August 2020 Horoscopes

Image: courtesy of Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Image: courtesy of Margaret Flatley/Bustle

The month opens with an electric Full Moon in unconventional and innovative Aquarius on August 3, which could bring a few shocks or surprises our way, particularly where relationships or friendships are concerned. The best way we can harness this full moon's power is by being open to the unexpected and doing what we can to break social norms or rules that foster injustice and inequality. With communicative Mercury moving to bold and passionate Leo on August 4, it's time to speak loud and proud about the things we're most passionate about. Confidence and creativity are key to making connections with others and getting our ideas out. Brainstorming sessions and art related projects could be golden now.

Come August 7, we're called to drop out of our heads and down into our hearts as love planet Venus finally leaves curious Gemini for tenderhearted Cancer. With Venus in Cancer, we'll find peace, pleasure, and even a little romance too, when we consider and care for the feelings of others in addition to honoring our need for nourishment and affection. Though with some gnarly planets in the mix, which includes angry Mars in Aries somber Saturn in Capricorn and power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn, we can also expect to flex our need for healthy boundaries and community support.

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May 2019 Horoscopes



With go-getter Mars entering tenderhearted Cancer (May 15th) this month and a Full Moon landing in all-or-nothing Scorpio (May 18th), we can expect emotions to be heightened this month. Though with all of the emo vibes that will be in the air, we’re called to pay close attention to what we feel and why, as our feelings will help to point us in the direction that we need to go, especially when it comes to our own happiness and pleasure. That said, pleasure will also be a theme this month with the New Moon in sensual Taurus on May 4th, followed by communicative Mercury entering Taurus on the 6th and love planet Venus moving home to Taurus on the 15th.

Simply put, the cosmos is encouraging us to focus on what matters most; the people, places, and the things that deeply resonate with us – mind, body, and soul. This will be especially true as the confident Sun and analytical Mercury move into curious and intellectual Gemini on May 21st confirming the need for intellectual fare, stimulating conversation, and fascinating discoveries. Happy Gemini Season!

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February 2017 Horoscopes

Aries: Welcome to your reinvention. If last month was all about surrender, release, and sleep; this month it’s all about victory, manifesting, and momentum. Not only do you have Mars, your ruling planet, back home in Aries (your zone of self-confidence and self-image) but Venus will be joining Mars in this zone on February 3rd. Having Venus in your sign is important because wherever she goes, she brings lots of opportunities for love, pleasure, and financial rewards. With Venus and Mars on your side over the next few weeks, it means that you’ll have just the right amount of confidence, charm, and creativity to get what you want and do what you want, which means that now is not the time to lose focus or steam when it comes to your goals and plans. Because we’re dealing with some fresh, yet unstable energy this month, it’s important to remain centered, grounded, and specific about what you want especially when it comes to love and relationships.

About love and relationships; when Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of marriage and partnerships, on February 6th, you may need to reassess a relationship, your beliefs about relationships or marriage, or review a lesson in love. One theme that you may notice that’s been coming up for you over and over since Jupiter has been in Libra is how you can’t always go it alone. With Mars and Venus being in Aries, the downside is that it can make you too egocentric or give you the feeling that you don’t need anyone. If it’s one lesson that 2017 is teaching us, it’s how much we need the love and support of other people to thrive. This theme repeats for you yet again, by the 7th when Mercury enters Aquarius, your zone of friendship and community. With Mercury here, friendship and allyship will be an important part in helping you bring your ideas to life as well as capitalizing on the impressive resume you’ve been building. Also, if social justice or tech is your focus, Mercury in Aquarius can help you move masses.

