September 2020 Horoscopes



Expect September to be a month of accountability as the planets gather together to help us to see the ways in which our words, values, and beliefs are out of alignment with our actions, and the steps we can take to set things straight.The month opens with an emotional Full Moon in compassionate Pisces on Sept 2, which highlights the ways our beliefs shape how we treat others and how we’re treated in return. For some of us, this full moon will show us where we need healthier boundaries or to be more selflessly giving.

Come the 5th, chatty Mercury moves into fair and objective Libra, pushing for more communications, negotiations, and decisions where everyone feels valued and heard. The next day, love planet Venus moves into bold and passionate Leo, which not only encourages us to love what’s special about ourselves, but also encourages us to envision how much better our world would look if everyone (especially our unsung heroes) were treated like they were special, too.

On September 9th, things come to a grinding halt as action-oriented Mars begins its two-month retrograde in headstrong Aries. With Mars retrograde it’s time to slow down, reassess our actions, as well as our relationship to anger, and figure out how best to move forward. Between expansive Jupiter moving forward again in ambitious Capricorn on September 12 and a New Moon in disciplined Virgo on September 17, whatever actions we do take will require patience and some level of personal responsibility, particularly as no-nonsense Saturn begins moving forward again (September 29) in Capricorn as well.

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Monthly Horoscopes For September 2017


Aries: The planets never stop and nor do you, but this month the major focus will be on how you move and who you’re making moves with. Even though we’re entering the month with Mercury retrograde don’t expect September to start off slow, especially as a bevy of planets begin entering Virgo; your zone of health, work, and routine. With the Sun already in this zone, pulling your focus towards getting your sh*t together, Mars is follows along; moving into Virgo on September 5th. With your patron saint in the sign associated with details and dedication, you get the most accomplished this month by paying closer attention to the small day to day things in your life that you may normally want to avoid, like sticking to a schedule. In terms of health, Mars will be motivating you to take better care of yours. You may decide to start a new fitness program or a food detox plan. A note: between Mars entering Virgo and Mercury moving forward again in Leo (your zone of fun and creativity) beginning September 5th, you may be tempted to take on everything at once. However, doing so will easily lead to a burn out. Make sure you use the powers of Virgo to decide what warrants your time and energy and what doesn’t. This will be especially true when the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of rest, healing, and retreat on September 6th.

Under the influence of this Pisces moon, you may find yourself pushed towards a place of surrender, which means giving up the need to control things you have no control over and spending too much time on things that rob you of your sense of fulfillment. In other words, let go. While this moon may have you in your feelings, take it as a cue to address your deeper needs. By the 9th, when Mercury moves back home to Virgo, the pace picks up again; packing your schedule with all sorts of errands and appointments. The key to staying on track will be to finish what you start and keeping things sweet and simple. When Venus arrives to the Virgo party on September 19th, this could be a good time for job hunting. Venus will be beaming her good fortune your way, especially alongside the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th. Tap the power of the new moon to help you with implementing new projects, improving your health, and better aligning with your purpose. When the Sun moves into Libra (your zone of partnership) on September 22nd, look to joining forces with others to help you get ahead professionally. And speaking of your professional life, having transformative Pluto in Capricorn moving forward again (September 28th) in your zone of career and achievement, you should feel a sense of being reborn when it comes to pursuing your goals and ambitions. On the 29th, when Mercury moves into Libra, look to connect with new people; especially those that can teach you something new.

Taurus: Ready? Set? Go, Taurus! Though we’re entering the month on the tail end of a Mercury retrograde, it won’t mean that September will be a slow-moving month, as the stars will be doing their share to help push you forward. The action begins on September 5th, with passionate Mars entering Virgo, your zone of romance, creativity, and adventure. With Mars revving things up, you’ll find that you’ll be craving more fun and excitement than usual. This is a good thing as Mars will help you to find the courage to try new things and avoid getting stuck on the same old stuff. That goes for love affairs too. With Mercury moving forward again in Leo (September 5th); your zone of home and family, you should have a clear idea of what you may need to release from your past in order to move forward. You may need to save some of those goodbyes for some of the people in your life, especially if they haven’t been the type you can count on. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th may highlight this as it illuminates your zone of friendships and alliances. At the same time, this moon may also show you where you could do more to give back to others or be more supportive of a friend. On the 9th, Mercury moves into Virgo; fueling your passion to learn something new. With Mercury’s help, you could decide to take classes in fiction writing, music, or find just the right outlet for your creative inspiration.

