Full Moon In Capricorn: Finding A New Method To The Madness

Artwork: Esao Andrews, House of Mystery Vol 8.

Artwork: Esao Andrews, House of Mystery Vol 8.

When I was in my teens, my mother had this affirmation taped to the wall in our bathroom. It read: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I’m not sure who it was that first coined this phrase, but it was a quote that had been popular among those in the Narcotics Anonymous fellowship, to which my mother belonged. I used to read these words to myself day after day, wondering if insanity was indeed like the hamster wheel this statement, up on our wall, had made it out to be. Having watched my mom hit the tortuous loop between addiction and wanting freedom from that addiction, I figured that in many ways this was true. While I’ve since grown up to understand addiction as extending beyond the narrow and ableist connotations of the term insanity, I do think there is something to be said about wanting change yet engaging compulsive or habitual behavior that changes…nothing.

Enter the Full Moon in Capricorn (July 19).

By nature, Capricorn loves habit. In habit, there is logic and there is order, there is security and the familiar, there is a sense of practice that makes perfect, there is structure and there is method. Through Capricorn, we learn how persistence, planning, and application creates the kind of foundation that empires and legacies are built on. Wherever Capricorn shows up in our lives, we are called to follow the due process that brings achievement and success. But what happens when we’ve outgrown the process? What happens when we’ve hit the point of no one size fits all portion of the program and we realize that we can’t get to where we want by following in the footsteps of someone else? Or better still, what happens when we have the kind of goals and ambitions to change our lives as we know them but continue on with the beliefs and habits that keep things the same? We have to be willing to try something new.

This Moon in Capricorn is being opposed by the Sun in Cancer (which makes it a Full Moon) and both will sit in a harsh angle to Uranus in Aries. Uranus, being the planet of breakthrough, instability, and radical change (transiting a headstrong and impulsive sign like Aries), means that there’s going to be an unsettling kind of energy that’s coming in with this moon. While Cancer is Capricorn’s astrological opposite, the two of these signs still share a need for security and stability. For Capricorn it’s material stability, for Cancer it’s emotional security. Though, like Capricorn, Cancer can instinctively fall back on habit and comfort when its security is threatened as a means to keep things as they are—stable. And this is where the real work comes in, kiddos. How are we supposed to remain stable when the world around us is crumbling to bits? The answer is that in some ways we must crumble along with it. We must be willing to release the dead, decayed, and outworn structures in our lives so that we can build new ones that can better support the “I” and the “We” that we are becoming. As astrologer Howard Sasportas writes in his book The Twelve Houses:

“The desire to become something greater than we are must be accompanied by the capacity to envision new and different possibilities. More than any other species, the large human brain and evolved cerebral cortex endows human beings to imagine a wide range of alternatives, choices, and outcomes…In this context, it is helpful to remember that the more clearly we can imagine a possibility, the closer we bring it to actualization. Encouraging positive visions of the future aids the process of moving in a more positive direction.”

In other words, we can’t continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Luckily, that’s where Mars in Scorpio comes in, offering a bit of a release valve or a way out of the madness we may find ourselves in. Through the fearlessness, dedication, and laser focus of Mars in Scorpio, we are encouraged to strike out on a new path towards what we want. Are you ready? Life is changing as we know it. We must be able to change with it.

Mars In Sagittarius in 2016

Photo: footloosenomad.com

Photo: footloosenomad.com

Mars enters expansive and adventurous Sagittarius (March 5th) to make an extended stay from now until September (taking a brief dip back into Scorpio from April to July). Under this influence we're passionately motivated by distant travels, international causes, the bigger picture, heated debates, the mission for truth and justice and of course, good old fashioned debauchery. Though with Jupiter in Virgo (details), Saturn in Sagittarius (responsibility), and Neptune in Pisces (intuition) flanking Mars, we'll need to have a clear aim/strategy before taking off for territory unknown.

Mars in Leo: Dress To Kill

Dress To Kill Magazine, June 2014

Dress To Kill Magazine, June 2014

Yes! Warrior planet Mars is in Leo beginning today until Sept 24 and the swag gets turned all the way up. Simply put, we get what we want by way of confidence, passion, and sheer hauteness. Meow!

Fun fact: Not only do I have Mars in Leo in my birth chart, but the model in this photo, Herieth Paul, shares a birthday with me! (didn't know that until after I selected this photo.) Herieth and the entire editorial from the June 2014 Dress To Kill Magazine is fire btw.

Mars In Cancer: Guarding Your Soft Spot

But fuck what they talkin' about on your timeline
That's cuttin' all into my time with you
Fuck what they talkin' about on your timeline
That's cuttin' all into my time with you

-Drake, "Jungle"

Mars is in Cancer from June 24th to August 8th. As a sensitive and emotional sign, this is not an easy place for Mars, the planet of sex and fury to be in. At worst, Mars in Cancer can make us touchy, brooding, and unable to let go of the past. Yet, at it's best Mars in Cancer teaches us the power of loyalty, intimacy, and the importance (emotional satisfaction) of protecting what we love.  Act from your heart.

Photo courtesy of http://hqwallbase.com

Photo courtesy of http://hqwallbase.com

Full Moon in Sagittarius: Give Us Free

Photo courtesy of: http://sequine.forumotion.com/

Photo courtesy of: http://sequine.forumotion.com/

On June 2nd the Universe blesses us with a Full Moon in Sagittarius. Coming into close quarters to Jupiter in Leo and Mars and Mercury (retrograde) in Gemini, this is a Moon that undoubtedly pushes us to break free. Under this Full Moon in Sagittarius we are encouraged to rid ourselves of emotional entanglements (it's also squaring off with Neptune in Pisces), unnecessary distractions, and anything that does not speak to our true purpose.

With the help of Mercury Retrograde, this is our opportunity to rethink anything (or anyone) that holds us back from our vision. Here is where we can redirect our energy (Mars) to more emotionally fulfilling endeavors that speak to the heart of who we are (Jupiter in Leo, Moon in Sagittarius). For some of us, this may be getting a second chance at a missed opportunity while for others, it may mean taking a gamble on an opportunity you may have been trying to talk yourself out of, but you're getting every reason under the Sun to just go and do it.

As the Full Moon in Sagittarius approaches, think about where the theme of freedom resonates the most with you right now. Then, once you’ve sat with this vision, send it out into the world.