On the 10th, your love life and self-confidence come back into focus when an influential Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of romance, creativity, and adventure. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, you may end a relationship, end the single life, or be moved to creatively express yourself in a way that pushes you into the public eye. Since this zone of your chart is also connected to children, some Leo may be expecting. However, if children aren’t on your must have list right now, make sure you plan wisely as eclipses can deliver sudden news. On February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces, your zone of rest, retreat, and healing. While we’re still a month out from your grand re-opening, having the Sun in this private area of your chart will assist you in clearing out space for what’s to come. Part of this clearing will happen around Mercury’s move into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th. At this times you may be moved to reconnect with Spirit, begin counseling or therapy, or to take a much needed hiatus. With Mercury in your zone of secrets, it may best to keep any plans or big launches under wraps until Mercury moves to Aries. Things are looking up again, Aries.

Taurus: The month opens with Venus (your planetary ruler) leaving the deep waters of Pisces for the burning fires of Aries on February 3rd.  With Venus joining confident Mars in Aries in your zone of rest, healing, and release the source of your pleasure will come from taking charge of your well-being. You may find yourself motivated to set aside time (and guard it) for rest and relaxation or take up a practice that combines physical movement, sweat, and meditation – like Kundalini yoga – to help you with blowing off steam. With aggressive Mars camped out in one of the most sensitive areas of your chart, you’ll find that you’ll have a lot of steam to release. Though instead of sitting on your feelings and imploding (or exploding), looking for ways to deal with your emotions in a healthy way will be your best move. As such, counseling or therapy could be an option.

Since we’re on the topic of your well-being, when expansive Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra – your zone of health, work, and routine — on the 6th; you may need to reassess where you may be overdoing it when it comes to food, alcohol (Libra rules the kidneys), or your workload. While you’re known to indulge in good food and hard work, you need to make sure that your body can keep up with all the wear and tear you’re putting on it. Since Jupiter can sometimes take things overboard, you may also want to watch out for extreme dieting or exercise too. On the 7th, when Mercury joins the Sun in Aquarius in your zone of fame, career, and achievement get ready to step up and be noticed. If you have a professional presentation of any kind to make, Mercury in Aquarius will assist you in getting the word out and making an impression on the people that matter.

On the 10th, a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of home and family. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, you could be offered the opportunity to relocate or move based on a dream job offer or you could find the ideal home or apartment. Since this zone is also connected to motherhood and parenting (and Leo is associated with children), there could be the chance of a pregnancy or adoption if you’ve been trying. If children are not a part of your immediate future, make sure to plan accordingly as eclipses are notorious for delivering surprises. When the Sun enters Pisces, your zone of friendship and future plans, on February 18th; your focus turns to connecting with like-minded souls that can support you in achieving your dreams. This will be especially true when Mercury shifts into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, your mission will be to align yourself with supportive people, organizations, and affiliations that represent the person that you are becoming. Essentially you are building your community. One caveat: beware of seeing only what you want to see when it comes to friends and allies now. Rely on intuition to steer you in the right direction.

Gemini:  Community becomes a big deal to you this month as relationship-oriented Venus enters Aries, your zone of friendship and associations, on February 3rd. With Venus joining confident Mars in Aries this zone, you could find yourself ditching old, stodgy friends in lieu of people that speak to your heart and to the person that you are becoming. As Mars is notorious for stirring up arguments, you could break off a relationship with someone you know. Though if the “break up” was due, Mars in Aries could help speed up the process. Another way you can channel this fiery energy is by taking up a cause to advocate or liberate the underprivileged or underrepresented as Aries loves a good fight. If you work in tech, social media, communications, or for a humanitarian cause, Venus can also assist you in getting the funding you need to launch an innovative project or program, while Mars can help to be bold enough to ask. Use this dynamic duo to help you make the most of the impressive reputation you’ve been building.

When expansive Jupiter takes its four-month retrograde in Libra, beginning on February 6th, in your zone of romance, creativity, and children. You may be pushed to rethink a love affair, restart a creative project, or reexamine how free you feel to truly express yourself and your gifts. If you’ve been holding yourself back for the sake of being nice, agreeable, or well received – it’s time to stop. Since this are of your chart is also connected to children, you may be motivated to reconnect with your own children or your inner child. Above all, recognize that this period is about finding the authenticity in your life and living it to the fullest. On the 7th, Mercury (your ruling planet) enters Aquarius, your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Having Mercury in a fellow air sign is much easier for than when Mercury was in Capricorn as you’ll find that things will tend to move quickly now that you’re in your element. As such, gathering new experiences, absorbing new info, and traveling to new places will boost your spirits (and your contact list).

