Monthly Horoscopes Are On Hiatus

Image by sushi-ay/DeviantArt

Image by sushi-ay/DeviantArt

Hello, there! You might have come to this page looking for the monthly horoscopes. In order to redirect some of my attention to other things that I have cooking behind the scenes - like my new book (which will be dropping in August 2021), I’ve decided to step back from the monthlies for the time being. Though I do leave you in good hands with a crazy talented up-and-coming astrologer - Six. You can find Six’s monthly horoscopes on Bustle.

I’ll still be doing the daily horoscopes for Bustle as scheduled.

Though if you haven’t checked out my horoscopes for the year, head over to and read my Yearly Horoscopes for 2021 as well as my Love Horoscopes for 2021.

Here’s to good and necessary changes for the new year!

2020 Yearly Horoscopes


If 2020 could be summarized, this would be the year that we’re called to tear down the things in our lives that are no longer working, while redefining what’s truly important to us—including the way we connect with others, our ambitions, and our markers for success. We can expect to be quite busy this year laying down new foundations for our lives in 2020 and the years to come. Though to do this work, we’ll need to be ready to join forces with others, learn new things, and break free of dull routines.

Read more at GIRLBOSS