October 2020 Horoscopes

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

This month, we're called to focus less on our egos and more on the ways that we can show up for others and do our part to make the world a better place for everyone. The month opens with a super touchy full moon in aggressive Aries (Oct. 1), which could cause tempers to flare. However, this full moon pushes us to put petty arguments aside and seek out ways that we can contribute to the greater good. Come Oct. 2, love planet Venus moves into thoughtful and devoted Virgo, which encourages us to be of help or service to others and to do what we can to bring our best selves to our relationships. For some of us, Venus in Virgo will ask that we raise our relationship standards.

By Oct. 4, power-hungry Pluto ends its five-month retrograde in tough Capricorn, helping us to initiate a rebirth somewhere in our lives where things may feel dead or we've suffered a loss. Though we're not quite done with the retrogrades yet, as chatty Mercury goes retrograde in laser-focused Scorpio on Oct. 13 until Oct. 27, when Mercury dips back into fair-minded Libra. As with any Mercury retrograde it's best to double check information and travel plans, but with Mercury in Scorpio, we may need to admit a truth we've been avoiding and avoid spreading gossip. With Mercury retrograde in Libra, we may need to make amends with people we've wronged or renegotiate contracts and agreements.

On the 16th, a new moon in Libra asks us not only to envision a more optimistic future but to band together in working toward that future. That sentiment continues when Venus moves home to Libra on Oct. 27. With Venus in Libra, equality and justice are the only currencies that matter. On the 31st, we end the month with an full moon in strong-willed Taurus, which asks us to expect the unexpected and be open to change.

Read more on Bustle.

2020 Yearly Horoscopes


If 2020 could be summarized, this would be the year that we’re called to tear down the things in our lives that are no longer working, while redefining what’s truly important to us—including the way we connect with others, our ambitions, and our markers for success. We can expect to be quite busy this year laying down new foundations for our lives in 2020 and the years to come. Though to do this work, we’ll need to be ready to join forces with others, learn new things, and break free of dull routines.

Read more at GIRLBOSS

July 2018 Horoscopes

photo courtesy of I AM & CO

photo courtesy of I AM & CO

Even though Mars, the planet of action is still retrograde, that doesn’t mean that it won’t be an action-packed month. That’s because we’ve got two influential eclipses happening in July, plus Mercury retrograde. The first eclipse lands on July 12, which promises to be an emotional Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Solar Eclipses, which are super-powered New Moons, often mark profound new beginnings in our lives. As a tender and intuitive water sign, eclipses in Cancer often trigger major shifts and opportunities with themes associated with women and children, families, home and our sense of emotional security

Read more at I AM & CO

January 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

Aries: The beginning of January may have brought a home or family matter to light or highlighted your need to get as much emotional nourishment as you can. That’s because a big chunk of your time and attention for the rest of January will be focused on your career and ambitions. Your mission begins on January 11th when busy Mercury moves into Capricorn, your zone of fame and achievement. With Mercury joining the four planets in Capricorn that are already there, it’s time to bring your A game to the table as people will be looking to you for your smarts and expertise. Expect to be in the spotlight over the next few weeks, where people will be hanging on to (and scrutinizing) your every word. Though with the power of communication at your fingertips, you can create opportunities for yourself if you pay attention and follow-through. This will be a good time to make presentations and hold meetings that will get you in front of the VIPs in your field. Meanwhile, the New Moon in Capricorn (January 16th) can help you with landing a new gig or getting widespread attention and pubic accolades. Whatever kind of opportunity that you’re able to manifest, know that it’s going to take a quite amount of effort and dedication to get them. Don’t take the opportunities presented to you lightly. On the 17th, Venus moves into Aquarius, your zone of friendship and future plans which can help you with networking and getting your name or brand out into the world. As such, don’t underestimate the power of community. People will be eager to talk you up.

On the 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius putting the emphasis on the unconventional. If you want to make progress this month, you have to be willing to take a very different approach than you have in the past. Though this month won’t be all work. Your friends will also be on hand to help you remember how to enjoy yourself in the midst of the intensity. Don’t be shy about leaning on them for the support. More than likely they’ll be coming to lean on you too. At the same time, if you’ve been looking for a way to give back or make an impact on the world around you, Aquarius season will be bringing out the activist and philanthropist in you. Venus in Aquarius could help you with raising funds or donations for a cause. On the 26th, Mars (your ruling planet) moves into fiery Sagittarius, your zone of education and travel. With Mars giving you a serious case of wanderlust, try to make time to get away this month. If travel is not an option, look to classes or events that feed your inner traveler. Under the influence of Mars, you might also want to explore how you can use your words and ideas to inspire the changes you’d like to see in the world. On January 31st, a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of romance and creativity. You could find yourself ending a dead-end love affair or having a major a-ha moment around what you really want in love. On another note, a creative project could catapult you into the spotlight. Though no matter what happens around this eclipse, your job is to honor your magic. All you have to do is be you.

Taurus: The start of the month may have brought your awareness to the thoughts and ideas that flow through your head, asking you to challenge the ones that you have stuck on repeat. The rest of the month not only asks that you continue to challenge them but to open your mind to new perspectives. You can start when curious Mercury moves into Capricorn; your zone of travel, education, and opportunity on January 11th. Mercury will be pushing you to go beyond what you already know in exchange for new experiences and information that you can actually use. Part of this means shedding old and outdated beliefs that may be limiting you from thinking outside of the box or believing in your vision. Instead of coming down on yourself for what you don’t know; Mercury will ask that you put in the time to learn, study, and research to fill in the gaps. This may include travel as a form of education or taking classes in something you’re passionate about. On the 16th, the New Moon in Capricorn can help you with mapping out a course. At the same time, you could manifest an opportunity to teach, sit on a panel discussion, or get your name in print. Whatever comes your way, the point is to be receptive and to follow through on your inspiration. On the 17th, Venus (your ruling planet) moves into Aquarius – your zone of career and achievement. With Venus helping you to work your charm, you could land a promotion or public recognition for you hard work.

Overall, this month is all about your come up, especially as the confident and creative Sun enters Aquarius on January 19th. With the Sun putting the spotlight on you, you should find yourself super focused when it comes to your goals and ambitions; making a name for yourself along the way as you go. If you’ve been thinking about pursuing an entrepreneurial endeavor, Aquarius season will be giving you the ideas, savvy, confidence to be a true standout in your market. On the 26th, Mars enters Sagittarius, your zone of finances and intimacy. With Mars here, your magnetism will be impossible to resist. Just make sure you vet your partners carefully though as getting a lover out of your system won't exactly be the easiest thing to do. Best to give your time to someone worthwhile. On a similar note, Mars could also give you the courage to break one if the relationship has been toxic or emotionally abusive. In terms of your finances, Mars could bring an unexpected expense, so you may want to have a rainy-day fund at the ready or take it easy on the spending this month. If you’ve been unfairly carrying the weight of a financial burden, Mars will also push you to draw the line. Things get truly intense around the Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st, which lands in your zone of home and family. Under this eclipse you could be forced to move or have a falling out with a family member. While this may feel like a crisis at first, know that the goal of an eclipse is to help you get where you need to be instead of wasting time with things that no longer serve you. Be open to change.

Gemini: This opening of this month may have brought a financial matter to a head. The rest of January will have you sorting things out afterward. That’s because detailed Mercury will be joining the four planets already in Capricorn (your zone of intimacy and finances) on the 11th. As a result, it’s time to face the reality of your current financial situation and get to work in improving it. With the heavy emphasis of planets in Capricorn, you’ll have to guard against becoming hopeless or fearful that you’ll be left out in the cold. If debt is a serious issue, this could be a good time to work with a financial counselor (some offer services for free) to help you with creating a plan of action to get on your feet. You might also consider calling up your credit card companies to work out a payment plan or get your interest rate reduced. Meanwhile, if you have some money in the bank this could be a good time to think about investing some of it. Look to the New Moon in Capricorn on January 16th to help you with uncovering options to help you get your finances correct. Since this area of your chart also covers intimacy, you may want to consider the ways in which you block yourself from getting the care and support you need by being afraid to be vulnerable. You don’t have to open yourself up to just anyone, but you do need to start focusing on what you want from a partner rather than dwelling too hard on the past. The new moon could help you with attracting the right person for you, but you may need to challenge your inherited beliefs about love. No, all ____ don’t cheat, nor are all ____ trash.

On the 17th, romantic Venus moves into Aquarius – your zone of travel, opportunity and education. Venus will be pushing you to step out of your rut and to fall in love with living again. As such, you could find yourself booking a trip cross-country or overseas with the intent to experience something new and revive your sense of adventure. Since Venus is associated with money, you could make some extra cash by way of publishing, teaching, or media. With the Sun moving into Aquarius on the 19th, it’s time for you to become a world citizen again. Even if travel isn’t on your list at the moment, you can rekindle your spark with an inspiring book or connecting with people from other cultures and backgrounds. Perhaps a meetup group that bonds over French literature and wine could be your go-to for fun. The point is to shake off the heavy energy that you may be currently feeling and to get inspired. On the 26th, Mars enters Sagittarius your zone of partnerships. With Mars here, you may need to watch out for arguments and disagreements with others. However, if you’re looking to connect with people that fuel and inspire you, Mar in Sagittarius can help. On the 31st, the month goes out with a bang as the Lunar Eclipse in Leo lights up your zone of communication. As a result, you could receive a media gig with high visibility or make waves with the launch of a website or blog. Either way, your job is too see and interact with the world around you with new eyes.

Cancer: The beginning of January may have thrown you back a bit on yourself, asking you to drop dead weight and stagnant situations. The remainder of the month brings your attention back to the relationships in your life, with an emphasis on one in particular. That’s because communicative Mercury will be entering Capricorn, your zone of partnerships on January 11th. With Mercury’s help you should find communicating or working alongside your partner (whether in business or romance) taking up a huge chunk of your time. If you need to propose something to your partner or get something off your chest, Mercury can help to open the lines of communication. At the same time, your partner or someone you work closely with could offer you some sage advice or assistance this month that comes through in a clutch. If looking for love, the New Moon in Capricorn can assist you with finding someone with commitment potential. For those of you that have already found the love of your life, this moon could assist you with taking the next step in your relationship. With Venus moving into Aquarius, your zone of intimacy and finances on the 17th, some Cancers may decide to purchase a home or move in with their mates. Making a joint investment like opening a joint bank account or starting a business with your mate could also be on the table. Meanwhile, Venus will also be on hand to help you get your sexy back. This might be a good time to explore sexual techniques, build your lingerie collection, or learn how to use your Kundalini power to attract what you want.

When the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th, much of your attention will be focused on facing your fears and reclaiming your power. This might involves cutting ties with toxic people or allowing yourself to heal from an abusive relationship. Since money will also be a focus, look to this time to work on reducing or paying off your debts. A lump sum payment or loan could come through to help you with meeting your financial goals. If you have a committed partner, they could get a raise or cash bonus that could help with paying the bills. On the 26th, active Mars moves into Sagittarius, your zone of health and habits. As a result, expect the next few weeks to get seriously busy. Your task will be learning how to keep up with the pace without burning out. This could mean putting down some boundaries in terms of how much you’re willing to take on as well as having a healthy outlet like exercise to burn off steam. Since this area of your chart also covers the people you work with, you could find your temper running short at work. If anything, this Mars transit will highlight the need for a better job if the environment has become too toxic. If you do decide to quit, just try not to be impulsive about it. On the 31st, money continues to be a major theme as a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of income and possessions. Under this eclipse you could be pushed to find a new job or find yourself becoming less understanding when it comes to people that owe you money. If your self-worth has taken a hit recently, this eclipse will help you to believe in yourself again.

Leo: This month is a very big deal for you Leo, thanks to the game changing Lunar Eclipse in your sign at the end of the month. But before we get to that, let’s talk a little about what January looks like for you before the main event. The top of the month may have started out a bit slow for you and a bit emotional too. That’s because your current mission is to get rid of the spiritual and physical junk that you’ve been carrying around up until this point. With busy Mercury moving into Capricorn, your zone of health and routines on January 11th, it’s time to get your life in order. Look to ways you can cut down on distractions, improve your time management, drink more water, and make sure you’re spending your time and energy on things that are worth your while. Since Capricorn is an earth sign, this is not about reaching the finish line at lightening speed but rather taking the time to slow down and put in the work/discipline to make your plans a reality. For example, if your mission is to get in shape, quick fix teas or extreme dieting aren’t going to cut it. It’s going to take time, dedication, and a whole lot of sweat. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 16th, can help you with making a fresh start and getting yourself on track. If it’s been a while since you’ve had a medical or dental check-up, this moon will push you to make an appointment. Remember, your self-care is in your hands. If you truly want to be the trailblazer you were born to be, it will be your attention to the minor details that will really make a difference. Also, if you have tasks that you can hire out, it might be worth it rather than trying to do everything yourself.