Though the momentum doesn’t stop for a minute as a Lunar Eclipse in Leo sweeps through your zone of communication and ideas on February 10th. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, you could get your name in print or bring a media based project to fruition, gain a new set of skills that boosts your marketability, or launch a creative endeavor. Right now it’s all about leaving the old behind in favor for exciting new people and places. Also, if you need to advertise or get the word out about something you’ve been working on, look to this eclipse to support you. Though you shouldn’t have much trouble drawing attention to yourself now, especially when the Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and into your zone of career, fame, and achievement. With the Sun here, your focus will be on seeing some of your biggest ambitions through which could garner you kudos and public recognition. When Mercury enters Pisces on the 25th, followed by a potent Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th, it’s time to go for the gold. Bring your a-game now and that swanky office, bigger paycheck, and prestigious title could be yours. Use the power of Mercury in Pisces, to say all the right things at just the right time.

Cancer: Your star is on the rise this month thanks to money-making Venus entering Aries, your zone of career, ambition, and fame on February 3rd. With sweet Venus helping you to make friends and influence people, you could find yourself becoming the apple of the eyes of some very important people. This could lead to a pay raise or a promotion. Since Venus will also be joining confident Mars in Aries over the next few weeks, you’ll be motivated to not only wow and impress but you’ll also find the courage to go after a position that you’ve been coveting or the guts to make a daring career move, like going into business for yourself. Could your own start-up be in the works for you? Since Mars is known for stirring up trouble, be mindful that any career moves you make aren’t too impulsive or poorly thought out as Aries can be quite impatient. If you need to give yourself time for a decision, do so. This also goes for getting married as this area of your chart also covers marriage status. Hold off wedding plans until the summer if possible.

On the subject of your home and private life, lucky Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of home and family, on the 6th.  With Jupiter retrograde here, you may need to rethink your current living space, a planned move, making an addition to your family, or your connection to your past. While you often live for nostalgia and have a very long memory, you may need to ask yourself if a belief or legacy that you’re holding onto is bettering your life in any way. Through Jupiter retrograde it may be about reaffirming your belief in yourself and strengthening the connection to your roots in way that supports you, not harms you. On the 7th, when Mercury enters Aquarius, your zone of rebirth, intimacy, and finances. Your focus continues to draw inward helping you to face your shadows and put a plan in place to improve your financial security or break free from an oppressive relationship. Consider this your time to work on reclaiming your personal power.

When the Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands through your zone of income, self-worth, and possessions on February 10th, you will be asked to evaluate all three. If money has been tight or you feel undervalued in your current position, this eclipse asks that you walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to doing better for yourself. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, you could find a better job, draw healthier boundaries, or heal a wound around lack and scarcity. Similar to the lessons that Aquarius season is teaching you, an eclipse in confident Leo will teach you the value of self-appreciation. On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces, your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. With the Sun in this zone, your focus turns to broadening your mind and your horizons. When Mercury moves into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a magical Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th, a wish might be granted; especially if it involves traveling or studying abroad, teaching, writing and publishing, or a creative endeavor. Be open to receive whatever your mind and heart desires. Speak what you want into being.

Leo: Well, who’s the number one stunner? Looks like this month it’s you Leo. But the Lunar Eclipse in Leo that’s coming is barely half of the goodness that’s headed your way. Let’s get to first things first! The world literally opens up to you, beginning on February 3rd when fun-loving Venus moves into Aries, your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. With Venus joining adventurous Mars in Aries in this zone, get ready to take the trip of a lifetime, see your name in print, fall in love with an international yet interesting stranger, and soak up as much new and exciting information that you can handle. Are you ready yet? You should be, as after months of kinda sorta waiting in the wings for something amazing to jump off, the Universe is blessing you with the chance to live life to the fullest now. What are you passionate about? What inspires you? This is your opportunity to expand your world by living your truth.

