Full Moon In Capricorn: Finding A New Method To The Madness

Artwork: Esao Andrews, House of Mystery Vol 8.

Artwork: Esao Andrews, House of Mystery Vol 8.

When I was in my teens, my mother had this affirmation taped to the wall in our bathroom. It read: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I’m not sure who it was that first coined this phrase, but it was a quote that had been popular among those in the Narcotics Anonymous fellowship, to which my mother belonged. I used to read these words to myself day after day, wondering if insanity was indeed like the hamster wheel this statement, up on our wall, had made it out to be. Having watched my mom hit the tortuous loop between addiction and wanting freedom from that addiction, I figured that in many ways this was true. While I’ve since grown up to understand addiction as extending beyond the narrow and ableist connotations of the term insanity, I do think there is something to be said about wanting change yet engaging compulsive or habitual behavior that changes…nothing.

Enter the Full Moon in Capricorn (July 19).

By nature, Capricorn loves habit. In habit, there is logic and there is order, there is security and the familiar, there is a sense of practice that makes perfect, there is structure and there is method. Through Capricorn, we learn how persistence, planning, and application creates the kind of foundation that empires and legacies are built on. Wherever Capricorn shows up in our lives, we are called to follow the due process that brings achievement and success. But what happens when we’ve outgrown the process? What happens when we’ve hit the point of no one size fits all portion of the program and we realize that we can’t get to where we want by following in the footsteps of someone else? Or better still, what happens when we have the kind of goals and ambitions to change our lives as we know them but continue on with the beliefs and habits that keep things the same? We have to be willing to try something new.

This Moon in Capricorn is being opposed by the Sun in Cancer (which makes it a Full Moon) and both will sit in a harsh angle to Uranus in Aries. Uranus, being the planet of breakthrough, instability, and radical change (transiting a headstrong and impulsive sign like Aries), means that there’s going to be an unsettling kind of energy that’s coming in with this moon. While Cancer is Capricorn’s astrological opposite, the two of these signs still share a need for security and stability. For Capricorn it’s material stability, for Cancer it’s emotional security. Though, like Capricorn, Cancer can instinctively fall back on habit and comfort when its security is threatened as a means to keep things as they are—stable. And this is where the real work comes in, kiddos. How are we supposed to remain stable when the world around us is crumbling to bits? The answer is that in some ways we must crumble along with it. We must be willing to release the dead, decayed, and outworn structures in our lives so that we can build new ones that can better support the “I” and the “We” that we are becoming. As astrologer Howard Sasportas writes in his book The Twelve Houses:

“The desire to become something greater than we are must be accompanied by the capacity to envision new and different possibilities. More than any other species, the large human brain and evolved cerebral cortex endows human beings to imagine a wide range of alternatives, choices, and outcomes…In this context, it is helpful to remember that the more clearly we can imagine a possibility, the closer we bring it to actualization. Encouraging positive visions of the future aids the process of moving in a more positive direction.”

In other words, we can’t continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Luckily, that’s where Mars in Scorpio comes in, offering a bit of a release valve or a way out of the madness we may find ourselves in. Through the fearlessness, dedication, and laser focus of Mars in Scorpio, we are encouraged to strike out on a new path towards what we want. Are you ready? Life is changing as we know it. We must be able to change with it.

New Moon in Taurus: Hold Your Ground

Stability has never been my forte. Put another way: I have always lived my life in a state of crisis. One reason for this is because it's part of my Chironic story. Having natal Chiron (karmic subconscious wound) in Taurus has meant that one of my biggest challenges in this lifetime has been to overcome insecurity, as Taurus is a sign whose purpose is to experience all the luxury, resources, and self-worth life has to offer. Another reason why instability has been an issue for me is because it's also a part of my family legacy. In my birth chart, Uranus (instability) sits right on top of my 4th House (emotional conditioning, family history), plus I have my Moon (instinct, emotional style, the archetype of one's mother) in unpredictable Aquarius.

In plain terms, this means I grew up in a household with parents whose own childhood wounds resulted in drug addiction and for my mother especially, mental health issues. The result of which often meant eviction threats, utility shut offs (we went years without a phone in the house), second hand clothes, nearly empty refrigerator, and fights over money (mostly the lack of it) my family and I dealt with time and time again; year after year. And because I grew up in scarcity, it became all too easy for me to take on the same bad habits with money my parents had, along with the belief that I would never have enough because, I too, wasn't good enough to deserve it. I had came to believe that scarcity was my birthright. As a result, stability in all of it's Taurus essence --being well-fed, well-paid, well-dressed, well-lived--has always been something that has eluded me (actually, frustrated the fuck out of me); up until now.