On the 17th, romantic Venus enters Aquarius, your zone of partnerships. In terms of your professional life, collaborations with others could be beneficial in helping you to uncover new opportunities or grow your client base. When it comes to love, you could end up meeting someone new with long-term potential while coupled up Leos could find themselves being reminded of why they fell in love with their significant other in the first place. When the Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th, you might feel like you have to beat folks off with a stick as you’ll be in high demand. When it comes to getting to the top, it will help to have someone solid on your team so be receptive to the support and attention. On the 26th, passionate Mars moves into Sagittarius, your zone of love and creativity. With Mars energizing this zone, you’ll have a serious craving for romance and excitement. It’s a good thing the universe will be co-conspiring with you to help you satisfy that craving. As long as you follow your heart when it comes to new experiences, the world is your oyster. Though you’re going to need some fun in your life when an intense and game changing Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of confidence and self-image on the 31st. Rebirth isn’t easy to endure, but it’s necessary. Keep this in mind t the eclipse. Meanwhile, if you’ve been toiling away at something behind the scenes, get camera ready, the spotlight will be on you. Amplify your glow.

Virgo: You might have found yourself feeling a tad antisocial at the start of this month and that may very well be a good thing as the rest of this month pushes you to focus on yourself before anyone else. That’s because there’s currently a bevy of planets in Capricorn camped out in your zone of creativity and self-expression. On the 11th, Mercury (your ruling planet) joins the party; bringing your attention to increasing the fun and adventure in your life. Consider making a bucket or wish list of things that you’d love to do either for the rest of the month or the rest of the year – or maybe both. Even if you think it may be something that’s outrageous and might not happen ever, still put it on your list. Mercury will be acting as your cosmic messenger to make sure the universe hears your request. Look to the New Moon in Capricorn on January 16th to help you with setting intentions to help you check your bucket list off. Plus, with romance also associated with this area of your chart, you can attract new love by being on the wavelength of fun and curiosity. Essentially, when you feel turned on, the world turns on with you as a response, helping you to become like a magnet; attracting what you desire. On the 17th, when Venus moves into Aquarius, your zone of health and routine, it’s time to make a habit of inserting a little love into your daily habits. Make bath bombs a staple, bring more color to your dinner plate, or start your mornings dancing nude in front of the mirror. Whatever you do, make sure it makes you feel good.

On the 19th, when the Sun enters Aquarius; your source of energy and confidence will come by way of simplifying and detoxing your life. This could be a good time to jump start a fitness routine, get rid of clutter, and figure out ways to chop down your workload. While you often like to be of help to others, the time has come for you to start putting yourself first for a change while not feeling guilty about letting people rescue themselves and fix their own lives. It’s OK Virgo, your attention is needed elsewhere. It’s time to thrive on not being needed for right now. Well, you still need you so there’s that. On the 26th, aggressive Mars moves into your zone of home and family which could turn up the aggravation levels if you share a living space with other people. While Mars can help you with setting better boundaries, you may need to find projects around the house that can keep you busy and away from others for the next few weeks. Though Mars can be helpful for looking at the way you manage and deal with anger. If you’ve been holding on to some things, Mars could bring a cathartic release. Speaking of letting go, the powerful Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands on January 31st, sending shockwaves through your zone of rest and healing. At this eclipse it could be time to work with a therapist to work on shaking the emotional residue that’s been weighing heavy on your heart and soul. A good cry also be helpful as well as writing down what you want to release and burning it in a cleansing flame. Who would you be without your wounds? It’s time to find out.

Libra: While this month may have opened with a career highlight, majority of this month is focusing on your emotional nutrition and security. That’s because busy Mercury steps into Capricorn on January 11th, your zone of home and family; joining the four other planets in Capricorn already there. With Mercury a part of the team, you may find yourself becoming super nostalgic and focused on the past. While a walk down memory lane isn’t a bad thing, don’t allow it to distort your view of the present or your future. If you’re happy where you currently are, know that you have the power to rewrite your narrative and change course. Though it won’t be an overnight turnaround, if you’re dedicated to your own happiness things will improve. Journal writing and talking with trusted friends and family could be helpful in healing your wounds and releasing pain, as well as working with a therapist. If you’ve been thinking about buying or selling your house or moving to a new space, Mercury in Capricorn can assist you with the process and paperwork so that things go smoothly. Look to the days after the New Moon in Capricorn on January 16th to sign any papers or make any changes/upgrades related to your home as it will be an auspicious time. For Libras looking to start a family, this new moon can also be helpful, especially with love planet Venus entering Aquarius; your zone of romance, children, and creativity the next day.

Though if children aren’t in your plans, don’t worry because there are more goodies on the way thanks to the Sun entering Aquarius on the 19th. With the Sun and Venus camped out in your zone of true love over the next few weeks, romance could strike you like a lightning bolt. If you’re single and looking to meet someone new, this could be some exciting news. If you’re already attached, you and your bae should have quite the time falling back in love with each other. Since your creative energy will be on high, you could find yourself looking for ways to express yourself with flair. Perhaps this means getting gussied up for a stylized photoshoot, working on a film or creative writing project, or doing an avant garde art piece. Whatever you decide is sure to put you on the map. On the 26th, Mars moves into passionate Sagittarius, your zone of communication. With Mars here, the next few weeks would be a good time to work on anything that requires focus and concentration. With Mars boosting your confidence, this might also be a good time to pitch a proposal or an idea to a VIP. Mars will have you moving at warp speed this month, so it’s best to make sure you take frequent breaks and have an outlet to channel all of the mental energy coming your way. On January 31st, a potent Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of friendship and future plans. This eclipse could shake up your friends list while pushing you to get serious about fulfilling your hopes and wishes.

Scorpio: The start of this month should have highlighted the outmoded and self-limiting beliefs that you still need to release. That’s why the team of planets in Capricorn will be camped out in your zone of ideas and communication to help you with shifting your perspective and thinking outside of the box. It all begins when curious Mercury joins Team Capricorn on January 11th, pushing you to open up your mind and to experience something new. With serious Saturn and intense Pluto already in this zone, your long-term goal with be to avoid letting the heavy Capricorn energy weigh your thoughts down with worry, sadness, and a bleak outlook. Since Mercury is a planet that like options and loves to solve problems, recognize that there’s more than one way to achieve a goal or move past a challenge. Since life doesn’t come with a template, give yourself space to try something new and try on a different path. The only thing you need to be concerned with is spreading yourself too thin. Pick a couple projects and ideas that are worth your time and focus on those rather than trying to be everywhere at once. Opportunities will be coming at you at lighting speed now, but know that it’s OK to turn things down if you’re not 100% into it. Meanwhile, the New Moon in Capricorn can help you with initiating plans and the footwork to execute them; like writing that book, giving that talk, or hosting that panel discussion.

On the 17th, Venus moves into Aquarius, your zone of home and family. With pretty Venus here, this month could be a good time to redecorate your living space. Adding in some fresh colors, flowers, or a fresh coat of paint could do wonders in terms of shifting the energy in your home. Getting rid of clutter and old things that you no longer use can also be helpful. If you’ve been thinking of moving to a new place, look to the Sun moving into Aquarius on the 19th to help you. Spending time with close family as well as entertaining guests at your home will be a source of nourishment. While Aquarius season is here, your job is getting the emotional nutrition you need via the support of your community. If you find yourself feeling low, reach out and connect with those you love. They will make time for you. On the 26th, Mars enters Sagittarius, your zone of income. Since Mars runs on impulse, you may want to watch out for sudden expenses or burning through your cash as soon as you get it. However, with Mars on your side, you may find yourself being more direct when it comes to your money and getting it from anyone that owes it to you. That’s a good thing though, because you shouldn’t undersell yourself or your skills. Speaking of your skills, you may receive some widespread recognition for them when a game changing Lunar Eclipse in Leo puts the spotlight on you on January 31st, lighting up your zone of fame and career. If you’re not ready, it’s time to get ready to boss up. While you’re at it put people on notice. You mean business.

Sagittarius: With money and finances being a major theme for you this month, the start of January may have had you focused on your debts and money management. If your financial health isn’t exactly where you’d like to be, then the rest of the month is here to get you sorted. Your work begins on January 11th when analytical Mercury moves into Capricorn, your zone of income and possessions. With Mercury joining the four planets in Capricorn already in this zone, your task will be to keep a close eye on the cash going in and out of your bank account. For Sags that thrive on instant gratification, this month may be learning the art of self-discipline. While this doesn’t mean that you can’t spend cash on the things that you want, it will mean that you’ll have to be savvier about what you spend your money on and when. Think quality over quantity. The money you spend on after work drinks could be going to a travel fund instead.  On the 16th, look to the New Moon to help you with turning over a new leaf when it comes to your money, whether it’s developing a workable budget, demanding better pay for your work, finding a new job, or developing a savings plan. On the 17th, Venus moves into Aquarius, your zone of communication. With Venus’ help, look to ways that you can monetize your message. Getting paid for a writing or media gig could be an option, as well as starting a subscription service for your content or launching a website.

On January 19th, the Sun steps into Aquarius and joins Venus in your communication zone, putting your attention on your ideas. If you have a message or idea that you’d like to share with a larger audience, Aquarius season can help you make the connections that you need to make to do so. Perhaps a podcast is in the works for you? Overall, look to Aquarius season to get you excited again about connecting and sharing with others as well as learning from them too. With go-getter Mars moving into Sagittarius on the 26th and into your zone of self-image and confidence, you’ll have the eye of the tiger when it comes to pursuing what you want and getting things done. Having Mars on your team will turn your swag up one thousand trillion, which could give you the confidence you’ve been needing. If you’ve fallen off the wagon when it comes to health and fitness, Mars can help you to get back on track. Come January 31st, there’s a powerful shift taking place when the Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. At this moon you could get published, score an impressive teaching gig, or get the chance to travel for an opportunity of a lifetime. Either way, the goal of this eclipse is to help you with shaking off the past and reconnecting with that part of you that makes you a Sagittarius – the free-spirited, optimistic part. It’s time to follow your heart again.

Capricorn: The start of this month might have had you doing a cleaning of house with a significant relationship or helped you to solidify the future of one. The rest of this month, however, is focused on you and you alone. That’s because communicative Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 11th and into your zone of self-image. With Mercury joining the bevy of planets already in Capricorn, you should find it easy to win people over with your ideas and presentation, which is why it’ll be important to bring your A game. You could be creating opportunities for yourself literally as you speak. Mercury will be working on your behalf to introduce you to new and exciting people, so make sure you have something worthwhile to say, as you never know who might be listening. On the 16th, the New Moon in Capricorn helps you with turning over a new leaf when it comes to your image or health. If you’ve been slow to jump on your New Year’s resolutions – this moon can assist you with getting on track. On the 17th, it’s all about your favorite subject – money. That’s because Venus will be entering Aquarius, your zone of income and possessions. With money making Venus here, you could attract a considerable amount of money, through a raise in salary, a bonus, or a new job. At the same time, if you’ve been working yourself like a slave with little payoff, Venus will ask you to stop settling less for what you’re worth.

When the Sun joins Team Aquarius on the 19th, this theme will be amplified. It’s time to address your wounds or conditioning around lack. Learn to be grateful for what you have while being expectant of more. Know that sometimes things don’t pan out the way you want them because there’s something better on the horizon. In order to receive it though, you have to be available and open to it first. On the 26th, active Mars moves into Sagittarius, your zone of rest and retreat. With Mars here, insomnia and restless could be an issue, so you may want to look to ways you can decompress and chill out. Hint: Go easy on the alcohol. Yoga could do the trick, as could a spiritual retreat or a few therapy sessions; especially as Mars may stir up some unresolved anger. In terms of release and letting go, you’ll get an extra push when a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of finances and intimacy. With the help of this eclipse you could break free of a toxic relationship and reclaim your time. Remember, Capricorn, the only person’s actions you have control over is yours. Be responsible for yourself and give others the space to do what they need to do for themselves. Meanwhile, when it comes to your finances, this eclipse could help you with finalizing a loan or a lump sum payment owed to you, or you may become more proactive about paying off a debt. Either way, investing in your long term security will be paramount around this eclipse.

Aquarius: There’s lots happening for you this month and the start of January should have highlighted where you need to be more diligent in managing how you spend your time and energy. You can’t live in a constant state of crisis, Aquarius. That’s why much of this much centers on your renewal and refreshment. It all begins on January 11th when chatty Mercury moves into Capricorn, your zone of healing and rest. With Mercury here, your focus will be on reducing the amount of outside “noise” and garbage you take in. This may mean giving yourself a break from the news and social media as well as finding a meditative practice that works for you. If you need to clear your head, journal writing and reading an old-fashioned book could be helpful. The point is to nourish yourself with things that uplift and inspire you. Also, your intuition will be spot on as this time, so listen to it. On the 16th the New Moon in Capricorn pushes you to seek out emotional fulfillment. If you’ve been stuck just going through the motions, look to ways that you can bring the color and joy back into your life. Every piece of sunshine counts. Creative or artistic outlets could be therapeutic for you. By the 17th, when Venus enters Aquarius, your zone of self-confidence and self-image, you should be in the mood to glam yourself up. This is a good thing too, as trying on a new look could be both a confidence and a mood booster.

Overall, January is a month for leaving the old you behind and the beginning of the brighter, bolder version of yourself, especially with the confident Sun moving into Aquarius on the 19th. With the Sun kicking off your personal new year, it’s time to show up and be seen. As part of your rebirth, consider ways that you can be kinder to yourself, which may include establishing a healthier relationship to your body. Remember, Aquarius, you weren’t born to look like (or follow) everyone else. Live in the way that feels right for you. On January 26th, action oriented Mars moves into Sagittarius, your zone of friendship and future plans. With Mars here, you might decide that it’s time to break free of affiliations and associations that you no longer identify with. Though try not to feel too bad about it as you were outgrowing them anyway. You’re not here to ride every bandwagon you come across. Since we’re on the subject of going your own way, you could end up parting ways with a significant relationship in your life, as a game changing Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your zone of partnerships on January 31st. Under the influence of this eclipse, you could make the move to end a stagnant relationship or bring a solid relationship to the next level. Whichever route you decide to go, the theme around this eclipse is to cut the dead weight from your life and to savor what’s authentic and true.

