freedom First

Artwork: Kenal Louis, kenalsworld,com

Artwork: Kenal Louis, kenalsworld,com

What fires you up? What makes you passionate? What are you willing to fight for?

Under today's Full Moon in Sagittarius, we're called to answer these questions as the Full Moon comes in conjoined to fiery Mars in Sagittarius, and opposite to the Sun in Gemini. We're supposed to get passionate about something, but what?

The Gemini-Sagittarius axis (polarity), is largely about honoring what we know or what we believe to be true. Through Gemini and Sagittarius, we move beyond our immediate four walls to access and learn information, then share what we've learned with others, crafting and re-crafting our personal belief system along our journey. However, as Full Moons are about releasing the things we no longer need; and Mars being retrograde now is about bringing that hot, Martian energy to the interior, we are called under this Moon to reevaluate our belief system, to reevaluate what we know in order to cast any self-limiting beliefs into the fire and watch them burn away.

Of course because Full Moons are emotional and the Sun in Gemini is more about words, and rational thought (and how we identify with those thoughts) we are reminded that head and heart must align for us to truly make progress forward. For example, how can we fully let go of something if not at the emotional level first? Or, how can we be in alignment with our convictions, our personal truths, our visions if how we feel doesn't align with what we speak? This Full Moon gives us the power to expand our awareness, to move beyond our personal borders (whether real or imagined) to become truer versions of ourselves. Mars gives us the courage to hold ourselves accountable. How will you define your freedom?