When Venus (your patron saint) arrives in Virgo on the 19th, you’ll find you’re in the mood for love, as the planet of pleasure cranks up the romance. If single and interested in making a love match, you could have plenty of opportunities to meet someone new over the coming weeks. Meanwhile, if you’ve already found the love of your life, Venus in Virgo could help to rekindle the flame between the two of you and perhaps bring up a convo about having children. On another note, having Venus working alongside Mercury, could also show you how to make some extra cash off a hobby or a creative skill. By September 20th, the New Moon in Virgo could help you to get in touch with your passion while pushing you to be a more authentic version of yourself. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Libra (your zone of health, work, and routine) encouraging you to find more of a balance between your work life and your private life. This may mean scaling back on the hours at work, eating better, or making your environment clutter free. With transformative Pluto moving direct in Capricorn (your zone of travel and education) on September 28th, you may realize where you need to let go of outworn beliefs or philosophies in order to get the most out of life. On the 29th, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra, kicking off a busy yet productive period. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Gemini: As you come out of August still feeling a bit wobbly, especially as Mercury (your ruling planet) spent most of last month retrograde, your goal for September is to make sure that you’re standing on solid ground before you move forward. You’ll receive some help with this mission as a bevy of planets line up in Virgo; your zone of home and family. With the Sun already in this zone, you may already be looking for ways to improve your sense of stability. When Mars moves into Virgo on the 5th, you may decide to move or upgrade your home to increase your peace of mind, or you may decide to enlist the help of a therapist to address any anxiety, anger, or sadness that may be keeping you off kilter. When Mercury begins moving forward again in Leo on September 5th, in your zone of communication and ideas, the delays and miscommunications you may have experienced over the last few weeks begin to subside. Hopefully, you were able to learn ways in which you could be more effective with your communication skills or where you may need to let go of an outdated perspective. On September 6th, the Full Moon in Pisces lights up your zone of career, fame, and achievement. Under the influence of this moon, you could decide to leave an unfulfilling position, or switch your career trajectory towards something that better aligns with what you really want; especially if you’ve been wasting too much time trying to make others happy. Since full moons also represent a culmination, you could find yourself on the receiving end of an award or another form of recognition.

By the 9th, Mercury leaves Leo and moves back into Virgo, which may have you thinking heavily about the past, as well as the relationship you have to people in your family. Having thoughtful Mercury traveling in this zone of your chart may ask you to challenge or examine your family’s belief system or traditions as a means of figuring out if makes sense to use them as a standard for living your own life. Though your home and family life improves when Venus enters Virgo on September 19th. With the help from the planet of pleasure and beauty, use this time for redecorating, organizing, and improving the comfort level of your home. This might mean parting ways with a bad roommate or doing something as simple as buying yourself a good pair of sheets. Though when it comes to investing in any big changes when it comes to your home or family life, look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to help you with implementing your plans. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra; your zone of romance and creativity. With the Sun lighting up this area of your chart, it’s all about finding your confidence to be the true standout you were born to be. Maybe this means being more open about your skills or talents or learning how to better show up for yourself. Remember, confidence is also an aphrodisiac. On the 28th, transformative Pluto moves forward again in Capricorn, your zone of intimacy and finances, to help you put an end to the ways that you may be giving up your power. When Mercury moves into Libra on September 29th, it’s time to reconnect to the pleasure of learning.

Cancer: This month is largely about focus, determination, and learning the importance of finishing what you start. The lesson begins on September 5th, when motivating Mars moves into Virgo, your zone of communication. With Mars kicking your brain into overdrive and intensifying your craving to learn and crank out new ideas, you should find yourself eager to study, train, or working to turn a brilliant concept into something more tangible. However, instead of losing focus at the first sign of a challenge, the discipline of Virgo will help you to be more deliberate about the projects you start while developing a realistic plan to make them happen. This will be especially true when Mercury joins the party in Virgo on September 9th, teaching you the value of honing your craft, vision, and skills. Though with Mercury still in Leo (your money zone) until then, your job is to focus on ways you can improve your income. During Virgo season, that may mean looking for ways to make yourself more marketable and getting people interested in what you have to say. When the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of travel, education, and opportunity on September 6th, you may find yourself bringing yourself a step closer to fulfilling a dream or seeing your name in print. However, the goal of this full moon, is to stir you out of places where you may have gotten too comfortable so you can continue to grow. You’re not only gaining courage to step out of your comfort zone but you’re learning how to best map your direction so you don’t get thrown off course along the way.