Pisces: With the start of the month focusing on an excavation and release of sorts where your romantic life is concerned, the focus of the remainder of the month falls back on you and your hopes and dreams. Your mission begins on January 11th when communicative Mercury moves into Capricorn; your zone of friendship and future plans. Having put in so much work lately, word is spreading fast about you and what you can do. As such, this is a good time to capitalize on the buzz you’re building by setting up meetings with folks you want to work with as well as attending social gatherings and events to get your networking on. On the 16th, the New Moon in Capricorn helps you to get serious about your hopes and wishes. If you really want to see yourself on top, it’s time to put in the footwork and make use of the resources available to you. Don’t be afraid to sing your own praises and tout your accomplishments. They mean something! On the 17th, love planet Venus moves into Aquarius, your zone of healing and retreat. With Venus here, your attention turns to self-care and nourishing yourself from the inside out. Where have you’ve been dying to do something a little crazy or outside of the box? Quirky Venus in Aquarius will be pushing you to invest in that dream. A note: having Venus here can turn up the idealism when it comes to romantic partners. Just make sure the person is who they say they are if you meet someone new.

On January 19th, when the Sun steps into Aquarius, it’s time to pull back and focus on your more tender pieces. Don’t worry too much about plowing through your work, because you’ll need the rest and time to recharge your batteries. At the same time, this is a good time to work on clearing out the psychic junk that’s been weighing you down. Working with a therapist or a reputable spiritual healer could help, so could delving into your creative side. Consider this your preparation before your personal new year (your birthday) begins. On the 26th, go-getter Mars moves into Sagittarius, your zone of career and fame. With Mars turning up the heat in this zone, don’t be surprised if you’re ready to make a sudden exit on a dead-end job or if you’re ready to take a risk and put yourself in the running for a major opportunity. Either way, Mars’ job is to give you the swagger you deserve. It’s time to go hard or go home. Still, the month goes out with a bang as a game changing Lunar Eclipse in Leo lights up your zone work, habits, and health. Look to this eclipse to motivate you to take better care of your health and to establish a better work-life balance. If your schedule has been unstructured and all over the place or if you’ve been burning the candle for too long at both ends, this eclipse will demand that you make some changes. It’s time for a detox.


December 2017 Monthly Horoscopes


Aries: The first half of this month is all about broadening your mind, questioning what you know, then questioning what you know again. That’s because Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, will enter Sagittarius; your zone of travel, education, and opportunity on December 1st – sparking your thirst for truth, knowledge, and adventure. A few days later, (December 3rd) Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, which asks you to retrace your steps, picking up any clues or information you may have missed to assist you on your journey. Meanwhile, the Full Moon in Gemini that landed in your zone of ideas and communication may have shown you what kind of self-limiting thinking and perceptions you need to leave behind. Overall, what is your truth, Aries? The stars this month will be helping you to find it. By the 9th, Mars – your ruling planet – moves into the deep waters of Scorpio; your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. With Mars at home in this zone, motivating you to face your fears and go after your deepest desires, expect to be driven by your passion and gut instincts. In other words, if you don’t feel it 100% - don’t even bother.

On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius gives you the fire in your belly to pursue some of your biggest dreams. However, with this moon coming in close to Saturn in Sagittarius, you’re going to have to put in the dedication and commitment to see those dreams through. No leaving what you start unfinished. Speaking of Saturn, the planet of responsibility and hard work finally leaves Sagittarius on December 19th and moves home to Capricorn for a two-and-a-half-year stay in your zone of career and achievement. It’s time to boss up, Aries, and Saturn in Capricorn will be bringing you lessons in determination, pragmatism, and leadership; all the while helping you to rise up through the ranks and achieve your own version of world domination. A few days later (December 21st) the Sun moves into Capricorn, bringing the spotlight to your long-term goals and ambitions. Get ready to put in the work. On the 22nd, Mercury ends its retrograde in Sagittarius, which should give you clarity in terms of the direction you’re headed in. When Venus enters Capricorn on December 25th, you could be in line for a promotion, bonus, or widespread recognition for your work.

Taurus: As you gear up for the new year, much of December will be about doing a deep clean of sorts. That’s because Mercury, the planet of communication and details, will be retrograde in Sagittarius for most of the month (beginning December 3rd) in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. With Mercury spinning backwards in this zone, you’ll be asked to go back and look at the relationships in your life where you’ve given too much of your power away, so you can reclaim it. With Mercury moving so close to Saturn, the planet associated with boundaries, reclaiming your power will include setting yours. At the same time, the Full Moon that landed in your zone of income and self-worth ( also on December 3rd), you may have had an a-ha moment around where you may be selling yourself short, especially where it pertains to your friendships and pursuing your hopes and wishes. With Venus (beauty, pleasure, appreciation) in Sagittarius since December 1st, ramping up your cravings for the things that resonate with you most, this is not the month to allow yourself to continue settling for any old thing that’s thrown your way.

On the 9th, motivating Mars moves home to Scorpio and into your zone of partnerships. Between Mercury retrograde and Mars in Scorpio, you might find your patience thinning when it comes to dealing with the same old issues in your relationships. Keep this in mind as you go, Taurus. If others aren’t willing to grow with you or fuel you, it may be time to drop the dead weight. On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius gives you a shot at a new life. You could improve your sense of stability, deepen the bond you have with a lover, or attract a soulful and supportive relationship. However, Saturn will ask that you cut the bullshit when it comes to your heart. Since we’re on the subject of Saturn, it moves home to Capricorn on December 19th for a two-and-a-half-year stay in your zone of travel, education, and opportunity, followed by the Sun entering Capricorn on the 21st. As a result, you could find yourself putting in the time and dedication when it comes to pursuing a degree, writing your book, becoming a certified teacher, or seeing a vision through from start to finish. On the 25th, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into Capricorn. Your mantra? Why settle for a slice when you can have the whole pie?

Gemini: A good chunk of this month will be focused on your partnerships, thanks to Venus moving into Sagittarius – your zone of significant relationships on December 1st and Mercury (your ruling planet) going retrograde in Sagittarius. Under this combination, you may be asked to reevaluate an important relationship in your life. An old issue could come up for discussion between you and your partner or an ex-lover could pop back into the picture. Either way, it’s important that you pay attention to the facts first, and to try not to let the demands or expectations of others cloud your judgement. This also goes for agreements and contracts. You may have already experienced a taste of this at the December 3rd Full Moon in Gemini, which landed in your zone of self-image and confidence and may have given you an a-ha moment around the ways you may be trying to be everything to everyone. Hint it’s impossible. On the 9th, motivating Mars moves home to Scorpio – your zone of health, work, and routine; which means it’s time to kick your fitness and nutrition habits into high gear. Mars can also help you to be more proactive in managing your schedule and stress levels too.

On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius joins forces with responsible and dedicated Saturn, to help you manifest a romantic relationship with lasting potential, take your current relationship to the next level, or establish a solid business partnership that could bring you some extra cash. Either way, Saturn will remind you to be selective about who you align yourself with. And now that we’re talking about Saturn, the planet of hard work and commitment, note that it will be moving into Capricorn on December 19th for a two-and-a-half-year stay in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth; teaching you lessons on being more pragmatic with your money, establishing healthy boundaries, and breaking free from toxic emotions like guilt. On the 22nd the Sun enters Capricorn, shining a light on the things (and people) you need to purge from your life. Prepare to dig in and get to work. When Mercury begins moving forward again on the 22nd, you should have some clarity on how to better communicate in your relationships for mutual understanding and whether you still have room for a certain someone in your life. On the 25th, when Venus enters Capricorn, it’s time to work on getting your sexy back.

Cancer: How aligned do you feel with your purpose, Cancer? Most of this month will ask you focus on that alignment and make adjustments as necessary. That’s because Venus, the planet of pleasure and wealth moves to Sagittarius; your zone of health, work, and routine on December 1st. With Venus shining her golden rays down on you, your job will be to seek out ways that you can insert love into your everyday. With Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius on December 3rd, it’ll be up to you to review ways to can cut down on distractions, unnecessary obligations, and unfulfilling work so you can get back to what you do love. With responsible Saturn in the mix, you’ll be reminded of the power of using the word “no”. You may have already caught a glimpse of this around the Full Moon in Gemini on December 3rd, which landed in your zone of rest, retreat, and dreams. This moon may have reminded you of what happens when you extend yourself too far. On the 9th, action-packed Mars moves into Scorpio, your zone of romance, adventure, and creativity. Mars will be helping you to go for the gusto when it comes to bringing a creative idea to life, all the while charging up your love life with some sexy fun.

On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius pushes you to turn over a new leaf when it comes to taking care of your body, managing stress, and improving your work-life balance. With responsible Saturn tied in with this moon, you’ll see the most results when you remain realistic about what you can and cannot do when it comes to prioritizing your time. Since we’re talking about Saturn, make a note that the planet of hard work and commitment moves into Capricorn, your zone of partnerships and marriage for a two-and-a-half-year stay beginning on December 19th. With Saturn’s lessons, you’ll be learning the importance of seeing people clearly for who they are, setting boundaries, and committing to the growth of a relationship as necessary. Saturn in Capricorn will push you to stop settling for relationships with people that lack integrity and a backbone. On the 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn; putting the spotlight on collaborations and teamwork. Joining forces with people worth their salt will get you far. Meanwhile, on the 22nd, Mercury begins moving forward again which should give you the green light to move forward with a plan or project. On the 25th, Venus enters Capricorn, which can be good for love and money.

Leo: Look to this month to help you with reconnecting with the things that you love. One reason is because Venus will be moving into Sagittarius (December 1st), your zone of creativity, adventure, and romance. As a result, Venus will have you hungry for all things fun, fast, and free – things that may have seemed elusive to you up until now thanks to responsible Saturn being in this zone for the last two and a half years. Another reason is Mercury’s retrograde in Sagittarius (December 3rd), which will ask that you go back and revisit creative projects or endeavors that you may have let fall by the wayside. At the same time, with Saturn in the mix, Venus and Mercury retro will be asking you to drop anything that you’re not 100% passionate about as you can’t afford to put your energy into anything half-heartedly, that goes for love affairs too. With the Full Moon in Gemini that landed in your zone of friendship and future plans on December 3rd, you may have learned a lesson as to what happens when you spread yourself too thin. With motivating Mars moving into Scorpio; your zone of home and family on December 9th, your energy will be best spent behind the scenes anyway, perhaps working at home or working on improving your home.

On December 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius helps you to make a renewed commitment to yourself when it comes to pushing out a creative work,  taking your creative work seriously, or finding the healthy kind of love that you desire. This moon can help you to manifest a worthwhile kind of love that could have long term potential while those of you already seeing someone could find yourselves ready to move on to the next step with your lover. Going back to the subject of Saturn for a sec – the planet of pragmatism and hard work moves home to Capricorn; your zone of health, work, and routine, where it will stay for the next two and a half years. With the cosmic taskmaster here, your goals will revolve around protecting your health, improving your time management skills, and putting an end to working in toxic environments. On the 21st, when the Sun enters Capricorn, expect to channel your energy in getting your shit together. On the 22nd, when Mercury begins moving forward again, you may experience clarity on how to best turn a hobby into a moneymaker.  Venus enters Capricorn on December 25th, making work fun again.

Virgo: True to the holiday season, home and family will be strong on your mind this month, thanks to Venus moving into Sagittarius (your home zone) on December 1st. With the planet of love and beauty here, you might be happiest entertaining family and friends at your place or attending gatherings hosted by the people you love. With Mercury (your patron saint) going retrograde in Sagittarius on December 3rd, catching up with people you haven’t seen in a while will do your spirit good. Still, with Mercury spinning backwards in this zone, you may want to watch out for disagreements with family or someone you live with. However, if you need to get something long overdue off of your chest, no-nonsense Saturn in Sagittarius will be assisting Mercury to help you to say what’s on your heart with clarity and authority, so you don’t have to worry about not being heard. Overall, you may find that being clear and setting boundaries with others will be necessary this month, which you may have already seen around the December 3rd Full Moon in Gemini that landed in your zone of success and achievement. Under that moon you have had to push back on other people’s demands or expectations of you.

On the 9th, warrior planet Mars moves into Scorpio, your zone of communication. With go-getter Mars in this zone, you’ll find your attention and your wit to be laser sharp which could be good for research projects or anything that requires concentration and fresh ideas. You might be feeling more argumentative too but be mindful with how you use your words. Not everything needs to be said. Come the 18th when the New Moon in Sagittarius lands in your home zone, you could manifest an opportunity to move into a new home, purchase property, or move past a toxic family dynamic. On the 19th, a big shift takes place when Saturn the planet of hard work and responsibility, moves into Capricorn – your zone of fun, creativity, and romance. Over the next two and a half years Saturn will be teaching you important lessons around valuing your craft and creativity, being your authentic self, and how not to settle in love. When the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, the focus turns to making your enjoyment a priority – especially when Venus joins the Cap party on December 25th. Before Venus makes her move though, Mercury going direct on the 22nd will help you to better see what means the most to you.