Speaking of living your truth, on February 6th, truth-seeking Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of communication and ideas. As a natural born leader, people often look to you for advice and support though as a stubborn fire sign you can take more of a “do as I say and not as I do” approach to your leadership which can weaken your message. Under Jupiter retrograde your mission will be to learn the importance of practicing what you preach, especially if you want to maintain the integrity of what you say and do. And you know Leo, integrity is a big deal to you. Honor your word. On the 7th, communicative Mercury enters Aquarius, your zone of partnership, which can help you with negotiating a contract, agreement, or deal. With Mercury here, you should find yourself meeting all kinds of new and interesting people that may offer the potential for love or business. If you’re coupled up, Mercury can help keep things fun and lively by helping you to find new things to learn, experience, and discuss together.

Though the month doesn’t really lift off until a Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of confidence and self-image on February 10th. This eclipse is a repeat from 1998, so think back if possible to get a sense of what can transpire. Overall, get ready to feel more empowered, confident, and prosperous than you have in recent years as this eclipse can push you to cut anything or anyone out of your life that unappreciative, unsupportive, or unworthy of you. Since this zone of your chart handles how people see you, you could be catapulted into the spotlight for your talent, hard work, and charisma. Just make sure that whatever you do is legit and on the up and up as eclipses like this have a way of blowing the lid off sordid affairs. On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces – your zone of finances, intimacy, and rebirth. With the Sun here, the spotlight turns to your sense of security and personal power. When it comes to your closest relationships, where are you giving too much away? When Mercury enters Pisces on the 25th, followed by a potent Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th, you could be moved to pay off debt, make a major investment like buying a house or seek healing for a past trauma. Things are looking up.

Virgo: Intimacy and empowerment are the themes for you during the first half of February, when Venus enters Aries (February 3rd) your zone of intimacy, rebirth, and finances. With Venus joining fearless and passionate Mars in Aries, you could pave the way for a soul mate connection or the chance to release, once and for all, a relationship or situation that leaves you feeling devalued or disempowered. Remember, Virgo, love does involve sacrifice at times but you can’t always be the one doing the sacrificing and heavy lifting of the relationship. In terms of your finances, Venus could also bring you a nice little chunk of change by way of a commission, tax break, insurance payout, or an increase in your partner’s finances. If single or not expecting an inheritance any time soon, you can also use the power of Venus and Mars to help you get out of debt sooner than expected. You could find yourself working with a money coach, financial advisor, or a reputable healer to help you heighten your ability to magnetize what you desire.

Your finances remain in the spotlight as wealthy Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra (February 6th), your zone of income, self-worth, possessions. Under Jupiter retrograde, money may be a bit slow going as you reexamine what you do for living, why you do it, and if it this works aligns with what you believe in. For example, if you’re not happy with your job you may want to question as to why you believe you need to settle for it. Rethink your relationship to abundance. The good news here is that if you missed out on an opportunity, you could get a second chance. On the 7th, Mercury (your patron saint), moves into Aquarius; your zone of health, work and routine. With Mercury here, your schedule picks up significantly but know that it’s not about overdoing it as much as it is about using Aquarius’ innovation and independence to find a schedule, health routine, or work environment that makes sense for you.

On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse in Leo sweeps through your zone of rest, healing, and release. As a result, you could be motivated to put an end to a soul crushing situation (especially on the professional front) or seek the help of a therapist to help you move past a fear or blockage. Since emotional health is also connected to the state of your physical health, you could discover better techniques to help you combat stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Overall, whatever is revealed to you at this eclipse will be beneficial information to help you be the best you can be. And that includes acceptance of your flaws and all. On the 18th, the Sun moves into Pisces, your zone of partnership and your source of vitality is through time spent with your partner or by joining forces with someone who can help you build your business. When Mercury moves into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th, some Virgos may tie the knot, get engaged, meet a soulmate, or become a part of an epic collaboration. Use the gift of Mercury to help you meet new people, learn new things, and share new experiences. Just make sure anyone you choose to team up with, whether in love or business, is who they say they are at all times.