Fast forward to today, under this New Moon in Taurus which falls directly on my Midheaven (10th House), a critical point in everyone's birth chart that connects each of us to the promise and manifestation of our personal legacy, and I find the power of this moon, of Taurus season resonating with me more than it ever has in a very long time. Perhaps this also because I've been on a fever hot mission (thank you Mars) to break the cycle of my familial legacy (thank you Saturn) so that I can build (and maintain) a solid foundation for myself and my daughter. Today this New Moon gives me the opportunity to plant the seeds to create this future. Today, this New Moon in Taurus gives us all the opportunity to lay the groundwork to create the kind of life we desire.

This is why for me the biggest question under this moon is not so much about the kind of seeds we're planting but more about what we do when we've planted them; when we've set the intentions, made the prayers, or created the vision board to make our dreams real. What do we do when it seems like it takes forever to make progress or as though we are making no progress at all? Through Taurus, we dig in. We work. We add 1 part determination and 2 parts resilience. We say fuck fear and fuck failure. We treat ourselves kind. We affirm that abundance and pleasure are our birth right. We have patience. We hold our ground.


What To Do When You Don't Identify With Your Zodiac Sign

Photo: Getty Images Stock

Photo: Getty Images Stock

Recently, I shared an article on Facebook, which described the work ethic of each zodiac sign. One of my Facebook friends commented on the post that "I'm always confused when I read Libra descriptions though because I don't seem to fit the bill.” I responded to her comment by asking if she had ever had her birth chart done. She said she hadn’t, which I of course figured out was the case, but it was my gentle way of informing her that astrology is a bit deeper than the pop culture or Sun sign astrology that we usually come across in newspapers and magazines. Not that there’s anything wrong with Sun sign astrology, as it is the Sun that symbolizes the core of who we are, our style of self-expression, when it comes to astrological interpretation. In fact, astrologer Jessica Adams wrote a really good piece a while back about the importance of Sun sign astrology and how folks (mainly professional astrologers) need to stop looking down on it. Here's the link if interested: http://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article141231_e.htm

But I digress.

While I know that my Facebook friend meant no offense with her comment (and no offense was taken) it did make me think about the many other occasions when I’ve seen people post or speak about how astrology doesn’t resonate with them because they can’t relate to the traits assigned to their Sun sign or the horoscopes that they come across in popular media. Now while I’m no astrology fundamentalist (I recognize and respect that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea), I do suggest that people do a little research with it before they decide to write astrology off entirely. That said, here’s a couple of suggestions on what to do when your zodiac sign doesn’t ring true for you:

1.  Read more than one horoscope. There are tons of astrologers out there who write horoscopes; some for mainstream publication, some for their own website or following, which means there are a variety of styles, voices, and content to choose from for keeping current with the cosmos. I often recommend to astrology beginners to pick 2-3 astrologers they really dig and make a habit out of reading their forecasts. Sometimes you need to have options in order to find something that resonates with you.

2.   Look up your birth chart. A birth chart is kind of like having your own cosmic map or blueprint. If you know the hour and location of your birth, you can go to a website like astro.com, where you can pull up your chart for free and take a look around. If you’re feeling really brave, you can Google around a bit to try to interpret it first all on your own. However, no advice really compares to my last point:

3.    Get a reading. This tip is probably the most important advice that I can give you as even a horoscope won’t be able to go into full detail with you about your birth chart. In a reading, a reputable astrologer would not only show you, for example, that you’re an Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, and Taurus Rising, but they would also show you how these three pieces (and more) work together to fuel your greatness and how they can sometimes trip you up.

So, that’s it. That’s my approach. It’s actually the path I took before I became a professional astrologer. Try it out and let me know how it goes. And of course, if you ever need a reading, get atcha girl.

The March 2016 Eclipses: Whatever You Do, Keep Moving


Ok, so the big news for this month are the eclipses. For those of you who may be unsure of what eclipses mean, think of them as really, really, really important (super, even) New and Full Moons. Except, the difference between an eclipse and a regular New or Full Moon is that eclipses tend to bring sharp and fast changes that can often feel like a crisis or emotional upheaval of sorts, and unlike a regular New or Full Moon, eclipse energy lasts for a full six months.