Libra: The big focus for you this month is on what you say, how you say it, and what’s going on in that mind of yours. That’s because Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, your communication zone, on December 3rd. As such, be wary of misunderstandings and miscommunication, especially when it comes to your virtual world. Try not to be so quick to agreeing to things, like plans or projects with others, especially if you’re not 100% interested or have the availability needed to see things through. With responsible Saturn spending time with Mercury, it’s time to take a clear, no-nonsense approach when it comes to how you communicate with others. You may have already learned a bit of this lesson around the December 3rd Full Moon in Gemini which landed in your zone of travel, opportunities, and big ideas. You may have seen what happens when you bite off more than you can chew and over extend yourself. With Venus, your ruling planet, in Sagittarius since December 1st, you may also be thinking about ways to bring some of your creative ideas to life. With Mercury retrograde, consider this a time for fine tuning and revising anything you’ve come up with, rather than moving full steam ahead. Back up your files!

On the 9th, aggressive Mars moves into Scorpio and into your zone of income and self-worth. With Mars turning up the steam here, your mission is to be more demanding about your money. This is especially the case when it comes to the money you earn. It’s time to stop underselling yourself and be unapologetic about what you’re worth. One thing to note though: be mindful of sudden or unnecessary expenses while Mars is here. On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius stops by to help you with getting an article, podcast, website, etc. off the ground. At the same time, this moon asks that you approach the world around with new eyes and stop allowing negative or limiting thinking get in your way. On the 19th, Saturn – the planet of duty and determination – moves into Capricorn, your zone of home and family. Over the next two and a half years, Saturn will be testing your mettle when it comes to breaking free of old family dynamics, achieving stability, and the possibility of settling down and making a home with someone you love. When the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st, your attention turns inward as you’re called to get grounded and find the emotional nourishment you need. On the 25th, Venus moves into Capricorn, helping you to make your home happy. Redecorating could do wonders to help keep yourself in good spirits.

Scorpio: The focus is on your money and values for a good chunk of this month, thanks to Venus moving into Sagittarius on December 1st (your zone of income and self-worth) and Mercury going retrograde in this zone too on December 3rd. As a result, you’ll be asked to revise or redraft your budget and to track down any money owed to you. This is also a good time to go over bank and credit card statements to make sure debits and credits are legit, as well as reaching out to old clients to draw in some cash for your end of the year goals. Overall, the main theme will focus on you getting your worth, especially with Saturn in Sagittarius pushing you to be accountable to yourself and your bottom line. You may have already experienced this around the Full Moon in Gemini that landed in your zone of intimacy and finances on December 3rd, which highlighted the need for you to break free of draining and imbalanced relationships. On the 9th, the energy of the month shifts as Mars moves home to Scorpio, your zone of self-image and confidence. With Mars turning your energy and your swagger up, there will be very little that gets in your way. Use this energy to overcome roadblocks and to set some healthy boundaries with others.

On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius teams up with Saturn to help you with manifesting a new job or financial opportunity that can lead to long term security or improve the sense of security you already have. If you have plans to stay put where you are, this new moon could also motivate you to negotiate a raise or increases your fees. With Saturn moving out of your money zone (finally!) on December 19th and moving into Capricorn for a two-and-a-half-year stay in your zone of communication, people are going to want to pay you and pay you well for your expertise. Whatever skills you lack or want to improve, Saturn will push you to make yourself more marketable through study or training. When the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, the spotlight shines on your connections to others. How can you maximize your connections on and offline in way that can help you to get your story, message, or ideas across to a wider audience? Hint: it’s time to get out and socialize. This should be easier to do once Venus, the social butterfly of the zodiac, moves into Capricorn on December 25th; helping you to easily influence people and win them over.

Sagittarius: Your birthday season is well under way, though before you embark on this new chapter in your life, there’s some unfinished business that you need to take care of before you move full steam ahead, especially as the calendar new year approaches. That’s because Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde on December 3rd in your zone of self-image and confidence. As such, your job will be to reflect on where you’ve been thus far and where you see yourself heading. With Mercury traveling so close to clearheaded Saturn, part of this review process may involve harnessing the ability to see yourself through a new pair of eyes (your eyes), free of the expectations, demands, or other kinds of stuff that people project on to you. With Venus in Sagittarius since December 1st, consider December the chance to write a love letter to yourself. Do you see the beauty in your own eyes, Sagittarius? Do you make your own heart flutter? The December 3rd Full Moon in Gemini that landed in your zone of partnership may have illuminated ways in which you need to find your way back to you. Venus in Sagittarius will be helping to light the way.

On the 9th, Mars moves into Scorpio and into your zone of rest, healing, and retreat. With angry Mars in one of the most sensitive places in your chart, you may find yourself looking at how you deal with your own anger. Hint: don’t let resentment build up. You don’t always have to be the nice guy, Sag. What you need to be is authentic – to yourself and others. On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius sweeps through to help you start fresh when it comes to your wardrobe or image. If your look could use an update,  or you find yourself ready to drop a few pounds or improve how you feel in your body; the new moon can help. With serious Saturn finally leaving Sagittarius on December 19th, you might find yourself feeling like Stella when she got her groove back. In other words, you’ve dug in, got serious, and did the work, Sagittarius; now it’s time to reap the rewards. Saturn will be moving into Capricorn, your money zone, bringing major lessons over the next two and a half years on money management, knowing your worth, and evaluating the things that truly matter to you. On the 21st, when the Sun moves into Capricorn, followed by Venus on the 25th, your attention turns to how you earn your cash. Don’t settle. You won’t have to anyway.

Capricorn: With nearly half the cosmos traveling through Capricorn by the month’s end; there’s a lot of ground for you to cover in December, even if we are starting the month out with a Mercury retrograde. As a matter of fact, with the ton of planets still camped out in Sagittarius – your zone of rest, healing and retreat; your job for the first few weeks will be working on releasing the emotional junk you’ve accumulated over the last year (and perhaps a bit longer than that, since heavy Saturn has been in this zone for the last two and a half years). Consider December your time for replenishing your spirit, cleansing the toxic energy in your life, and releasing your attachment to the past. With pleasure loving Venus in Sagittarius and in this zone since December 1st, know that this work doesn’t necessarily have to be tough. Venus will be nudging you to find the pleasure and beauty in self-care. Maybe this might mean going on a retreat, immersing yourself in art or music, or getting tons and tons of restful sleep. With Mercury going retrograde in this zone (December 3rd), use the days that follow to find peace in solitude and unplugging from The Matrix. Thanks to the Full Moon in Gemini that landed in your zone of health and routine on December 3rd, you may have caught a glimpse at what happens when you neglect your self-care.

On the 9th, go-getter Mars moves into Scorpio and into your zone of friendship and future plans; motivating you to go after some of your biggest hopes and wishes. You’ll feel the most energized being out and about socializing and networking with others that share your vision. On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius shows you where you your heart could use some healing. Some Caps may enlist the help of a therapist of healer to help with challenges around letting go or having faith in something bigger. By the 19th, a huge shift takes place as Saturn finally leaves Sagittarius and comes home to Capricorn, your zone of self-identity. Under Saturn’s keep over the next two and a half years, you could become a true force to be reckoned with as the planet of hard work and responsibility pushes you to come into your own, helping you to build your confidence, a better body, and a healthier self-image.  On the 21st, the Sun moves into your sign which should feel like a rebirth, pushing you to greet the new year with excitement and a fresh approach. When Venus joins your birthday party on the 25th, you’ll be hard to resist, so don’t deprive yourself of the attention, or the craving to revamp or update your look. It’s time to level up. Let’s go!

Aquarius: This month is all about maximizing the connections that you have both on and offline. One reason for this is because Venus, the planet of relationships, moved into Sagittarius; your zone of friendship and future plans on December 1st, followed by Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius on December 3rd. With Venus’ help, your goal is to socialize and connect with people that not only share your interests and your vision but may also have the influence or clout to open doors for you and connect you with new opportunities. Now that Mercury is spinning backwards here, this may mean reconnecting with people from your past or rethinking some of your friendships, especially if they haven’t really led to positive growth in your life. This may have been a bit of a theme for you around the December 3rd Full Moon in Gemini, which landed in your zone of self-expression. Under this moon you may have had a thudding realization around the importance of being in the company of those where you don’t have to try too hard to win acceptance or be something you’re not. Between Venus in Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde, this theme continues.

On the 9th, go-getter Mars moves into Scorpio, your zone of career and achievement; putting you in the driver’s seat when it comes to your professional goals and ambitions. If you’ve been thinking about making a split from your current job, Mars will give you the courage to do so while ramping up your courage to go after what you want (like a promotion). On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius teams up with no nonsense Saturn to motivate you to take your hopes and wishes more seriously. It’s not enough to want something Aquarius, you have to be willing to put in the work to get it. Speaking of putting in the work, Saturn moves home to Capricorn, your zone of rest, retreat, and healing on December 19th. Over the next two and a half years, Saturn will be teaching you some important spiritual lessons. Some of those lessons may include the importance of keeping the faith, having a regular spiritual practice, and facing your fears head on. When the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st, get ready to have a light shone on those more tender pieces of your that need attention and maintenance. Consider this your time to heal and regroup. On the 25th, Venus moves into Capricorn, inviting you to ramp up your self-care and pleasure. Beauty heals.

Pisces: Your goals and career continue to be a focus for you as this month opens, thanks to Venus moving into Sagittarius, your zone of fame and achievement on December 1st, followed by Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius on December 3rd. Under this cosmic combination, your job will be to make sure you feel a sense of fulfillment with what you do. At the same time, Mercury will have you working to make sure that how you see yourself and how you want others to see you are one in the same. This may mean being more authentic with how you present yourself to world around you. With Venus in the mix, people will find it hard not to love you, so it only makes sense to give them the best version of you (not the perfect version). When the Full Moon in Gemini landed in your zone of home and family on December 3rd, you may have received a reminder on the importance of being true to yourself over going above and beyond to make others happy. On the 9th, passionate Mars moves home to Scorpio; your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. As a result, you should find yourself craving new experiences that broaden and stimulate your mind and fill up your soul. Taking a trip or a class over the next few weeks could be inspiring.

On the 18th, the New Moon in Sagittarius teams up with hard working Saturn to help you with manifesting a promising job offer, promotion, or project that thrusts you into the spotlight. This moon is an auspicious one too as Saturn won’t be back in this zone of your chart for another 30 years. Consider this moon to be a reward of sorts for all the hard work you’ve been putting in for the last two and a half years. Meanwhile, on the 19th, Saturn moves into Capricorn – your zone of friendship and future plans; focusing your energy on setting healthier boundaries, maximizing your friendships, fulfilling your hopes and wishes, and capitalizing on the professional reputation you’ve built. When the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st, followed by Venus on the 25th, it’s time to bring out the social butterfly in you. Networking and connecting with others could be a source of fun and opportunity. Since this zone of your chart is also connected to philanthropy and giving back, getting involved with a worthwhile cause or event could be rewarding.





Monthly Horoscopes For September 2017


Aries: The planets never stop and nor do you, but this month the major focus will be on how you move and who you’re making moves with. Even though we’re entering the month with Mercury retrograde don’t expect September to start off slow, especially as a bevy of planets begin entering Virgo; your zone of health, work, and routine. With the Sun already in this zone, pulling your focus towards getting your sh*t together, Mars is follows along; moving into Virgo on September 5th. With your patron saint in the sign associated with details and dedication, you get the most accomplished this month by paying closer attention to the small day to day things in your life that you may normally want to avoid, like sticking to a schedule. In terms of health, Mars will be motivating you to take better care of yours. You may decide to start a new fitness program or a food detox plan. A note: between Mars entering Virgo and Mercury moving forward again in Leo (your zone of fun and creativity) beginning September 5th, you may be tempted to take on everything at once. However, doing so will easily lead to a burn out. Make sure you use the powers of Virgo to decide what warrants your time and energy and what doesn’t. This will be especially true when the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of rest, healing, and retreat on September 6th.

Under the influence of this Pisces moon, you may find yourself pushed towards a place of surrender, which means giving up the need to control things you have no control over and spending too much time on things that rob you of your sense of fulfillment. In other words, let go. While this moon may have you in your feelings, take it as a cue to address your deeper needs. By the 9th, when Mercury moves back home to Virgo, the pace picks up again; packing your schedule with all sorts of errands and appointments. The key to staying on track will be to finish what you start and keeping things sweet and simple. When Venus arrives to the Virgo party on September 19th, this could be a good time for job hunting. Venus will be beaming her good fortune your way, especially alongside the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th. Tap the power of the new moon to help you with implementing new projects, improving your health, and better aligning with your purpose. When the Sun moves into Libra (your zone of partnership) on September 22nd, look to joining forces with others to help you get ahead professionally. And speaking of your professional life, having transformative Pluto in Capricorn moving forward again (September 28th) in your zone of career and achievement, you should feel a sense of being reborn when it comes to pursuing your goals and ambitions. On the 29th, when Mercury moves into Libra, look to connect with new people; especially those that can teach you something new.

