Music To My Ears

soul sign

Many of you may not know this but way back when (circa 2008), before I became an astrologer, I was a part of the indie art scene here in NYC for a few years. I wrote poetry, I dabbled in filmmaking, I performed onstage and at open mics, I went to all the underground art shows and indie concerts. And then somewhere along the line, I kind of fell out of love with the scene and gave that part of myself up as I moved on to pursuing a new direction in my life and career.

Then, about two months ago, I received an email from a very talented musician and composer, Marquis Hill. Marquis had the idea to do an astrology themed album and invited me to collaborate with him on it. I jumped at the opportunity. Not only did I love Marquis’ work and thought it would be cool to be a part of this project, but I knew that doing this would help me tap back into a part of myself that I’d been disconnected from for a very long time. Turns out my intuition was right.

Download Soul Sign by Marquis Hill.

Trumpeter, Composer and Producer, Marquis Hill releases a 12 track cosmic musical journey through the zodiacs in the form of a spoken word infused beat tape.

“ A yearning to learn more about the Zodiac - types and celestial influence for The Good - I’ve been inspired toward a fresh project. In its place, this extended spiritual knowledge of self is crucial in our lifetime. Collaborating with astrologers Mecca Woods and Boro the Lucky Libra - both hailing from the Bronx - we developed tracks that musically impressionize each Zodiac sign.

Here, jazz, spoken word and hip hop orbits and dances together. Each track is quite different, consistent with the often vast differences among the Zodiac signs and their types. Recorded during quarantine life, in Boston, NYC, and Chicago, this project underscores resilient elementals, energies in terms of fire, water, air, and earth”

Thoughts & Explanations on The Astrology of February

Greetings beloveds,

There’s lots happening this month so let’s jump right in and discuss it all piece by piece.

After weeks of being in Pisces, helping us to find compassion and sensitivity in the face of injustice, discrimination, and egotism; Venus, the planet of love, pleasure and wealth moves into Aries (Feb 3) to help us find our fight for the things and people we hold dear. Since Venus is not typically at home in Aries (she prefers Libra, Taurus, and Pisces), there may be a few false starts and misfires when it comes to getting what we want, especially as Venus will be joining aggressive Mars in Aries for the majority of her stay. While Aries energy can help us with finding the courage to stand up for ourselves in the face of bullying and oppression, we have to be mindful of choosing our battles carefully as Aries can be the fire that quickly rages out of control, burning us all in the process with its “me first” way of operating. Though, if there was ever a sign you can call on to topple over an oppressive regime and the systems that created it, Aries is it. Think of Venus and Mars in Aries as the volcanic lava that produces the fertile and mineral rich soil in which new and nourishing things can be planted and grown. (When Mars squares off with power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn on Feb 21 and joins up with explosive Uranus in Aries on Feb 25, expect major clashes and shakeups)


By Feb 6 (Feb 5 if you’re on pacific time), Jupiter – the planet of abundance, travel, religion and law – begins its retrograde in diplomatic and marriage-minded Libra. While some astrologers, myself included, heralded lucky Jupiter’s arrival in Libra as a chance to spread the love, Saturn in Sagittarius (Sag is ruled by Jupiter) has ensured (as well as free will) that Jupiter in Libra has become more about being fair and impartial to the most xenophobic and bigoted among us (i.e. the argument on whether it’s okay to punch a Nazi, give Trump a chance, etc). However, with Jupiter retrograde in Libra, collectively we are going to be asked to rethink (and in some cases repeal) our ethics and laws, namely in context to fairness, justice, and respect to others. Personally speaking, I don’t believe that bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia fall under the umbrella of equality and respect. The Libra penchant for peace at any cost will have to be reexamined as we need to continue to have these uncomfortable conversations and encounters to spark true change. As Aquarius season continues, we’ll see that change, unrest and protest, community building and humanitarian efforts will remain the focus, especially when Mercury (communication) enters Aquarius on Feb 7.