The eclipses of this month: one on March 8th in Pisces (Solar) and the other on March 23rd in Libra (Lunar) pick up where the Virgo and Aries eclipses of September 2015 left off. Eclipses come in pairs and wil set off a chain of events (or at the very least heighten our attention) in two very connected areas of our lives; for example: career and family. The purpose of eclipses is to keep us moving, keep us growing, and to help us with a shot of tough love to let go of anything holding us back.  People often report feeling the effects of an eclipse (myself included) up to a week or so before it actually happens. Since eclipses have to do with the very emotional energy of the Moon, I usually advise people to get all the rest, nourishment, and comfort they can get around this time. Eclipses can be tough on the body and spirit. But when that medicine they deliver kicks in, we become all the more better for it.


Eclipses in Pisces tend to highlight what we need to release and heal, when we need to listen to intuition, engage compassion, and dream big. Solar Eclipses spark beginnings and fresh starts. Those of us with planets or angles (look to your birth chart) near 18-22 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Pisces will be most strongly affected.

Eclipses in Libra tend to highlight where we need to be more diplomatic, gracious, and balanced in our relationships. Lunar Eclipses signal endings and culminations. Those of us with planets or angles near 2-6 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn will be most affected. Incidentally, this eclipse will be the final eclipse of the Aries-Libra pairing which began back in October 2013, and took place again in April 2014, October 2014, March 2015 and September 2015. Think back to see what epiphanies or actions may have been triggered at that time. This is eclipse will be the final chapter of the story.

Still, the eclipses won't be the only things happening this month. Read my March horoscopes (coming soon!) to find out what else to expect.

Mercury In Pisces: The Shaman & The Mystic

Artwork: Anto Machado

Artwork: Anto Machado

The world slows down a bit as Mercury enters Pisces today (March 5th). Over the next couple of weeks, the Universe encourages us to allow dreams, intuition, and compassion influence our thoughts and messages.

Note: there's a waning square between Mercury and Mars as Mars enters Sagittarius that will last another day or so before Venus joins the fracas (more on that later) between the mutable signs (Pisces, Virgo, and Sagittarius) on the 12th. A rule of thumb: Intuit first, then speak/act. Don't go for the BS.




Mars In Sagittarius in 2016

Photo: footloosenomad.com

Photo: footloosenomad.com

Mars enters expansive and adventurous Sagittarius (March 5th) to make an extended stay from now until September (taking a brief dip back into Scorpio from April to July). Under this influence we're passionately motivated by distant travels, international causes, the bigger picture, heated debates, the mission for truth and justice and of course, good old fashioned debauchery. Though with Jupiter in Virgo (details), Saturn in Sagittarius (responsibility), and Neptune in Pisces (intuition) flanking Mars, we'll need to have a clear aim/strategy before taking off for territory unknown.

Capricorn Season: Redefining Wealth

From the Earthbound Oracle deck. 

From the Earthbound Oracle deck. 

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have caught me tweeting recently on how important it is not to skip meals and how missing meals is actually a form of negating abundance. Keep in mind that I understand for those who can't afford to eat regularly or suffer from an eating disorder, eating on a healthy and consistent basis is of course out of their control and requires help. However, for those of us who are able to keep up with our meals, we shouldn't take for granted that creating space to eat (as well as the food itself) is a form of physical wealth.

As we move through Capricorn season, which includes a New Moon in Capricorn and Mercury's retrograde through Cap (both of which have lit up my zone of income and possessions), we are encouraged to review and redefine our wealth. While food and nourishment may seem to fall in Cancer's wheelhouse, Capricorn has some authority in this realm too as Capricorn shares Cancer's need for security. The only difference being that Cancer craves emotional security while Capricorn seeks it in the material world. And if we can consider land and crops as a physical resources (both provide a source of sustenance/security), then our bodies have to be included too. After all, we can't do much if we don't have our health. Plus, if we want to magnetize abundance, we have to be in a place where we feel abundant already in order to draw more of it to us, otherwise we'll find ourselves operating from a place of desperation. And desperation is not sexy.