Libra: This month may feel a bit stop and go, though it’s important to remember that even if things temporarily feel still, it doesn’t mean things aren’t working in your favor. That said, let’s get to the good stuff first. Your love life heats up significantly when Venus, your patron saint, enters the passionate fires of Aries on February 3rd. With Venus joining her mythical consort Mars, who’s also in Aries, in your zone of partnership and marriage your love magic is at peak potency. If single, you could meet someone bold, brazen, and adoringly irresistible that could turn out to be a long-term potential. If you’re already coupled up, this could be a time when you and your love rekindle the spark between you by taking off on a new adventure or taking off for the bedroom and that’s just a fraction of the fun. Since this zone of your chart also covers business partnerships and clientele, you could make some fast money by becoming a part of a joint venture or selling a product or service. While Venus isn’t always comfortable in Aries, you can make the most of it with a “get it while it’s hot” approach to love, wealth, and everything in between. With Venus going retrograde next month, will help you get through the low season.

Speaking of things slowing down, Jupiter the planet of expansion and opportunity begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of self-confidence and self-image, on February 6th. With Jupiter going into a bit of a hibernation, you’ll be asked to review your current trajectory and decide if things are moving in the direction you want. If not, Jupiter will give you the opportunity to take a few steps back and shift course. Since hosting Jupiter here can also affect your self-confidence, Jupiter retrograde may take the wind out of your sails a little, though recognize the goal here is for you to reinforce your sense of self and not look to others to do it. If you’ve been tempering or filtering yourself at the expense of being nice, Jupiter retrograde wants you to live authentically. And while we’re on the subject of authenticity, when Mercury moves into Aquarius (your zone of creativity and self-expression) on the 7th, it’s time to explore what moves you and bring it to show and tell. By living your passion, you motivate others to live theirs.

On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of friendship and future plans. Over the next six months, you could decide to end a friendship that has been largely unsupportive, or finally find the right group of people that make you feel at home and treasured. With this zone covering your hopes and wishes, the people you connect with could help you in getting the recognition or clout you need to make those dreams real. Since this eclipse will be beaming some extra blessings down on you, your chances of finding love are increased while you could receive a lucky break that catapults you into a prestigious or publicly acclaimed role. Make sure you’re camera ready! When the Sun enters Pisces, your zone of health, work, and routines on February 18th, it’s time for some healing. Mark this as your time to get a chronic health condition under control and employ better self care practices. When Mercury enters Pisces on the 25th, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th; you could begin therapy, be pushed to take better care of your body, or make it your mission to find a job that is less stressful and demanding. Use Mercury in Pisces to help you see these areas in a different light.

Scorpio: The month begins with the spotlight on your zone of health, work, and routines as Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on February 3rd. With Venus, the planet of pleasure and wealth, joining confident Mars in Aries, there could be an opportunity or several for you to go after an exciting new job opportunity that could offer you more freedom or the chance to set your own schedule. For some Scorpios, this could point to entrepreneurship, especially when the Lunar Eclipse in Leo arrives on the 10th (more on that later). Though with this zone also being associated with your health, you may find that you have more energy this month than you have in quite some time, though you still may need to be wary of doing too much at once. Instead of scattering your energy, try to work with your body’s natural rhythm to find a schedule that fits your needs that allows you to work in short bursts in lieu of putting in long, stressful hours. Now’s the time for you to work with your body and not against it, that includes food and diet too. If you need to combat stress or anxiety, a high-intensity workout like kickboxing could be helpful. 