Taurus: Ready? Set? Go, Taurus! Though we’re entering the month on the tail end of a Mercury retrograde, it won’t mean that September will be a slow-moving month, as the stars will be doing their share to help push you forward. The action begins on September 5th, with passionate Mars entering Virgo, your zone of romance, creativity, and adventure. With Mars revving things up, you’ll find that you’ll be craving more fun and excitement than usual. This is a good thing as Mars will help you to find the courage to try new things and avoid getting stuck on the same old stuff. That goes for love affairs too. With Mercury moving forward again in Leo (September 5th); your zone of home and family, you should have a clear idea of what you may need to release from your past in order to move forward. You may need to save some of those goodbyes for some of the people in your life, especially if they haven’t been the type you can count on. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th may highlight this as it illuminates your zone of friendships and alliances. At the same time, this moon may also show you where you could do more to give back to others or be more supportive of a friend. On the 9th, Mercury moves into Virgo; fueling your passion to learn something new. With Mercury’s help, you could decide to take classes in fiction writing, music, or find just the right outlet for your creative inspiration.

When Venus (your patron saint) arrives in Virgo on the 19th, you’ll find you’re in the mood for love, as the planet of pleasure cranks up the romance. If single and interested in making a love match, you could have plenty of opportunities to meet someone new over the coming weeks. Meanwhile, if you’ve already found the love of your life, Venus in Virgo could help to rekindle the flame between the two of you and perhaps bring up a convo about having children. On another note, having Venus working alongside Mercury, could also show you how to make some extra cash off a hobby or a creative skill. By September 20th, the New Moon in Virgo could help you to get in touch with your passion while pushing you to be a more authentic version of yourself. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Libra (your zone of health, work, and routine) encouraging you to find more of a balance between your work life and your private life. This may mean scaling back on the hours at work, eating better, or making your environment clutter free. With transformative Pluto moving direct in Capricorn (your zone of travel and education) on September 28th, you may realize where you need to let go of outworn beliefs or philosophies in order to get the most out of life. On the 29th, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra, kicking off a busy yet productive period. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Gemini: As you come out of August still feeling a bit wobbly, especially as Mercury (your ruling planet) spent most of last month retrograde, your goal for September is to make sure that you’re standing on solid ground before you move forward. You’ll receive some help with this mission as a bevy of planets line up in Virgo; your zone of home and family. With the Sun already in this zone, you may already be looking for ways to improve your sense of stability. When Mars moves into Virgo on the 5th, you may decide to move or upgrade your home to increase your peace of mind, or you may decide to enlist the help of a therapist to address any anxiety, anger, or sadness that may be keeping you off kilter. When Mercury begins moving forward again in Leo on September 5th, in your zone of communication and ideas, the delays and miscommunications you may have experienced over the last few weeks begin to subside. Hopefully, you were able to learn ways in which you could be more effective with your communication skills or where you may need to let go of an outdated perspective. On September 6th, the Full Moon in Pisces lights up your zone of career, fame, and achievement. Under the influence of this moon, you could decide to leave an unfulfilling position, or switch your career trajectory towards something that better aligns with what you really want; especially if you’ve been wasting too much time trying to make others happy. Since full moons also represent a culmination, you could find yourself on the receiving end of an award or another form of recognition.

By the 9th, Mercury leaves Leo and moves back into Virgo, which may have you thinking heavily about the past, as well as the relationship you have to people in your family. Having thoughtful Mercury traveling in this zone of your chart may ask you to challenge or examine your family’s belief system or traditions as a means of figuring out if makes sense to use them as a standard for living your own life. Though your home and family life improves when Venus enters Virgo on September 19th. With the help from the planet of pleasure and beauty, use this time for redecorating, organizing, and improving the comfort level of your home. This might mean parting ways with a bad roommate or doing something as simple as buying yourself a good pair of sheets. Though when it comes to investing in any big changes when it comes to your home or family life, look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to help you with implementing your plans. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra; your zone of romance and creativity. With the Sun lighting up this area of your chart, it’s all about finding your confidence to be the true standout you were born to be. Maybe this means being more open about your skills or talents or learning how to better show up for yourself. Remember, confidence is also an aphrodisiac. On the 28th, transformative Pluto moves forward again in Capricorn, your zone of intimacy and finances, to help you put an end to the ways that you may be giving up your power. When Mercury moves into Libra on September 29th, it’s time to reconnect to the pleasure of learning.

Cancer: This month is largely about focus, determination, and learning the importance of finishing what you start. The lesson begins on September 5th, when motivating Mars moves into Virgo, your zone of communication. With Mars kicking your brain into overdrive and intensifying your craving to learn and crank out new ideas, you should find yourself eager to study, train, or working to turn a brilliant concept into something more tangible. However, instead of losing focus at the first sign of a challenge, the discipline of Virgo will help you to be more deliberate about the projects you start while developing a realistic plan to make them happen. This will be especially true when Mercury joins the party in Virgo on September 9th, teaching you the value of honing your craft, vision, and skills. Though with Mercury still in Leo (your money zone) until then, your job is to focus on ways you can improve your income. During Virgo season, that may mean looking for ways to make yourself more marketable and getting people interested in what you have to say. When the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of travel, education, and opportunity on September 6th, you may find yourself bringing yourself a step closer to fulfilling a dream or seeing your name in print. However, the goal of this full moon, is to stir you out of places where you may have gotten too comfortable so you can continue to grow. You’re not only gaining courage to step out of your comfort zone but you’re learning how to best map your direction so you don’t get thrown off course along the way.

On September 19th, Venus moves into Virgo, bestowing you with the powers of persuasion. If you want to work your wit and charm on others, Venus can help you shine when it comes to presentations, meetings, and negotiations. At the same time, hosting Venus in your communication zone can also show you the power of speaking what you want into existence. Allow the power of Virgo to teach you the importance of choosing your words carefully and saying things with intent.  On the 20th, the New Moon in Virgo gives you the green light to move full steam ahead on a project or idea like a website, blog, or social media campaign. Look to ways you can fine tune your message and target your audience. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra; your zone of home and family. This means that over the next month, your source of warmth, light, and energy will come from spending time with close family and friends and taking care of home related projects. With powerful Pluto in Capricorn going forward again in Capricorn (your zone of partnership and marriage) on September 28, you may decide to walk away from a disempowering relationship or choose to deepen your bond to the one you love. On the 29th, Mercury shifts into Libra which could keep you busy on the home front. If you’ve been thinking about buying or selling property, you could strike a good deal.

Leo: With a bevy of planets transiting through Virgo; your zone of income and possessions, your cash (how you spend it and how you make it) will be a major focus for you. The state of your finances will be particularly important as aggressive Mars enters Virgo on September 5th, which could ramp up your spending or bring an unexpected expense. At the same time, Mars will be on hand to help you find the courage you need to demand an income that matches your worth. Overall, it’s time to stop settling out of fear that you can’t get (or don’t deserve) what you want. Meanwhile Mercury finishes its retrograde (also on September 5th) in Leo; your zone of identity and self-confidence. With the planet of communication moving forward, you should find yourself being able to move forward too. However, things may get a little emotional under the Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th, which lands in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. Before you can you can fully move forward, it seems there’s something you need to let go of first; whether it’s an old wound, a co-dependent relationship, or an old financial story centered on lack. Consider this moon to be a cathartic release that can help you to finally get the healing you need. On September 9th, when Mercury moves back into Virgo, it’ll be time to go over your bank statements, receipts, and expenses with a fine-tooth comb. If you’ve strayed away from your budget, Mercury can help you to get back on track.

On the 19th, Venus joins the crowd when she leaves Leo for Virgo. Under this cosmic influence, you’re being called to improve your self-worth. As part of this work you could be motivated to find a better paying job, ask for a pay raise, or renegotiate a financial contract. As a lover of the finer things in life, you can be quite generous with your cash but if you want to upgrade your life, you’ll need to have ample resources in place to support you for the long term. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to help you with initiating any big money moves or initiatives. The moon will be working alongside the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars to help you get what you want. You just have to make sure you’re putting the effort in. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra; your zone of communication, which should have you very busy over the next month. In addition to connecting and sharing with others, your focus will be looking to ways you can become a more effective communicator or speaker. With Pluto going direct in Capricorn (September 28th) in your zone of health, work and routine; you should also be thinking about how you can become more effective across the board. On the 29th, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra; ramping up your curiosity and your excitement to learn something new. Seek out people and activities that help you do this. Meanwhile, if you’ve been thinking of launching something to the public, Mercury can help you spread the word.

Virgo: While your birthday season is in full swing, things don’t really start getting interesting until go-getter Mars enters your sign on September 5th. With Mars in Virgo and in your zone of confidence and self-image, you may end up feeling like there’s very little that you can’t accomplish this month. That not only goes for your physical energy, but it also goes for drawing boundaries with others and pursuing who and what you passionately want. With Mercury, your ruling planet, also leaving its retrograde position on September 5th, the confusion you may have been dealing with over the last three weeks will start to clear up. With Mercury in Leo for now and in your zone of rest, healing, and retreat – look to the next couple of days to help you with clearing out the mental garbage. If anxiety has been an issue; meditation, journal writing, or therapy may also be helpful. On the 6th, the Full Moon in Pisces illuminates your zone of partnership and marriage. With the help of this moon, you could find yourself exiting a lifeless relationship or if single, this full moon can also help you with clearing the way for you to attract the love you desire. If in a couple, you may need to work on issues surrounding commitment or compromise.  On September 9th, things begin making sense again as Mercury moves back home to Virgo. With Mercury back on your team, you should find yourself not only eager to meet and greet new people but that you’re hard to resist too. Utilize Mercury’s powers to help you with making the right connections at the right time. Also, don’t be afraid to toot your own horn as you never know who’s listening.

Speaking of meeting and greeting people, when Venus enters Virgo on September 19th, your magnetism shoots through the roof. It’ll be hard to miss the people falling at your feet, so don’t be shy about soaking up the attention. If you’re looking for love or just a little action, Venus and Mars in Virgo will be working together on your behalf to make sure you get it. Again, don’t be shy about asking for what you want. On the 20th, the New Moon in Virgo inspires you to change up your hair, wardrobe, or look. If you’ve been feeling like switching up your fitness program, the new moon can help with that as well. Look to this moon as a birthday gift from the cosmos to assist you with your journey into a brand new year. On the 22nd, the Sun steps into Libra, your zone of income and possessions. Over the next month, your attention turns to how you earn and spend your money. Since the Sun is associated with self-confidence, you may want to focus on building yours so you can ask for/pursue the kind of pay you deserve. With powerful Pluto going direct again in Capricorn (your zone of romance and creativity) on the 28th, only what you’re truly passionate about will do. On the 29th, Mercury enters Libra which can help open up talks or negotiations about money. You may want to start job hunting at this time as well as look to ways to keep better track of your coins.

Libra: To paraphrase the immortal 50 Cent - Go, Libra! It’s your birthday! Party like it’s your birthday! That’s right Libra, it’s a new year and a new you; thanks to the Sun returning to the exact same place it was at the time of your birth. Though before you get to the festivities, it seems you have a few loose ends to tie up; especially when it comes to your health and peace of mind. With Mars moving into Virgo (your zone of healing and retreat) on September 5th, you may need to work on letting go of anger or a past resentment. At the same time, you’re being pushed to connect the dots between your mind, body, and spirit; which means that this may be a good time to take up meditation, yoga, or another physical exercise (like dance) that helps you to connect all three. Meanwhile Mercury begins to move forward again in Leo (your zone of friends and future plans) – also on September 5th – which helps you to get back on track when it comes to pursuing your hopes and wishes. If things felt like they were moving like molasses over the past few weeks or if you felt like you lost your way for a bit, you get the clarity you need to keep going. On the 6th, the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of health, work, and routine which could push you to take better care of yourself or kiss a dead-end job goodbye. This moon will encourage you to pay closer attention to how your environment affects your mood and how your mood affects your health. Depression, anxiety, moodiness, and fatigue are all symptoms of ignoring your emotional and physical needs.

Though you can be proactive about how you manage your emotional health as Mercury joins the Sun and Mars in Virgo on September 9th. Taking frequent breaks or time to yourself could be beneficial as well as writing down your thoughts and feelings or enlisting the help of a therapist. The important thing is that you give your mind a rest and get quiet enough to hear the guidance from your intuitive self. On the 19th, Venus (your patron saint) joins the bounty of planets in Virgo. Since Venus is also associated with art and creativity, you could also find yourself incredibly inspired and working behind the scenes on your next creative masterpiece. When the New Moon in Virgo lands on September 20th, look to this moon to help you with clearing out the psychic/spiritual gunk that you’ve accumulated within the last 12th months; because when the Sun moves into Libra and kicks off a new year for you, you’ll want to make sure you’re in the right place to receive the goodies coming your way. Having the Sun in your sign means you should expect a boost in confidence, energy, and inspiration over the coming weeks. With the help of Pluto in Capricorn moving forward again (September 28th) in your zone of home and family, you should be able to see what you need to heal and release when it comes to something that’s happened to you in the past. When Mercury moves into Libra on the 29th, challenge yourself to approach the world with a new pair of eyes.

Scorpio: Community and allyship are going to be major themes for you this month, as you’re called to take on more of a leadership role in improving the world around you, especially when it comes to stepping up for marginalized or underprivileged groups. That’s because go-getter Mars moves into Virgo, your zone of friendship and future plans on September 5th; motivating you to champion a cause that you believe in and becoming a true agent for change. With Mercury moving forward again on September 5th in Leo; your zone of career, fame, and achievement – people will be looking to your wisdom, expertise, and ideas as a source of guidance. Make sure you have something worthwhile to say. When the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of creativity, passion, and romance on September 6th; you may realize where you need to show up more for yourself or stop playing small. In matters of the heart, this full moon could also push you to end an unsatisfying romance or to get clear on the kind of love you wish to have. On the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, encouraging you to connect and network with others. Since this zone of your chart is also associated with your hopes and wishes, this month is all about finding the determination and resources to make them come true. That’s why Mercury will be working on your behalf to establish a rapport with people that can help you along.