If you missed my tweets, I've included them below. Unsurprisingly, when I asked how many people worked through their lunch or ate at their desk, I received a huge response from people (mostly women) who said they did and apparently way too often. Incidentally, not long after I tweeted about taking necessary time during a busy day to eat, two of my friends on Facebook (who don't follow me on Twitter) posted two separate articles about the same thing, which you can find here and here


Daily Reflections: Seeing Yourself In The Tarot

"Justice" by Yves http://alk0n0st.tumblr.com/

"Justice" by Yves http://alk0n0st.tumblr.com/

So, an artist on Twitter, who goes by @_martiniboy, created this card inspired of course by Nicki Minaj and the minute I saw it, I couldn't help but to fall in love with it. When I saw the image retweeted into my timeline early this morning I knew there needed to be a full deck based on it; not only because Nicki Minaj has been stealing my heart more and more as of late but because I believe gorgeous artwork like this, Tarot imagery based on people of color, is largely absent from the Tarot market. (A Tarot friend of mine, Beth of littleredtarot.com, recently wrote about this issue on her blog).

As a Tarot reader, I have yet to find a deck featuring people of color that really resonates with me as a black woman, which is why I've been clinging so heavily to my Black Cats Tarot Deck (which features cats, not people LOL).

The Magican from The Black Cats Tarot Deck

The Magican from The Black Cats Tarot Deck

And this is not to say that there aren't any decks that exist with subjects of color, the Daughters of the Moon and Motherpeace Tarot decks immediately come to mind. It's just that the selection is so sparse.

Cards from the Daughters of the Moon deck. Photo courtesy of astroamerica.com

Cards from the Daughters of the Moon deck. Photo courtesy of astroamerica.com

This is also a similar issue I sometimes have with astrology, as the Western astrology I practice is rooted in Greco-Roman symbology. Which is why I often choose to include wider representations of astrological symbolism on my blog and elsewhere. To me, it just makes sense to be able to see affirmative images of yourself if the goal of Tarot (or any other form of divination/spiritual practice/self-development method) is to consistently affirm yourself and your connection to the Divine Source.

But back to Nicki and this glorious card. I (and about a thousand others) have begged the artist to create a full a deck. I'm happy to report that he says he is considering doing two more cards featuring Beyonce and Rihanna (especially since Nicki saw the card and gave it her blessing). I asked him to go for the full 22 Major Arcana. We'll see if he does. Either way, I look forward to seeing more.

Full Moon in Aquarius: Keeping Your Head Above Water

"Keeping Your Head Above Water" by John Dinser

"Keeping Your Head Above Water" by John Dinser

July 31st brings a full moon in Aquarius, the second full moon of this month; otherwise known as a Blue Moon. Symbolically, blue moons are considered to be auspicious since they rarely occur and therefore signify occasions that have a once in a lifetime kind of vibe. Truth be told, I've been aware for weeks that this full moon was coming but I didn't really get the chance to think about what this moon would mean until after a rather impromptu text exchange with a dear friend of mine. She wrote: "I feel challenged to think outside the box." And that's an Aquarian theme, right? Aquarius pushes us to think outside of the box. Aquarius pushes us to do things differently than we have ever done before. Through Aquarius we experience breakthrough, freedom. So why has breaking through been so hard?

To say that this last month has been emotional is an understatement. With 50-11 planets in Water signs, the past 30 days (and if you want to get technical: the last two years) have been downright distressing. From Saturn in Scorpio churning up our fears to Neptune in Pisces wearing down our walls to transit planets in Cancer poking hard at our soft spots, we have been living in a world under water. Having been given the cosmic push to plunge deep into this space, to experience the full spectrum of our emotions, for some of us this period has been cathartic--cleansing. For the rest of us, this period has been full of painful reminders; water does after all hold our memories, as does the moon. In too much water, we can feel stuck, drowned, and well in over our heads. Though this full moon in Aquarius provides a buoy. This moon in Aquarius offers up fresh air; a shot at freedom from the stagnant and murky entanglements that hold us back.

In astrology, Water signs usually get the credit for being the most intuitive, though Aquarius, an Air sign, is intuitive too. Co-ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus (the mythological keepers of time), and represented by the symbols of electricity and water--Aquarius is a conduit. Picking up on trends and currents, Aquarius experiences this intuition by way of aha-moments, rationale, and flashes of insight. As full moons represent culminations and endings of a cycle, this moon represents a much needed goodbye. This is a moon of the future.