Speaking of true change, Feb 10 marks the first of the eclipses on the Leo-Aquarius axis with a Lunar Eclipse in Leo. Similar to Aries and Libra, Leo and Aquarius handle themes of me versus we, whereas Leo’s fire is concerned with unabashed self-expression, creativity, and living from the heart while Aquarius’ air is concerned with helping others, innovation, and living from a place of logic. Though the power of Leo resides in its healthy dose of self-confidence, Leo must beware of egoism, vanity, and ruling its kingdom (and relationships) with a totalitarian, my way or the highway approach. At its best Leo can stoke a fire that inspires, warms, cheers, and entertains – which why some of our best leaders and entertainers are Leo Suns, Moons, and Risings. Under this Leo eclipse, these themes will be prevalent not only in our own lives but across the globe highlighting the best and worst of human nature. However, as this eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse, a powerful Full Moon for release, endings, and culminations this eclipse will be about releasing the Leo shadow of self-centeredness in exchange for that Leo sunshine that lights up the world.

Incidentally, back when the Leo-Aquarius eclipses swept through between 1998-2000 we saw: the European Court of Human Rights established; Leo Sun and then US president Bill Clinton impeached for gross misconduct and perjury; the famine in Sudan become a worldwide tragedy, exposing human rights abuses and "the failure of the international community to the famine risk with adequate speed"; South Africa release its final report from the Truth and Reconcilliation Comission which aimed to heal the country post-apartheid; Vladimir Putin take power in Russia; NATO intervening in the Kosovo War which was fueled by ethnic cleansing; the Columbine High School shootings which sparked gun control debates; and the 2000 US presidential election. Eclipses on the Leo-Aquarius axis tend to highlight people in power, how they manage that power, and the communal response to that power – especially if it’s been abused or unevenly distributed. I should note that while researching these eclipses, I noticed that there was a high occurrence of natural disasters like earthquakes, that seemed to represent the volatile and unstable energy of tearing down and rebuilding. P.s. Trump is a Leo Rising.

Lastly, when Pisces season kicks off on Feb 18, we are going to be pushed back into emotional territory as we center again on the importance of empathy and compassion for the marginalized and underrepresented, as well as the power of divine feminine energy and its capacity to heal. When Mercury arrives in Pisces on the 25th, followed by a Solar Eclipse in Pisces, the last of the eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces until 2024, the focus will be on using our hearts and intuition lead us. Since eclipses tend to create an emotional crisis of sorts because the Moon (feelings) is involved, some of us may experience a crisis in faith or a crisis in reality, especially as Pisces can be overly idealistic or flat-out manipulative in its expression. Around this time we may have to watch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing, being held back by relationships that drain us, or over-indulging in drugs, alcohol, and escapism when life gets too hard. However, as Solar Eclipses are powerful New Moons, a Solar Eclipse in Pisces can help us to flush emotional wounds that need to be healed, improve our connection to Spirit as well as each other, discover the power of our own magic. Another gift that Pisces will bring is recognizing when it’s time to rest and retreat.

Between Aquarius season, Venus and Mars in Aries, and the eclipses our adrenals are going to be worked into overtime with the rapid changes and volatile energy that will be swept in. This means that fatigue, anxiety, depression, malnourishment, and dehydration may be an issue. To combat this, we’ll need to create ample space for sleep, meditation, prayer, hydration and nourishment, time spent with loved ones, art and creative pursuits, as well as regular fasts from social media and the news. Since Pisces is known for its psychic energy, we’ll also need to be careful with energetic boundaries, especially as Mercury travels through Pisces. Through Pisces, thoughts and feelings become real which means we’ll have to be careful about what we speak into existence and the thoughts we choose to focus on. This is not to say that we shouldn’t acknowledge the darkness, it just means to not only acknowledge it but to also fill it with light. Watch closely for what happens around these eclipses, as they tend to be game changers.

To find out how you can change the game this month (and I’m not talking about the Superbowl), read my February monthly horoscopes.

What To Do When You Don't Identify With Your Zodiac Sign

Photo: Getty Images Stock

Photo: Getty Images Stock

Recently, I shared an article on Facebook, which described the work ethic of each zodiac sign. One of my Facebook friends commented on the post that "I'm always confused when I read Libra descriptions though because I don't seem to fit the bill.” I responded to her comment by asking if she had ever had her birth chart done. She said she hadn’t, which I of course figured out was the case, but it was my gentle way of informing her that astrology is a bit deeper than the pop culture or Sun sign astrology that we usually come across in newspapers and magazines. Not that there’s anything wrong with Sun sign astrology, as it is the Sun that symbolizes the core of who we are, our style of self-expression, when it comes to astrological interpretation. In fact, astrologer Jessica Adams wrote a really good piece a while back about the importance of Sun sign astrology and how folks (mainly professional astrologers) need to stop looking down on it. Here's the link if interested:

But I digress.