Speaking of your health and well-being, when Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of rest and retreat, on February 6th, you’ll be asked to review your life where it pertains to your spirit and spirituality which could send you on a pilgrimage of sorts. With Jupiter in one of the most ethereal places in your chart, you may need to review where you’ve been too idealistic or have allowed certain beliefs (especially religious ones) to keep you complacent and complicit with the status quo. While you’re known to be fearless, especially when it comes to going after the truth or facing what scares you head on, you can sometimes stick with something or someone if it’s comfortable enough. When Mercury moves into rebellious Aquarius (your zone of home and family) on the 7th, part of your mission this month will be breaking through old thoughts and perceptions in exchange for your freedom at a very deep level.

On February 10th, an influential Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of career, fame, and recognition; setting you up for a major move or shakeup in your professional life. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, you may suddenly exit your job for something better or decide to strike out on your own. This eclipse could also bring you some sort of public recognition or accolades for all of your hard work. Get ready to celebrate your accomplishments! A note: since this eclipse will be landing in one of the more public areas of your chart, make sure that you’re running a tight ship as leaks and loose lips could bring you the kind of attention that you don’t want. On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces and moves into your zone of creativity, romance, and adventure. With the spotlight on enjoyment and self-expression, your mission is make sure that you are doing plenty of it. When communicative Mercury shifts into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a potent Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th, you could start a passionate new love affair, deepen the bond with your current love, or get a new addition to the family. (Note: if children aren’t on your wish list – take great care!). Overall, under the magical waters of Pisces, your mission is to remember that you are the star of your own universe.

Sagittarius: Do you remember what passion feels like? Well, get ready to find out as this month is all about reconnecting to that fire inside of you. The action begins on February 3rd when Venus moves into Aries, your zone of romance, creativity, and adventure. With Venus (the planet of pleasure, wealth, and love) joining passionate Mars in Aries, your love life is about to seriously heat up. Whether you’re single or not, this is where you get back to living in the moment while being adored and worshipped like the supreme being you are. Singles should expect to meet someone bold and opinionated with a zest for life while couples can rekindle the flame by doing new, fun, and interesting activities together. Plus, the sex shouldn’t be half bad for any consenting Sag. One thing to keep in mind is the possibility that new relationships started now may burn out as quickly as they started, though it doesn’t mean that they won’t be fun. Since Venus and Mars will also be in the zone of your chart that also rules creativity and self-expression, you could make money (Venus) by taking a bold leap (Mars) with a talent, craft, or hobby.

Though things may get a little tricky when Jupiter, your ruling planet, begins its four-month retrograde (February 6th) in Libra, your zone of friendship and allies. In astrology, whenever your ruling planet is retrograde (moving backwards) it can make you feel like you’re retrograde too. That’s why in order to alleviate this problem, February will be more about reinforcing and reviewing your friendships and connections as opposed to establishing new ones. If you find that your relationships are not as authentic or supportive as you’d like them to be, Jupiter retrograde will give you the opportunity to address that. Since this zone also has to do with your future plans, hosting Jupiter retrograde here can help you to review them and make revisions and tweaks where necessary. On the 7th, communicative Mercury assists you with this project when it moves to Aquarius, your zone of communication and ideas. With the Sun and Mercury in this zone, your mission will be to soak up as much info as you can to help you get ahead.

On the 10th, an influential Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Over the next six months that follow this eclipse, you could complete an academic program, get published, change or exit your religion, or get the opportunity to teach abroad. For some Sagittarius, this eclipse could also bring new love, especially through travel or another culture. Since this eclipse contains an auspicious merger between the Sun and Jupiter, utilize this eclipse to help you take a bold step forward in achieving a dream or launching a creative project like a website or class. Since Jupiter will be retrograde, you may want to do a soft launch first. On the 18th when the Sun moves to Pisces, your zone of home and family) you’re asked to draw inward again. At this time your focus may pulled toward the state of your own home or addressing something from the past. When Mercury shifts into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a potent Solar Eclipse on the 26th, you may get the opportunity to manifest your dream home or to establish a better connection to a parent or the women in your life. Releasing one of these people for the sake of your emotional well-being could also be an option. Motherhood or parenting could also be on the horizon. Plan accordingly.