Looking back again at what my friend wrote to me, I am reminded that this moon is co-ruled by Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Scorpio. Whatever flashes of insight we receive, whatever decisions we make at this time has less to do with thinking outside of the box and more to do with finding the courage (Aries/Scorpio) to actually move beyond it. We already know what needs to be done, what changes need to be made for true progress. We just need to do it. This is our chance.


Full Moon in Sagittarius: Give Us Free

Photo courtesy of: http://sequine.forumotion.com/

Photo courtesy of: http://sequine.forumotion.com/

On June 2nd the Universe blesses us with a Full Moon in Sagittarius. Coming into close quarters to Jupiter in Leo and Mars and Mercury (retrograde) in Gemini, this is a Moon that undoubtedly pushes us to break free. Under this Full Moon in Sagittarius we are encouraged to rid ourselves of emotional entanglements (it's also squaring off with Neptune in Pisces), unnecessary distractions, and anything that does not speak to our true purpose.

With the help of Mercury Retrograde, this is our opportunity to rethink anything (or anyone) that holds us back from our vision. Here is where we can redirect our energy (Mars) to more emotionally fulfilling endeavors that speak to the heart of who we are (Jupiter in Leo, Moon in Sagittarius). For some of us, this may be getting a second chance at a missed opportunity while for others, it may mean taking a gamble on an opportunity you may have been trying to talk yourself out of, but you're getting every reason under the Sun to just go and do it.

As the Full Moon in Sagittarius approaches, think about where the theme of freedom resonates the most with you right now. Then, once you’ve sat with this vision, send it out into the world.

Devil in a Dress: What Tarot Has Taught Me (So Far)

The Devil card from The Black Cats Tarot Deck

The Devil card from The Black Cats Tarot Deck

A little over a month ago, in a more determined effort to learn Tarot, I registered for the Alternative Tarot Course designed/taught by the delightful and very knowledgeable, Beth Maiden (@littleredtarot). And I don't know if it's because of Beth's very clear and encouraging teaching style or the fact that we share some kinship by way of her Aquarius Sun and my Aquarius Moon (probably a little of each) but I have never been more eager and confident about learning a new subject since when I first got into astrology.

At the beginning of her course, Beth invites students to do a Reader’s Reading which helps students to explore their strengths and challenges with working with the Tarot. In doing one for myself, I pulled the Devil card as the card representing the strengths that I bring to Tarot. Admittedly, I was surprised at this. I freaked out a bit and immediately thought I may have done something wrong as Googling the Devil card did not return many positive hits. What could this mean? I thought frantically. But then as I sat with the card (as Beth advises), I found myself more intrigued than anxious.  Not only was I attracted to the artwork of the Black Cats Tarot card but I started to think about how the Devil has always been considered to be the influence of what does not go with the norm, the counterculture of what’s expected. Then I thought about what it means to be good, normal, etc,. and how I have never really fit into that conventional paradigm. Ever. And it also made me think about how I do bring an element of this unconventionality to my coaching work/readings (Aquarius Moon in the 7th House/Uranus square Mars/Midheaven).

Words and images that also came to me when viewing the card: seductress, Kali Ma (the Hindu Goddess), bad bitch, witch, being in touch/comfortable with the taboo/dark side, divine femininity, pleasure.

Having been a fan of Tarot since I received my first reading back in 2012, I always had an interest in learning to read the cards on my own but only up until recently did I find the courage to do so. This reluctance has been largely in part of me not wanting to, quite bluntly, fuck shit up. I mean, I had already had a handle on astrology but the idea of memorizing and interpreting 78 cards as a form of divination intimidated me. Blame it on the influence of Saturn in my birth chart but I just couldn't bear the thought of making a fool of myself in the face of more experienced Tarot readers, or better yet, I didn't want to risk giving someone bad information. But when it dawned on me that these were the exact thoughts I had before I became a professional astrologer I realized I needed to get over myself and just put in the work. And then I had another realization, that maybe I was experiencing yet another facet of this Devil energy; of how we can be born with this innate power that we're taught to fear/second guess. But that's a dis-empowered form of this energy. And ain't nobody got time for that.

So, in a move to empower myself (and others) further, I will be offering mini Tarot readings alongside my astrology services very soon. Be(a)ware. Be ready.