While I know that my Facebook friend meant no offense with her comment (and no offense was taken) it did make me think about the many other occasions when I’ve seen people post or speak about how astrology doesn’t resonate with them because they can’t relate to the traits assigned to their Sun sign or the horoscopes that they come across in popular media. Now while I’m no astrology fundamentalist (I recognize and respect that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea), I do suggest that people do a little research with it before they decide to write astrology off entirely. That said, here’s a couple of suggestions on what to do when your zodiac sign doesn’t ring true for you:

1.  Read more than one horoscope. There are tons of astrologers out there who write horoscopes; some for mainstream publication, some for their own website or following, which means there are a variety of styles, voices, and content to choose from for keeping current with the cosmos. I often recommend to astrology beginners to pick 2-3 astrologers they really dig and make a habit out of reading their forecasts. Sometimes you need to have options in order to find something that resonates with you.

2.   Look up your birth chart. A birth chart is kind of like having your own cosmic map or blueprint. If you know the hour and location of your birth, you can go to a website like, where you can pull up your chart for free and take a look around. If you’re feeling really brave, you can Google around a bit to try to interpret it first all on your own. However, no advice really compares to my last point:

3.    Get a reading. This tip is probably the most important advice that I can give you as even a horoscope won’t be able to go into full detail with you about your birth chart. In a reading, a reputable astrologer would not only show you, for example, that you’re an Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, and Taurus Rising, but they would also show you how these three pieces (and more) work together to fuel your greatness and how they can sometimes trip you up.

So, that’s it. That’s my approach. It’s actually the path I took before I became a professional astrologer. Try it out and let me know how it goes. And of course, if you ever need a reading, get atcha girl.

The March 2016 Eclipses: Whatever You Do, Keep Moving


Ok, so the big news for this month are the eclipses. For those of you who may be unsure of what eclipses mean, think of them as really, really, really important (super, even) New and Full Moons. Except, the difference between an eclipse and a regular New or Full Moon is that eclipses tend to bring sharp and fast changes that can often feel like a crisis or emotional upheaval of sorts, and unlike a regular New or Full Moon, eclipse energy lasts for a full six months.

The eclipses of this month: one on March 8th in Pisces (Solar) and the other on March 23rd in Libra (Lunar) pick up where the Virgo and Aries eclipses of September 2015 left off. Eclipses come in pairs and wil set off a chain of events (or at the very least heighten our attention) in two very connected areas of our lives; for example: career and family. The purpose of eclipses is to keep us moving, keep us growing, and to help us with a shot of tough love to let go of anything holding us back.  People often report feeling the effects of an eclipse (myself included) up to a week or so before it actually happens. Since eclipses have to do with the very emotional energy of the Moon, I usually advise people to get all the rest, nourishment, and comfort they can get around this time. Eclipses can be tough on the body and spirit. But when that medicine they deliver kicks in, we become all the more better for it.


Eclipses in Pisces tend to highlight what we need to release and heal, when we need to listen to intuition, engage compassion, and dream big. Solar Eclipses spark beginnings and fresh starts. Those of us with planets or angles (look to your birth chart) near 18-22 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Pisces will be most strongly affected.

Eclipses in Libra tend to highlight where we need to be more diplomatic, gracious, and balanced in our relationships. Lunar Eclipses signal endings and culminations. Those of us with planets or angles near 2-6 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn will be most affected. Incidentally, this eclipse will be the final eclipse of the Aries-Libra pairing which began back in October 2013, and took place again in April 2014, October 2014, March 2015 and September 2015. Think back to see what epiphanies or actions may have been triggered at that time. This is eclipse will be the final chapter of the story.

Still, the eclipses won't be the only things happening this month. Read my March horoscopes (coming soon!) to find out what else to expect.