On September 19th, Venus moves into Virgo, bestowing you with the powers of persuasion. If you want to work your wit and charm on others, Venus can help you shine when it comes to presentations, meetings, and negotiations. At the same time, hosting Venus in your communication zone can also show you the power of speaking what you want into existence. Allow the power of Virgo to teach you the importance of choosing your words carefully and saying things with intent.  On the 20th, the New Moon in Virgo gives you the green light to move full steam ahead on a project or idea like a website, blog, or social media campaign. Look to ways you can fine tune your message and target your audience. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra; your zone of home and family. This means that over the next month, your source of warmth, light, and energy will come from spending time with close family and friends and taking care of home related projects. With powerful Pluto in Capricorn going forward again in Capricorn (your zone of partnership and marriage) on September 28, you may decide to walk away from a disempowering relationship or choose to deepen your bond to the one you love. On the 29th, Mercury shifts into Libra which could keep you busy on the home front. If you’ve been thinking about buying or selling property, you could strike a good deal.

Leo: With a bevy of planets transiting through Virgo; your zone of income and possessions, your cash (how you spend it and how you make it) will be a major focus for you. The state of your finances will be particularly important as aggressive Mars enters Virgo on September 5th, which could ramp up your spending or bring an unexpected expense. At the same time, Mars will be on hand to help you find the courage you need to demand an income that matches your worth. Overall, it’s time to stop settling out of fear that you can’t get (or don’t deserve) what you want. Meanwhile Mercury finishes its retrograde (also on September 5th) in Leo; your zone of identity and self-confidence. With the planet of communication moving forward, you should find yourself being able to move forward too. However, things may get a little emotional under the Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th, which lands in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. Before you can you can fully move forward, it seems there’s something you need to let go of first; whether it’s an old wound, a co-dependent relationship, or an old financial story centered on lack. Consider this moon to be a cathartic release that can help you to finally get the healing you need. On September 9th, when Mercury moves back into Virgo, it’ll be time to go over your bank statements, receipts, and expenses with a fine-tooth comb. If you’ve strayed away from your budget, Mercury can help you to get back on track.

On the 19th, Venus joins the crowd when she leaves Leo for Virgo. Under this cosmic influence, you’re being called to improve your self-worth. As part of this work you could be motivated to find a better paying job, ask for a pay raise, or renegotiate a financial contract. As a lover of the finer things in life, you can be quite generous with your cash but if you want to upgrade your life, you’ll need to have ample resources in place to support you for the long term. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to help you with initiating any big money moves or initiatives. The moon will be working alongside the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars to help you get what you want. You just have to make sure you’re putting the effort in. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra; your zone of communication, which should have you very busy over the next month. In addition to connecting and sharing with others, your focus will be looking to ways you can become a more effective communicator or speaker. With Pluto going direct in Capricorn (September 28th) in your zone of health, work and routine; you should also be thinking about how you can become more effective across the board. On the 29th, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra; ramping up your curiosity and your excitement to learn something new. Seek out people and activities that help you do this. Meanwhile, if you’ve been thinking of launching something to the public, Mercury can help you spread the word.