Capricorn: Your home and private life take center stage at the top of the month when Venus enters Aries, your zone of home and family on February 3rd. Since Venus favors pleasure, comfort, and pretty things to look at; this would be an optimal time to redecorate your living space. With Venus joining go-getter Mars in Aries, who just loves using tools, you could embark on a DIY project or renovate a room or space in your home. Hosting Venus in your home zone could also show you the power of using a home upgrade to upgrade your life. You’d be surprised how a fresh coat of paint, funky prints, or rearranging the furniture (as with Feng Shui) can help you to magnetize the kind of life you want. Since this area also covers family, time spent with yours could be a source of joy and support. One caveat though – Mars is known for stirring up arguments, so you’ll have to be mindful of getting into battles with family now. Though if there’s something on your chest that you need to air out, Mars can help you do it.

On February 6th, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of career, fame, and achievement. While Jupiter is known for bringing fanfare and opportunities, one thing you may need to question yourself on is whether an opportunity or career move you’ve taken is something that resonates with you on a deeper level or if it’s to impress others. As one lesson that you’ve been learning up to this point is that just because it looks good on paper (prestige, money, status), it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s something for you. Where your professional life and values are concerned – are you being true to who you are? Some answers may come in the days that follow February 7th, when Mercury moves into Aquarius and into your zone of self-worth and income. As Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac, it may be time for you to play by your own set of rules and redefine what’s important to you in order for you to magnetize what you desire. If you’ve been looking for a new job or income, Mercury can help introduce you to the right people.

On the 10th, the Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. Over the six months that follow this eclipse; you could kiss a debt goodbye or work on reducing it, you could break free of a disempowering relationship, or you could make a major investment like purchasing a house. Since this zone of your chart handles death and rebirth, it seems there is an old habit or old way of being that needs to die in order for you to emerge stronger, wiser, and more stable. Consider any crisis that comes up now as necessary to your evolution. On the 18th, the Sun moves into Pisces, your zone of communication and ideas. With the Sun in this zone, expect your schedule to get increasingly busy as you work to keep up with all the words, thoughts, and information coming your way. However, by the time Mercury in Pisces arrives (February 25th), you’ll be in the mood to soak up and discuss as much information as you can. As such a project in writing or media make take up your time. When the Solar Eclipse in Pisces arrives on the 26th, this could be the green light to launch a website or online business, jump into consulting work, garner attention for your work, build your list of contacts, or change your way of thinking.

Aquarius: As your birthday season continues on, this month seems to make up for the dreariness of last month starting with charming Venus’ move into Aries (your zone of communication and ideas) on February 3rd. With Venus joining confident Mars in Aries in this zone, you’re dripping just the right amount of genius, charm, and swagger to get people to hang on to your every word and do your bidding. This means that if there’s a creative project you want to launch or push through or a message you need to get across, Venus and Mars will be working side by side helping you to move the masses. Since Venus is associated with wealth and money, an idea or product you produce now (like a website or a pitch for a magazine article) could bring in some extra cash. Above all else, Aries energy is about finding the courage to take a chance on something that you wouldn’t normally do. If there was a time for thinking outside the box, this is it. One word of caution though: having Mars here could fry your circuits if you don’t pace your workload, schedule, and social media use. Try to take frequent breaks if you can.

On the 6th, expansive Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Libra, your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. With Jupiter retrograde here you may need to rethink or review a big picture plan that you have in the works or put a trip or school on hold. While this may seem troubling at first, the goal here is to make sure you know what you want and it’s something that you can commit to. Incidentally, since this area of your chart is also connected to religious and moral beliefs, you may be asked to review or reaffirm yours to make sure that what you believe is legit. On February 7th, Mercury moves into Aquarius, your zone of self-confidence and self-image. With Mercury’s help, you should find yourself meeting and greeting tons of new and exciting people which can connect you to new and exciting offers. Similar to Venus in Aries working in your communication zone, Mercury in Aquarius ensure that your words are golden. You could find yourself being extra social and witty which could bring you love or a sweet business deal. If there’s a presentation or a pitch you want to make Mercury will back you up.