On the 19th, Venus enters Virgo, providing you with just the right charm and good vibes to win people over. If you’d like to raise funds for a project or cause that you believe in, Venus can help you to get people interested. A social media or online campaign could be successful. Though look to days after the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to launch a campaign, initiative, or plan. People want your innovative approach and ideas. A website, podcast, or any platform that allows you to share your message with a larger audience will be beneficial for you, as well as those impacted by your voice. By the time September 22nd, rolls around, you’ll want to make sure that you get as much work done as you can as that’s when the Sun slips into Libra – your zone of rest, healing, and retreat. With the Sun in one of the most private and sensitive areas of your chart, your focus will be on taking some time out to chill. Otherwise, a powerhouse like you could run yourself ragged if you don’t learn how to take breaks as you need them. Protect your health, Scorpio. Meanwhile, Pluto (your ruling planet) goes direct again in Capricorn; your zone of communication, on September 28th. With Pluto moving forward you should be able to better figure out what warrants your attention and what doesn’t, especially when it comes to outmoded perspectives that no longer serve you. On the 28th, Mercury enters Libra. Take it as your cue to give your mind a rest.

Sagittarius: You’re about to be the biggest boss we’ve seen thus far when it comes to September. That’s because a whole bevy of planets in Virgo will be working on your behalf and motivating you to succeed. The action begins on September 5th, when fearless Mars moves into Virgo; your zone of fame, career, and achievement. With Mars cranking up the heat, you might find the courage you need to kiss a lackluster position goodbye or pursue a promotion. A word of caution: Mars could have you at odds with your supervisor this month, so be mindful about responding to the situation from a reactive place. If necessary, use the power of Virgo to create a clear exit plan then execute it accordingly. Meanwhile, Mercury begins moving forward again (also on the 5th) in Leo – your zone of travel and education. Over the past few weeks you may have had to rethink some outworn beliefs, leaving you to move forward with a new perspective. If not, an emotional Full Moon in Pisces (September 6th) will be helping you to release anything from the past that no longer serves you when it lands in your zone of home and family. Under this moon, you may also decide to move or upgrade your home as a means of creating safety and sanctuary. On the 9th, Mercury moves back home to Virgo. If you have something to present to the public over the next few weeks, you’re sure to have everyone’s attention. Just make sure to stick to the facts and bring your receipts.

By September 19, Venus joins the Virgo party; helping you to charm and dazzle your way into the spotlight. If you’ve done your homework, people will be more than happy to give you your due, which means you could receive some public recognition. If job hunting, Venus will be working on your behalf to make sure you leave a good impression. As such a promotion could be in order. Look to the days after the New Moon in Virgo (September 20th) to initiate any big moves when it comes to your career. The seeds that you plant at this time could bring you a hefty reward later, so stay focused and committed to what you’re doing. On September 22nd, the Sun moves into Libra and into your zone of friendship and future plans. With the Sun transiting the sign of partnership, look to joining forces with others to help you make your hopes and wishes come to fruition. With Pluto moving forward again in Capricorn (September 28th) in your zone of income, you’ll be encouraged to continue working on ways in which you can conserve and better build your resources. Hint: stop selling yourself short. Speaking of money, Mercury moving into Libra can help you capitalize on the reputation you’ve been building.

Capricorn: It seems your perspective and how you see the world needs a little shaking up. That’s why a bevy of planets will be lining up in Virgo; your zone of travel, education, and adventure to help push you past your comfort zone. It all begins on September 5th when excitement loving Mars moves into Virgo. With Mars making you antsier than usual, you could find yourself booking a trip at a moment’s notice in search of a life changing experience. Meanwhile, with Mercury moving forward again in Leo (your zone of intimacy and rebirth) on the 5th, you may find yourself craving some fresh air and a fresh perspective after digging around in the depths of your mind. You’ll get your wish come September 6th as a potent Full Moon in Pisces lights up your communication zone. Under the influence of this moon, you may see where your thinking has kept you fearful or limited. This full moon pushes you to open your mind. Mercury continues this theme when it moves into Virgo on September 9th, pushing you to expand your brain past what you already know. This expansion could include the start of the book you’ve always wanted to write, or the decision to immerse yourself into a new philosophy, faith, or field of study. Overall, the cosmos is asking you to see the world with new eyes. Since this area of your chart also deals with ethics and beliefs, you’re also encouraged to use your voice to speak up for something you’re passionate about, especially in the face of injustice.

On the 19th, Venus enters Virgo, helping you to follow your heart and find the joy in living again. If you’ve been feeling a bit battered and worn down, Venus will be on hand to help you open your heart to what’s possible, whether it’s fulfilling a dream or falling in love with someone new. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th, to assist you with turning over a new leaf. If you have a media or publishing project to launch (or pitch) the new moon can also be a source of support for you. With the Sun moving into Libra (your zone of career and achievement) on September 22nd, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a promotion or an impressive new job offer. However, much of your success will depend on finding the right balance between doing what makes you happy and impressing others. With transformative Pluto moving forward in Capricorn (September 28th), in your zone of confidence and self-image, the theme of rebirth continues for you this month, as Pluto pushes you to break down the façades in your life. You often strive to keep it real, but you can also succumb to keeping up appearances if it means you get to hold on to approval and power. The thing is, true power and affirmation comes from the inside, not the other way around. On the 29th, Mercury moves into Libra. Use your words effectively.

Aquarius: Save a little for yourself. This is the message that the Universe brings you this month as money and security become the focus for most of September. That’s because there will be a team of planet transiting through Virgo, illuminating your zone of debt, finances, and intimacy. The action begins on September 5th, when Mars enters Virgo; pushing you to be more protective of your resources. Your generosity and willingness to pitch in are some of the most wonderful things about you, yet you run the risk of depleting yourself when others aren’t as willing to return the many favors you hand out. That’s why Mars will be on hand, helping you to draw better boundaries. At the same time, you’ll need to watch for sudden expenses too, as Mars creates a stir wherever it goes. With Mercury ending its retrograde (September 5th) in Leo – your zone of partnership – themes around give and take continue as Mercury helps you to see others more clearly. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th, lights up your zone of income and possessions which could bring a wake-up call in terms of how you handle your money. On another note, this full moon may push you to exit a job if it’s been an unfulfilling one. Working for little to no pay isn’t an option either. When Mercury moves into Virgo on September 9th, it’ll be a good time to take a realistic stock of your debts and financial obligations, while looking to ways you can pay them off in a way you can afford.

On the 19th, when Venus moves to Virgo, you can expect your financial situation to improve with the help of your partner. Perhaps they get a new job or salary increase that helps the two of you to find a little extra security and peace of mind. On another note, you may find that now’s the time when you and your partner make some sort of a joint investment like buying a house, car, or a retirement fund to assist with your short and long-term needs. If single, hosting Venus and Mars in this zone may bring you a soul mate connection with another or motivate you to reconnect with your sexual energy. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th, to assist you with writing a new narrative when it comes to your financial or intimate life. You don’t have to be a slave to your past. Things significantly lighten up by September 22nd when the Sun enters Libra – your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Over the coming weeks that follow, your job will be to engage experiences, perspectives, and information that challenge what you already know and push you towards growth. This can happen by returning to school or taking a trip overseas. With Pluto ending its retrograde in Capricorn (your zone of healing and retreat) on the 28th, you can begin the process of healing/letting go of a deep-seated pain, anger, or sadness. On the 29th, Mercury moves into Libra, motivating you to pursue a big idea. Don’t lose sight.

Pisces: It’s all about partnerships and collaborations this month as multiple planets team up in Virgo; your zone of one-on-one relationships. The action begins on September 5th, when go-getter Mars moves into Virgo, pushing you to connect and join forces with others that motivate you to succeed. At the same time, if someone has been pressing their luck with you, Mars will also give you the courage to speak up for yourself and maintain your boundaries. Though be warned, Mars will also have you in the mood to stir up some trouble too, so make sure you’re not picking any unnecessary fights with the ones you love or work closely with. Also on September 5th, Mercury begins moving forward again in Leo; your zone of health, work, and routine. The frustrations, glitches, and delays that you may have had to deal with in and out of the office begin to clear up. Meanwhile, if you fell off a fitness or nutrition program, Mercury direct can help you get back on track along with the Full Moon in Pisces (September 6th) landing in your zone of self-image and confidence. With the help of this full moon you could find yourself working to put an end to an unhealthy habit or addiction. While on another note, this moon may push you to begin pushing back on the images and expectations that others project on you; leading you to define yourself for yourself. With Mercury moving into Virgo on September 9th, a part of your job this month will be to become more discerning about who you give your time and attention.

By the 19th, Venus enters Virgo bringing opportunities for you to take on new clients within the health, service, or coaching industries. If you’re a writer or an artist, you may begin working with an agent to help grow and expand your audience. In matters of the heart, Venus could also help you along. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to assist you with meeting someone new. If you’re already attached, you and your love could decide to tie the knot or take your relationship to the next level. When the Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd, it’s all about you and your partner’s resources. As such, September could have you teaming up to tackle debt or make a major joint purchase. If single, Libra season will be teaching you the importance of striking a balance between how much you give and take. While you don’t want to be afraid of vulnerability, you don’t want to be anyone’s doormat either. That’s why Pluto moving direct in Capricorn (your zone of friends and future plans) on September 28th, will be helping you to figure out where you may need to take back your power when it comes to the people in your life. Perhaps it may be time to cut certain people off. Meanwhile, all-or-nothing Pluto will also be helping you to get serious about pursuing your dreams, while pushing you to stay clear of anything where you’re just going through the motions. On the 29th, Mercury enters Libra and it’s time to take a long, hard look at your finances. However, money won’t be the only focus. Your feelings and your ability to voice them will be important too.


Monthly Horoscopes for June 2017

The themes of nurturing and stability will be strong this month as a bevy of planets flood your zone of home and family beginning on June 4th when Mars enters Cancer. With your patron saint camped out in one of the most private zones in your chart, you may find yourself spending lots of energy on home-related things – like finding a new one or upgrading the one you have. Since this area of your chart is also connected with the past, you may find yourself becoming rather emotional over the course of this month as you deal with the strain of a family relationship or the healing of a past trauma. With Mars overseeing anger and frustration, it’ll be important for you to have healthy outlets and a nurturing support system to help you deal with whatever comes bubbling up. For some Aries, this may mean considering counseling or therapy options. On a somewhat lighter note, having Mars in this zone of your chart can also be helpful in teaching you lessons on the importance of trusting your gut.

Things lighten up a bit come June 6th when Venus enters Taurus (your money zone) and Mercury moves home to Gemini (your zone of communications). With money-making Venus on your side, you could find yourself getting a raise in salary, expanding your client base, or receiving an offer for a new job all while learning the value of honoring your worth. And speaking of your self-worth, did you know that ego is often a cover-up for insecurity? True confidence needs no ego, because a confident person recognizes that deep down can’t no one stop or dull their shine. It’s time for you to find that confidence, Aries. Meanwhile, Mercury in Gemini keeps things light and entertaining while helping you to network with others as well pick up new skills and information that could push you far.

On the 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your zone of travel, opportunity, and education. Under the influence of this moon, you could be offered an opportunity to study or teach overseas, receive word of passing an important exam, or find yourself ready for your next great adventure. With Jupiter also turning direct in Libra, your zone of partnership, you should find yourself moving forward when it comes to relationships too. Business partnerships and collaborations could help you to open doors to new avenues of income while romance sees an improvement as well. Jupiter will be working on your behalf to make sure your dating schedule stays full.

It’s best to use this time to get in as much fun as you can because when the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, your home and private life will be a focus again. While this doesn’t mean that you won’t be having any fun, it does means time spent with close family and friends and low-key evenings at home will be more of your cup of tea. With Mercury also joining the Sun and Mars in Cancer on the 21st, you’ll find yourself in the mood for the quiet time to reflect and recharge. On the 23rd, the New Moon in Cancer can be helpful if you’ve been thinking about moving, relocating, or selling property. If you’ve been thinking about starting a home-based business this moon is also for you. Overall, look to this moon to help you with cultivating the emotional nourishment and sense of stability you need to forge ahead.

This month your major lessons and opportunities revolve around learning the importance of what to say and how to say it as well as being open to new ideas and points of view. Your journey begins on June 4th when go-getter Mars enters Cancer, your zone of communication, which should have your brain percolating with inspiration. Since Mars loves to be put to work, use the next few weeks to work on building or growing a platform for your business, book, media project, or blog. Mars will be lending you some extra confidence to speak up and get noticed, which means you’ll have a better chance at captivating your audience. One thing to note is that having hot-headed Mars in this zone can make you extra opinionated and hyper-reactive. It will be important to think carefully before you let those texts, emails, or tweets fly as you don’t want to have to do damage control later. If you need to complete a study or research project, Mars could give you the focus you need to stay on track, while pushing you to find new ways to solve old problems.