Venus in Taurus: Pleasure is an Investment

Artwork courtesy of sheebamaya.com

Artwork courtesy of sheebamaya.com

Being a Libra North Node* (with Taurus at the Midheaven*),  I am always fascinated (and at times challenged) by all things Venusian. As the planetary ruler of Libra and Taurus, Venus is the guiding light toward anything that brings us pleasure and romance. Through Libra, she's charming, witty, well-dressed, and creative. Through Taurus, she all of these things too but whereas Libra's focus is on the visual and intellectual expression of Venus, Taurus is more concerned about the sensual and material. And as an Earth sign, it's all about substance and quality for The Bull.

As an astrologer and transformation coach, I can't begin to tell you how many people (especially women) that I come across who spend very little time and money on pleasure. Though I can't say that I blame them, as we live in a culture (namely, American culture) that places way too much emphasis on productivity and not nearly enough on relaxation and renewal. Yet study after study has concluded that being overworked and overextended can lead to some very damaging consequences for our health.

Outside of health complications, there's another danger to being too busy. We lose the power of allure. Think about it. When you're in the throes of something pleasurable, a delicious meal, a juicy kiss, a hearty laugh, a good movie--you light up. You become so consumed with the brilliance of that moment that you become pleasant and enjoyable. You become attractive;  a happy magnet. Knowing all of this, why are we still so pleasure deprived?

We're often bereft of pleasure because we've been conditioned to view it as frivolous. I mean, why put so much effort in wasting time when there's so much to do? However, as the Queen of Pleasure, Venus in Taurus asks a little something different of us. She asks that we shift our perception of fun by taking it seriously. This is not about wasting time or resources as much as it is about being smarter about how we spend it. Through Venus in Taurus we discover that when we take the time out to invest in our pleasure what we are doing is investing in ourselves. So, as planet Venus makes her way across this earthy terrain (from UPDATE for 2017: June 6-July 4), here are a few ways to make the most of this time:

Be wise with your money. This is not about being cheap or exorbitant but about a balance. Treat yourself to quality. Save for security.

Get bodywork. Reiki, acupuncture, and massage are just a few ways to rejuvenate and restore your body.

Eat something healthy and delicious. Bonus if you cook it yourself.

Get into your body. Intro to Pole? Qoya? Belly dancing? Adopting sensual movement as exercise can be fun and invigorating.

Take your time. Slow down your eating, breathing, walking to be more present to the moment.

Wear something pretty. A wonderful way to amp up your self-confidence, joy, and personal allure.

Have good sex. Notice the emphasis on "good." The health benefits are proven.

Create something you love. Then show it off!

Only do something if your heart's really in it. Don't settle for anything less.


Suggested reading: Sacred Seduction by Kitty Cavalier

book seduce.jpg


*North Node/South Node: A component of the birth chart that highlights the purpose of a person's life or karmic path.

*Midheaven: A sensitive point in the birth chart that symbolizes/denotes a person's career path, reputation, or legacy.

Venus in Pisces: What's Your Potion?

Venus, our planetary Goddess of love and wealth, makes her way into Pisces today, where she'll eventually sync up with Neptune, then Mars. But not before having a face-off with Saturn in Sagittarius on January 29th. If we've been fooling ourselves in our relationships; playing too many rounds of victim-savior, or mistaking poverty for piety, Saturn will come along to deliver some hard, but necessary, truth. 


Yet, for those of us who have been erring too far on the side of the cynic, the stoic, the guarded, the critic, the pragmatic-because-it's-safe-side, this deep and dreamy union of Venus, Mars, and Neptune will be a reminder. A planetary potion of sorts to remind us of how it FEELS to be in love, to soul mate, to stand emotionally naked in front of another in our truth. 

  Drink up.

Mars In Pisces: Soldier of Love

Warrior planet, Mars, moves to soft and soulful Pisces today, where he'll stay until February 19th. What happens when you combine the God of War with the Messenger of Peace? Active compassion. Fierce fantasy. Creative courage. 

However, since Mars is also the planet of action and ambition, beware of passive aggression, lack of follow-through, or executing plans with no real aim. This is especially important as Mercury prepares to do his backward spin later this month. 

If love is your campaign, you'll win. Especially if you act on intuition.



New Moon in Capricorn: Make It Work

New Moon in #Capricorn on January 1st to kick off the New Year. #Capricorn is the sign associated with long term plans and goals, financial security, ambition, and structure. What are your 2014 resolutions? May they manifest under the blessings of this New Moon. And thank you all for your support and love throughout 2013. Have a happy, prosperous New Year! Xoxo