Things get really interesting on the 10th, when a Lunar Eclipse in Leo sweeps through your zone of partnership and marriage. Over the six months that follow this eclipse, some Aquarians may end a relationship in lieu of something better, while other Aquarians could kiss the single life goodbye, or get engaged/married. (P.s. if you do get married, try to hold off until the summer as Venus will be in a better place.) Since the area this eclipse is landing in also covers business relationships and clientele, a joint venture could bear fruit, which could lead to more money and a wider customer base. On the 18th, the Sun moves to Pisces, your zone of income, self-worth and possessions. At this time, the spotlight is on your money, honey and doing what you can to ensure your hard work is properly valued. When Mercury moves into Pisces on the 25th, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th, you could get the job of your dreams or at the very least make it your mission to release anything that detracts from your self-esteem. Use Mercury to come up with a solution to better save and budget your money.

Pisces: Money and how you make it, spend it, and keep it will be a major focus for you for most of this month.  Though with Venus moving into go-getter Aries (your zone of income and possessions) on the 3rd, coupled with confidence boosting Mars in Aries, you’ll find that attracting the kind of cash you need won’t be as tough as you think. As such, the Universe will pave the way for you to boost or pad your income this month, which could come by way of a new gig (or a second gig) or new income for launching a new product or a service. Since this area of your chart also covers values and self-worth, hosting Venus and Mars here can show you the importance of believing in yourself and being upfront and unapologetic about what you want. For example, if you decide to stay at your current job, asking for a raise won’t seem so daunting. One thing to note however, is that Mars can cause your expenses to rise suddenly or have you spending more money than you’re making. Try to keep an eye on your budget as best as you can and avoid impulse buys if possible.

On the subject of money, Jupiter the planet of luck and abundance begins its four-month retrograde in Libra (February 6th), in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. With Jupiter going into a bit of a hibernation mode, your job is to review and reassess your debt and financial obligations as well as the power dynamics in your closest relationships. For example, if you share a living space or financial obligations with someone, yet you’re the one paying the bulk of the balance (especially if it’s putting a strain on you), Jupiter retrograde will make sure that you have no choice but to renegotiate the agreement between you and your share of the weight. This goes for any situation in your relationships where you may be giving more than you’re receiving. Libra is all about balance and you’ll have to make sure that you have enough for yourself too. On the 7th, Mercury moves into Aquarius, your zone of rest, retreat, and release. With your birthday coming up, you’ll need the rest and solitude that Mercury in Aquarius will bring in order to clear your psychic cache and prepare for the new chapter you’re embarking on. If your mind gets too busy or anxious, Mercury can help you to find a meditative or journaling practice that can help ease your mind.

On the 10th, an influential Lunar Eclipse in Leo illuminates your zone of health, work, and routine. With an eclipse here you may decide to leave an unproductive or overly demanding job, put an end to a bad habit or addiction, or make the move to take better care of your health. Since Leo is associated with the heart, at this time you may want to visit your doctor and make sure that everything is ok with your cardiovascular system. Overall, you’re being asked to take charge over your life and take better care of what matters to you – yourself included. On the 18th, happy days are here again because it’s the start of your birthday season! The Sun enters Pisces and lights up your zone of confidence and self-image. Having the Sun back home in your sign is like having the Sun shine directly on you and you alone. Your energy, strength, charm, and mojo increase by the thousands. However, because the Universe loves you so, Mercury will also be entering Pisces (February 25th), followed by a magical Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th. Under the influence of this combination, get ready for your moment in the limelight as just about anything you can conjure up can happen. This kind of mojo doesn’t come around often so make sure to use it wisely. Love, money, and happiness are yours for the taking. Happy Birthday!