When June 6th rolls around, get ready for a little fun as Venus, your patron saint, returns home to Taurus – your zone of self-image and confidence. With Venus in her element and working her magic on your behalf, expect to be the one that everyone wants right now when it comes to business or pleasure. Since Venus is also in charge of beauty, let her inspire you to revamp your wardrobe, change your hairstyle or hair color, or to experiment with a new beauty regimen. Meanwhile, Mercury enters Gemini (also on June 6th) and moves into your zone of income. With Mercury here, you’ll be motivated to keep better track of your money as well as inspired to pursue a new gig or client list. Allow Mercury’s wit to assist you in creating new sources of income, possibly through freelancing or consulting.

On June 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. With the help of this moon, you could find the courage needed to let go of a draining relationship (whether current or former) or to put a financial situation to rest. Since this zone is also connected to deep soul bonding with others, this full moon could also help you with sealing the deal when it comes to an intimate relationship. With Jupiter in Libra also moving forward again on this day – in your zone of work, health, and routine – you should be feeling optimistic again when it comes to your job search/prospects. On the same token, you should find yourself feeling physically better as well. Just be mindful about overdoing it with food, drink, and goodies as Jupiter is also known for excess.

When the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, followed by Mercury that same day, life gets super busy. You’ll find yourself craving all sorts of new experiences and information and constantly on the go. Since this zone of your chart is also associated with acquiring skills, you may find yourself motivated to boost your own skillset (with a workshop or training) that could help you to become more marketable in the long run. On the 23rd, look to the New Moon in Cancer to help you with letting go outworn perspectives and beliefs. You’re embarking on a new path and you will have a tough time moving forward if you don’t allow yourself to start thinking forward first. If you have a project, event, or website to launch this moon can also be helpful for you.

You’ve got your money on your mind for most of this month thanks to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars all entering Cancer, your zone of income and self-worth. Mars gets things started when it moves into Cancer on June 4th, which could have you actively looking for ways to increase your income and sense of stability. Since Mars is known for impulsiveness, you’ll have to watch out for sudden expenses or burning through your cash faster than you can make it. Since this area of your chart is associated with self-esteem and self-worth, hosting Mars in this zone could have you ready to fight for what you believe you deserve, which could be useful when it comes to asking for more money. However, if you find that you aren’t where you want to be yet in terms of your finances, try not to beat yourself up about it. Just put Mars to work in changing things around.

On June 6th, Venus enters Taurus, your zone of rest, healing, and retreat. With pleasure-loving Venus here, your key to happiness and well-being is self-care and solitude. This means that sleeping in and finding time to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world is what you’ll want most. Since Venus is at home in Taurus, you may also find that your creative energy gets a big boost too. With communicative Mercury moving back home to Gemini (also on June 6th) and entering your zone of confidence and self-image, don’t be surprised if you find yourself channeling that creative energy into gold. If you find yourself feeling particularly inspired, go with that inspiration, as you never know what genius you may come up with at this time. One caveat: hosting Venus in this very private, very dreamy zone means that you may be tempted to start up a secret romance or get involved with someone that may be too good to be true. Use Mercury to help you keep your wits about you.

Speaking of relationships, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your zone of partnership on June 9th, which could bring a relationship to a close or help you to move on to the next chapter with the one you love. Since this area also covers professional partnerships, this moon could help you to solidify an agreement or collaboration that could help your business or professional life to blossom. With Jupiter, the planet associated with growth and opportunity, moving forward again in Libra (your zone of fun, creativity, and romance) you should find your interior life picking up some steam too. Single Gemini should find their dating prospects improving while bae’d up Gemini should find their relationship renewed with a sense of purpose.

Since Jupiter is also associated with truth, having Jupiter direct in this zone also means that it’s time to take the self-realizations that you’ve had over the last four months and incorporate them in being your most authentic self without fear or reservation. On the 21st when the Sun enters Cancer, followed by Mercury, the focus returns to your money once again. If money has been an issue, this will be a good time to go over your budget to see where you may be able to save better or keep better track of what comes in and out of your bank account. If you don’t have a budget, now would be a good time to create one. Look to the New Moon in Cancer on the 23rd to help you with landing a new job, a new client, or pay increase.

Happy Birthday, Cancer! It’s all about you this month as nearly half the cosmos lines up behind you to catapult you forward. The party begins on June 4th, when go-getter Mars moves into Cancer, your zone of self-image and confidence. Get ready to run the world for the next six weeks as Mars will be giving you the strength, strategy, and courage to overcome challenges and accomplish just about anything you put your mind towards. If you have something that you’ve been wanting to do but may have been feeling a bit apprehensive about it, allow Mars to give you that extra push to go for it. A note: with Mars being known for being rash and impulsive, you may want to guard yourself against accidents now. Rushing, speeding, not taking your time, or not thinking things through could increase your chances for a mishap so try to take your time doing things when you can. However, if you’ve been thinking about getting fit or dropping a few extra pounds, Mars could give you the energy and stamina to do so.

By June 6th, Venus moves into Taurus, your zone of friendship and future plans. With Venus here, it’s possible for you to uncover new opportunities just by connecting with the people around you. As such, make plans to network on and offline as the reputation you’ve been building will begin to generate buzz. When it comes to your fun and pleasure, your friends will play a major role this month. Make sure to go to as many events, gatherings, and parties as possible. You might also find romance in the process. With communicative Mercury moving into Gemini (your zone of rest and retreat) also on the 6th, you may find yourself in need of more quiet time than usual to think, write, study, or create. If you have any ideas that come to you while Mercury is in Gemini, wait until Mercury moves to Cancer to share them with others. (More on that in a sec).

On June 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius brings the spotlight to your zone of work, health, and routine. If you’ve been experiencing some issues with your job or thinking of quitting, this moon could mark an abrupt exit. However, you shouldn’t worry too much, as an ending can be a beginning too. Plus, with lucky Sagittarius in the mix, there’s a good chance you’ll land on your feet whether the separation was intentional or not. In terms of your health, this moon could also highlight a need to take better care of yourself, especially where it comes to stress management, diet, exercise, and nutrition. Use the full moon to help you with breaking any unhealthy habits. Also on the 9th, lucky Jupiter begins moving forward again in Libra, your zone of home and family. With Jupiter direct, you should have a clearer idea in terms of where you’ve been and where you’re going. If you’ve been looking to move or purchase property, Jupiter could help.

By June 21st the Sun enters Cancer, blessing you with warmth, good vibes, and plenty of attention. With the Sun making you the star of the show, you should find yourself to be irresistible to others -- which could bring opportunities in terms of love and business, especially as communicative Mercury enters Cancer on the 21st as well. You’ll have the gift of gab now, so use it wisely. If you’ve been thinking about undergoing a makeover of sorts, look to the New Moon in Cancer on the 23rd to help you with starting fresh or upgrading your look.


It’s time to focus on your interior life this month as multiple planets camp out in Cancer – your zone of rest, retreat, and endings. Mars shows up first, entering Cancer on June 4th, which isn’t the most comfortable of places for this feisty planet. While Mars is here, you’ll find that anger, resentment, and staying motivated may be challenging for you. Though know that ultimately Mars needs a space to release all the pressure that it builds up, and that means you may need to give yourself ample space to cry or feel the number of emotions that may come up now. As a sunny Leo, you can sometimes get caught up in the idea that you should be cheery and happy all the time, which could have you running from your deeper feelings. Hosting Mars in one of the most sensitive places in your chart will ask that you confront anything you’ve been avoiding, especially when it comes to fear and anger. Learning how to let things go, namely things that you can’t control will be a running theme as well as learning the power of faith. Meanwhile, this will also be the perfect opportunity to actively give yourself space to dream, relax, and recharge. If you can make time to get away, do so.

You’ll find that you’ll need as much rest as you can get because when Venus enters Taurus (your career zone) on June 6th, you’ll be in high demand. While Venus moves through this zone, it’ll be the perfect time to go after a promotion, salary increase, or to launch a creative venture. Venus will be giving you the right amount of magic and charm to dazzle the crowd and win fans over, which can be especially helpful for building a stellar professional reputation and unlocking opportunities. With Mercury moving to curious Gemini, your zone of friendship and future plans, on June 6th as well; look to capitalizing on the reputation and buzz you’re building by networking and collaborating with others.

When the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your zone of fun, romance, and creativity on June 9th; you could find yourself ending a romance or deciding to take one to the next level. On another note, you could bring a creative project to completion that thrusts you into the spotlight in some way. Overall, look to this full moon as your impetus to release anything that may be hampering your creativity, passion, or thirst for life. It’s time to reconnect to what fuels you, and part of that means being your fabulous self without shame or self-doubt.

On June 21st, the Sun enters Cancer, joining Mars and followed by Mercury. Under the influence of this cosmic combination your source of energy, strength, and mental clarity will come through frequent periods of solitude and ample rest. With your birthday approaching, it’s important that you do some emotional and spiritual house cleaning to prep for the good things to come. That means that you’ll have dump all the psychic trash that you’ve accumulated within the last twelve months. Keeping a journal, working with a therapist or a spiritual coach, or developing a meditation practice could help you to clear away blockages and heal. Meanwhile, having Mercury in this zone could helpful for tackling anything that requires quiet time for research, writing, or brainstorming ideas. Pay extra attention to your intuition at this time because it will be strong. Look to the New Moon in Cancer on June 23rd to help you with pursuing a long time dream or to act on an inspiration as you’ll be surprised at what a little faith can do.

It’s time to focus on making your hopes and wishes come true this month as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars move through Cancer; your zone of friendship and future plans. Mars the go-getter leads the way when it enters Cancer on June 4th. Mars will be motivating you to take charge of your destiny by pushing you to take your plans more seriously, helping you to find the resources you need along the way. As part of this mission, you may find yourself questioning the groups and associations you belong to and actively cutting anyone loose that doesn’t align with the person you strive to be. If you suddenly feel like you don’t fit in like you used to, it’s because Mars is pushing you to grow. Since this zone deals with the collective, Mars could also have you leading the way when it comes causes or movements that help to improve the lives of those in need and the world as a whole.

On the 6th, Venus steps into Taurus, your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. With pleasure-loving Venus in this zone; you’ll have the most fun visiting new and exciting places, learning things that help to broaden and expand your mind, and perhaps falling in love too. If you’re a writer or specialize in media; Venus could also help you to line your pockets by getting published or receiving the opportunity to bring your message to wider audience. A chance to teach or study abroad could also be offered to you. Also coming up on June 6th, Mercury moves home to Gemini, your zone of fame, achievement, and career. This means you could receive the opportunity to speak or present on something related to your work, which could land you in the spotlight and win you lots of fanfare. If you need to spread the word about what you’re doing, Mercury can help.

On the 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your zone of home and family. With the help of this moon, you could seal the deal on a new house or apartment or make the decision to leave where you currently are in search for something better. In terms of your family relationships, this moon could also be helpful in getting you to cut ties with toxic relatives or to heal a rift between you and someone close to you. At the same time, this moon could be just what you need to let go of a painful experience or something unpleasant from your past.

On the same day (June 9th), Jupiter begins moving forward in Libra – your zone of income and self-worth – which could get the money flowing again. If you’ve been looking for a new job but have been finding things moving slow, having Jupiter direct will help you significantly. On that same token, Jupiter will be on hand to teach you the importance of thinking in terms of abundance, which will helpful in finding opportunities or resources where there are seemingly none. Have faith that what you need is always coming to you. On the 21st, the Sun enters Cancer (followed by Mercury) which means that your source of warmth, energy, and strength will come from spending time with close friends. If you find yourself in need of support, look to the people around you to help. On the 23rd, the New Moon in Cancer can help you with making new contacts with influential people that can help open doors for you.

You’re about to hit boss level this month as the cosmos sends some blessings your way when it comes to your career, as bevy of planets filter through Cancer, your zone of fame and achievement. The glow-up begins on June 4th when confident Mars enters Cancer. With Mars giving you the eye of the tiger, expect to make leaps and bounds in your professional life. If there’s something big you’ve been wanting to go after like a client, promotion, or a career defining achievement, you can make the magic happen now. Be warned though, Mars doesn’t always take kindly to being told what to do so you could find yourself clashing with authority or those that work above you. If you feel like you’re due for a change where your work is concerned, Mars could give you the courage to strike out on you own path or to exit an unfulfilling situation. With Cancer season making everyone extra sensitive and emotional, it will be important that you don’t make any important career decisions from a reactive place. However, you should still honor how you feel.

And speaking of feelings, when Venus moves home to Taurus (your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth) on the 6th, you’ll be craving a much deeper connection when it comes to sex and relationships. Make sure you heed those cravings for a meatier form of intimacy, as it will help you to better weed out superficial and undeserving matches. If you’ve been feeling down on love or feeling un-sexy, Venus in Taurus can help you with getting back in touch with your juiciness. Remember, how you feel on the inside determines what goes down on the outside. Take time to focus on your own pleasure. On June 6th, Mercury also moves into Gemini; your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Use Mercury to help you with broadening your experiences while possibly getting your name in print.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your zone of communication on June 9th. Under this full moon, a creative project or idea could come to fruition, landing you in the spotlight while the right conversation or exchange with someone could blow your mind in a way that shifts your perspective for the better. If you have a website, event, or product to promote; use this full moon to draw in an audience. On the same day, Jupiter finally begins moving forward in Libra, your zone of confidence and self-image. Over the past four months you may have been feeling a bit off-kilter or as though things were dragging along. That’s because you were meant to slow down and reassess your direction and self-image. With Jupiter moving forward you should be feeling more in alignment with your purpose and your belief in yourself restored.