Virgo: While your birthday season is in full swing, things don’t really start getting interesting until go-getter Mars enters your sign on September 5th. With Mars in Virgo and in your zone of confidence and self-image, you may end up feeling like there’s very little that you can’t accomplish this month. That not only goes for your physical energy, but it also goes for drawing boundaries with others and pursuing who and what you passionately want. With Mercury, your ruling planet, also leaving its retrograde position on September 5th, the confusion you may have been dealing with over the last three weeks will start to clear up. With Mercury in Leo for now and in your zone of rest, healing, and retreat – look to the next couple of days to help you with clearing out the mental garbage. If anxiety has been an issue; meditation, journal writing, or therapy may also be helpful. On the 6th, the Full Moon in Pisces illuminates your zone of partnership and marriage. With the help of this moon, you could find yourself exiting a lifeless relationship or if single, this full moon can also help you with clearing the way for you to attract the love you desire. If in a couple, you may need to work on issues surrounding commitment or compromise.  On September 9th, things begin making sense again as Mercury moves back home to Virgo. With Mercury back on your team, you should find yourself not only eager to meet and greet new people but that you’re hard to resist too. Utilize Mercury’s powers to help you with making the right connections at the right time. Also, don’t be afraid to toot your own horn as you never know who’s listening.

Speaking of meeting and greeting people, when Venus enters Virgo on September 19th, your magnetism shoots through the roof. It’ll be hard to miss the people falling at your feet, so don’t be shy about soaking up the attention. If you’re looking for love or just a little action, Venus and Mars in Virgo will be working together on your behalf to make sure you get it. Again, don’t be shy about asking for what you want. On the 20th, the New Moon in Virgo inspires you to change up your hair, wardrobe, or look. If you’ve been feeling like switching up your fitness program, the new moon can help with that as well. Look to this moon as a birthday gift from the cosmos to assist you with your journey into a brand new year. On the 22nd, the Sun steps into Libra, your zone of income and possessions. Over the next month, your attention turns to how you earn and spend your money. Since the Sun is associated with self-confidence, you may want to focus on building yours so you can ask for/pursue the kind of pay you deserve. With powerful Pluto going direct again in Capricorn (your zone of romance and creativity) on the 28th, only what you’re truly passionate about will do. On the 29th, Mercury enters Libra which can help open up talks or negotiations about money. You may want to start job hunting at this time as well as look to ways to keep better track of your coins.

Libra: To paraphrase the immortal 50 Cent - Go, Libra! It’s your birthday! Party like it’s your birthday! That’s right Libra, it’s a new year and a new you; thanks to the Sun returning to the exact same place it was at the time of your birth. Though before you get to the festivities, it seems you have a few loose ends to tie up; especially when it comes to your health and peace of mind. With Mars moving into Virgo (your zone of healing and retreat) on September 5th, you may need to work on letting go of anger or a past resentment. At the same time, you’re being pushed to connect the dots between your mind, body, and spirit; which means that this may be a good time to take up meditation, yoga, or another physical exercise (like dance) that helps you to connect all three. Meanwhile Mercury begins to move forward again in Leo (your zone of friends and future plans) – also on September 5th – which helps you to get back on track when it comes to pursuing your hopes and wishes. If things felt like they were moving like molasses over the past few weeks or if you felt like you lost your way for a bit, you get the clarity you need to keep going. On the 6th, the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of health, work, and routine which could push you to take better care of yourself or kiss a dead-end job goodbye. This moon will encourage you to pay closer attention to how your environment affects your mood and how your mood affects your health. Depression, anxiety, moodiness, and fatigue are all symptoms of ignoring your emotional and physical needs.

Though you can be proactive about how you manage your emotional health as Mercury joins the Sun and Mars in Virgo on September 9th. Taking frequent breaks or time to yourself could be beneficial as well as writing down your thoughts and feelings or enlisting the help of a therapist. The important thing is that you give your mind a rest and get quiet enough to hear the guidance from your intuitive self. On the 19th, Venus (your patron saint) joins the bounty of planets in Virgo. Since Venus is also associated with art and creativity, you could also find yourself incredibly inspired and working behind the scenes on your next creative masterpiece. When the New Moon in Virgo lands on September 20th, look to this moon to help you with clearing out the psychic/spiritual gunk that you’ve accumulated within the last 12th months; because when the Sun moves into Libra and kicks off a new year for you, you’ll want to make sure you’re in the right place to receive the goodies coming your way. Having the Sun in your sign means you should expect a boost in confidence, energy, and inspiration over the coming weeks. With the help of Pluto in Capricorn moving forward again (September 28th) in your zone of home and family, you should be able to see what you need to heal and release when it comes to something that’s happened to you in the past. When Mercury moves into Libra on the 29th, challenge yourself to approach the world with a new pair of eyes.