Since Jupiter is the planet associated with opportunity and optimism, you should also find that good things, good people, and good vibes come to you a lot easier. With Mars helping you to push forward in your career, Jupiter will be helping you to make big moves too. Add the Sun and Mercury in Cancer to the mix (June 21st) and you’ll feel practically unstoppable. Your ship is coming in Libra, so make sure you’re ready. Look to the New Moon in Cancer on June 23rd to initiate any projects or decisions in your professional life. Marriage could also be on the table. Congrats!

Freedom is a big theme for you this month as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars transit through Cancer, your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Mars kicks things off on June 4th, motivating you to move beyond what you already know and inspiring you to go off on new adventures. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself booking last minute trips; ready to fly off at a moment’s notice. As a matter of fact, this would be an enjoyable time to follow a whim when it comes to traveling as you never know what kind of awesome things await you. At the same time, you’ll be ready to open your mind to something different, which means this is also a great time to study and research as Mars will be giving you the drive to push through. One word of caution though: since this area of your chart also has to do with politics, philosophy, and religious beliefs; you may want to be mindful of getting into arguments with others about what you believe versus what they believe as Mars in Cancer can be emotionally reactive. However, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t speak up in the face of gross injustice, as Cancer is the nurturer and protector.

On June 6th, Venus moves into Taurus, your zone of partnership and marriage. If you’re currently single and looking for someone to call your own, Venus will be working her love magic to help you meet someone new. Meanwhile, Scorpios who’ve already found the love of their lives could find themselves falling in love all over again. If you have a significant other, plan for some quality time together to keep the romance going. Since partnership also covers business relationships, professional collaborations or joint ventures could help you reap in some big rewards too. With Mercury entering Gemini (your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth) on the 6th, money will also be a focus for you this month. Use Mercury’s thinking power to help you come up with a financial plan to invest, pay off debt, or merge money with a partner.

Speaking of money, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9th will put the spotlight on your zone of income, self-worth, and possessions. Under the influence of this moon you could decide to leave a dead-end, low-paying job in search of something better, land a raise in pay, or book a top-level client, as Sagittarius is all about abundance. If you’ve been having issues with cash flow, this full moon could also show you where you may need to be more trusting that your needs will be met. Remember, lack is also a state of mind. With Jupiter going direct in Libra, your zone of rest, healing, and retreat (on June 9th). Over the last few months, you may have found your faith tested in more ways than one but with Jupiter moving forward now, you should have a renewed belief in something bigger, as well as how to bring more harmony to your inner life. Since Jupiter is a planet that’s connected to growth – you should be able to make progress in your own spiritual growth. Hint: do more of what feeds your soul.

On the 21st the Sun enters Cancer, joining Mars, which means you might as well add “jet-setter” to your name. Add Mercury in Cancer to the mix on June 21st too and you’ll find yourself in the mood to learn and soak up as much info as you can. Taking workshops, classes, or getting your fill on books will be an excellent place to start, especially after the New Moon in Cancer on June 23rd. For the teachers and students among you, this could also be time where you’ll be traveling on behalf of knowledge.

Passion, sex, power, money. These are all themes that will be prominent for you this month as a bevy of planets in Cancer (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars) electrify your zone of intimacy, rebirth, and finances. The intrigue begins on June 4th with Mars moving into Cancer which will be turning up your sex drive and magnetism times one thousand. You should have no shortage of admirers as a result, however you’ll find that just anyone won’t do as you’re craving a soul-level kind of bond. If you’re in a relationship Mars could help you to turn up the heat in the bedroom, which could help to bring you and your lover closer. Meanwhile, for those of you that may be feeling like your relationship is a dead end, Mars will also be on hand to give you the courage to say goodbye, especially if this person has been a manipulative, draining, or abusive presence in your life. One thing to note: hosting Mars here could bring up old resentments, traumas, or pain. Best to be prepared to work with a therapist, guide, or healer that can help you to heal your wounds and reclaim your power. Overall, you will be learning the value of strength, vulnerability, and how the two aren’t necessarily exclusive.

Self-care and preservation will continue to be a theme when Venus enters Taurus, your zone of health, work, and routine, on June 6th. With Venus here, your job will be to figure out how to insert love into your everyday, whether it’s doing things that make you feel good on the inside or out, or doing work that brings you a sense of fulfillment. If you’ve been on the job hunt, there’s a chance you could receive a job offer with true growth potential. A bump in salary could also be possible. On the 6th, Mercury also moves home to Gemini, your zone of partnership which could make business partnerships and collaborations a source of extra income, while romantic relationships win with a little spontaneity. Those that can show you something new are the ones to look for.

On June 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your zone of self-image and confidence. Under the full moon putting the spotlight on you and your needs, you could have an aha moment when it comes to what you want and the direction you want to go in, especially when it comes to leaving behind something or someone that’s been holding you back. You of all people know that you have the power to write your destiny regardless of whatever may happen. This moon will give you the fuel you need to move past challenges. At the same time, this moon could help to bring attention and fanfare to your front door, which means if you’ve been wanting to get noticed or put your name out there, this moon will help spread the word far and wide. Another blessing comes around on June 9th when Jupiter, your patron saint, finally moves forward in Libra, your zone of friendship and future plans. With Jupiter moving forward, you should be able to better capitalize on the reputation, work, or brand that you’ve been steadily building. Between Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter in Libra, this is the time to connect and establish relationships with others as a means of moving forward too.

On the 21st, the Sun enters Cancer bringing the focus back inward. With Mercury also entering Cancer that day, you can work with this cosmic combination to help you with releasing any outdated beliefs while learning how your thoughts and feelings influence what happens in your outer world. Simply put: if you expect things to go sour they will. Focus on the things that you do want. Then look to the New Moon in Cancer (June 23rd) to deliver. P.S. watch your money closely.


Relationships are a major focus for you this month, with multiple planets in Cancer activating your zone of partnership and marriage. The action begins on June 4th, when Mars enters Cancer first. With Mars here, you’ll feel motivated to join forces with others as a way of improving or increasing what you already have, especially when it comes to business partnerships. The point of having Mars here is to team up and learn from those that can help you to shake up your routines and try something new. If you have a large task to undertake, Mars can help you to get people on your side that are focused and ready to work. If you’re in a romantic relationship, you’ll find that staying active and busy together will recharge the two of you as well as the relationship. Meanwhile, Capricorns looking for love will find themselves being attracted the most to adventurous, passionate souls. However, the downside to this transit is of course arguments and fighting. If there’s something you’ve been avoiding dealing with when it comes to an important relationship, Mars will stir it up and force you to confront it.

The intensity eases up a bit as Venus enters Taurus – your zone of fun, creativity and romance – on June 6th. Love becomes a bright spot for you, increasing the chances of meeting someone new, while coupled Capricorns should find themselves happily remembering what they love about their partner. Creatively, you’ll also be doing well, which means this is the perfect time for bringing a creative brainchild into the world. Not only will Venus be helping you making money from what you create, but you’ll remember what it’s like to truly enjoy what you do. If pleasure has been a foreign concept lately, it’s time to indulge. When Mercury enters Gemini (your zone of work, health, and routine) on June 6th, prepare to be busy. Work to get your health and schedule in order.

Your health will also be highlighted under the Full Moon in Sagittarius in on June 9th, as the moon illuminates your zone of rest, retreat, and healing. This full moon could feel rather cathartic for you, so it will be important to give yourself some space or solitude to release any feelings you’ve been trying to solider through. Look to this as a time to release the things you can’t control, to let go of any self-limiting beliefs, and to seek out resources that support you on an emotional and spiritual level (like a meditation retreat). On the same day Jupiter goes direct in Libra, your zone of fame, career, and achievement. Things may have slowed down significantly in your professional life over the last few months, as the goal was to help you reassess your direction and what you envisioned for yourself in terms of your plans and goals. Now that the planet of opportunity is moving forward again, you can expect to move forward too. This time things will feel much easier and progress will be made much faster.

On the 21st, the Sun enters Cancer followed by communicative Mercury. Over the next few weeks, expect to meet all sorts of interesting people that can help to open your mind to all sorts of things that you may have never thought possible. For couples, this could be a good time to work on communication issues. When the New Moon in Cancer arrives on the 23rd, it’s time to do some house cleaning with your relationships.

There’s a lot going on this month – like literally. Your job will be making sure you keep your head above it all. The action starts on June 4th when aggressive Mars enters Cancer; your zone of health, work, and routine. With Mars heating up the scene, expect your schedule and work day to get real hectic, which means there will be lots more on your plate to handle. However, don’t fret too much as Mars will be giving you the energy to tackle whatever comes your way. On the same token, Mars in Cancer can be quite an emotional energy to deal with which means you’re going to have healthy outlets available to channel it. Look into boxing classes, hot yoga, Zumba, or anything that allows you to sweat and get that energy out! Be wary of emotional eating as well. Meanwhile, you could find your co-workers or boss getting under your skin faster than usual, which could have you ready to quit and move on. If you’ve been working in a toxic or unproductive work environment for far too long, Mars can help you find the motivation to move on.

By June 6th, Venus enters Taurus; your zone of home and family. With pleasure-loving Venus here, you’ll find the most joy and comfort kicking it around the house, whether with family, friends, or alone. Venus could also help you to redecorate or jazz up your living space, which could be helpful in shifting the mood or energy of your home. With all that will be going on in the world, it will be important that you have a happy space to retreat to and recharge your batteries. The intensity eases up a bit as Mercury moves home to Gemini (your zone of fun, romance, and creativity) on June 6th as well. With curious and chatty Mercury here, you’ll be in the mood to shake the dust from your feet and party. Try to get in as much fun as you can, as it will be another way you can blow off steam. Love could bring you a delightful surprise too.

On June 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your zone of friendship and future plans. Since full moons often represent endings or things coming to a head, there’s a chance that you and a friend might not see eye to eye. If this friend hasn’t exactly been a friend to you, saying goodbye may be exactly what you need. Another way the message of this moon could manifest, is by helping to bring you bring more attention to who you are and what you do. With this area of your chart associated with the internet and social media, you could make some major noise now that could get you noticed. On the same day, Jupiter begins moving forward in Libra (your zone of travel, education, and opportunity), which means if you’ve been feeling stuck, stalled, or stagnant in any way, you’ll have the chance to push through and get moving again. If you haven’t had the opportunity to travel abroad, Jupiter will have you ready to book that trip. Meanwhile you could also receive word of an award or acceptance when it comes to a degree program.

On the 21st the Sun enters Cancer, which means that your source of energy and confidence will come by prioritizing your responsibilities and taking better care of your body. Look to Mercury’s move to Cancer (also on the 21st) to help you with planning and getting organized. On the 23rd the New Moon in Cancer can help you start a new fitness regimen, get rid of clutter, or change unhealthy habits.

It’s time for some good times and good lovin’ this month, thanks to a crew of planets moving through Cancer; your zone of romance, creativity, and fun. The fun begins when passionate Mars enters Cancer on June 4th, stirring up your craving for thrills and excitement. Look for opportunities to get out and about and try something that you’ve never done, like deep sea diving, surfing, or driving cross country. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself in high demand either, because once people get a glimpse of that glow you’ll have, they’ll find you impossible to resist. If looking for love, Mars will bring some hot, romantic, and adventurous souls to your door step. If you choose to let one of them in, there’s a strong possibility they will open you up to positive new experiences, which could be inspirational and affirming. One thing to note, Mars isn’t exactly the committing type so enjoy the ride while it lasts as you never know how far the journey will take you.

Venus will also be on hand helping you to meet new people and pursue your creative ideas once she moves home to Taurus, your zone of communication, on June 6th. If you have something you’ve been planning that you want to share with others and put on the map, Venus will be blessing you with the gift of gab in a way that can help you talk yourself into just about anything you want. This will also be a good time you have something that visually represents you and your work like a website or Instagram account as people will be wanting to know more about you and what you do. This could also translate into something good for you financially. When Mercury moves home to Gemini (your zone of home and family) on June 6th, you may find yourself considering a move or reconnecting with your family or relatives. Since Mercury is big on thinking and writing, you might find that keeping a journal or discussing your feelings with someone you trust could be cathartic and comforting.

On June 9th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your zone of fame, career, and achievement. With this full moon thrusting you into the spotlight, you could receive reward or recognition for your hard work. As such, a promotion or some media attention could be presented to you. Sagittarius is a sign that’s all about going further, doing bigger, and doing better. Keep your eyes on the prize this week, as you could also decide to make a swift exit from where you currently work with the intent to go after an opportunity you really want. On that same day, Jupiter begins moving forward in Libra – your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. If things have felt slow (or unlucky) in matters of love or money, Jupiter direct will get things moving again in a positive direction. Tap Jupiter’s lucky powers to help you with attracting what you deeply desire. Keep faith and it can happen.

On June 21st, the Sun enters Cancer which will motivate you to live your most authentic life. Simply put: if you’ve been trying to live life according to someone else’s standard, Cancer season will push you to shine your light and be yourself regardless of what anyone else has to say about it. When Mercury moves into Cancer on the 21st as well, you will find yourself in one of the most creative spaces that you’ve been in in some time. Use Mercury to intuitively follow through on any inspiration that you get as what you come up with now will be golden. Look to the New Moon on June 23rd to give yourself permission to start from a clean slate.