Scorpio: Community and allyship are going to be major themes for you this month, as you’re called to take on more of a leadership role in improving the world around you, especially when it comes to stepping up for marginalized or underprivileged groups. That’s because go-getter Mars moves into Virgo, your zone of friendship and future plans on September 5th; motivating you to champion a cause that you believe in and becoming a true agent for change. With Mercury moving forward again on September 5th in Leo; your zone of career, fame, and achievement – people will be looking to your wisdom, expertise, and ideas as a source of guidance. Make sure you have something worthwhile to say. When the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your zone of creativity, passion, and romance on September 6th; you may realize where you need to show up more for yourself or stop playing small. In matters of the heart, this full moon could also push you to end an unsatisfying romance or to get clear on the kind of love you wish to have. On the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, encouraging you to connect and network with others. Since this zone of your chart is also associated with your hopes and wishes, this month is all about finding the determination and resources to make them come true. That’s why Mercury will be working on your behalf to establish a rapport with people that can help you along.

On the 19th, Venus enters Virgo, providing you with just the right charm and good vibes to win people over. If you’d like to raise funds for a project or cause that you believe in, Venus can help you to get people interested. A social media or online campaign could be successful. Though look to days after the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to launch a campaign, initiative, or plan. People want your innovative approach and ideas. A website, podcast, or any platform that allows you to share your message with a larger audience will be beneficial for you, as well as those impacted by your voice. By the time September 22nd, rolls around, you’ll want to make sure that you get as much work done as you can as that’s when the Sun slips into Libra – your zone of rest, healing, and retreat. With the Sun in one of the most private and sensitive areas of your chart, your focus will be on taking some time out to chill. Otherwise, a powerhouse like you could run yourself ragged if you don’t learn how to take breaks as you need them. Protect your health, Scorpio. Meanwhile, Pluto (your ruling planet) goes direct again in Capricorn; your zone of communication, on September 28th. With Pluto moving forward you should be able to better figure out what warrants your attention and what doesn’t, especially when it comes to outmoded perspectives that no longer serve you. On the 28th, Mercury enters Libra. Take it as your cue to give your mind a rest.

Sagittarius: You’re about to be the biggest boss we’ve seen thus far when it comes to September. That’s because a whole bevy of planets in Virgo will be working on your behalf and motivating you to succeed. The action begins on September 5th, when fearless Mars moves into Virgo; your zone of fame, career, and achievement. With Mars cranking up the heat, you might find the courage you need to kiss a lackluster position goodbye or pursue a promotion. A word of caution: Mars could have you at odds with your supervisor this month, so be mindful about responding to the situation from a reactive place. If necessary, use the power of Virgo to create a clear exit plan then execute it accordingly. Meanwhile, Mercury begins moving forward again (also on the 5th) in Leo – your zone of travel and education. Over the past few weeks you may have had to rethink some outworn beliefs, leaving you to move forward with a new perspective. If not, an emotional Full Moon in Pisces (September 6th) will be helping you to release anything from the past that no longer serves you when it lands in your zone of home and family. Under this moon, you may also decide to move or upgrade your home as a means of creating safety and sanctuary. On the 9th, Mercury moves back home to Virgo. If you have something to present to the public over the next few weeks, you’re sure to have everyone’s attention. Just make sure to stick to the facts and bring your receipts.

By September 19, Venus joins the Virgo party; helping you to charm and dazzle your way into the spotlight. If you’ve done your homework, people will be more than happy to give you your due, which means you could receive some public recognition. If job hunting, Venus will be working on your behalf to make sure you leave a good impression. As such a promotion could be in order. Look to the days after the New Moon in Virgo (September 20th) to initiate any big moves when it comes to your career. The seeds that you plant at this time could bring you a hefty reward later, so stay focused and committed to what you’re doing. On September 22nd, the Sun moves into Libra and into your zone of friendship and future plans. With the Sun transiting the sign of partnership, look to joining forces with others to help you make your hopes and wishes come to fruition. With Pluto moving forward again in Capricorn (September 28th) in your zone of income, you’ll be encouraged to continue working on ways in which you can conserve and better build your resources. Hint: stop selling yourself short. Speaking of money, Mercury moving into Libra can help you capitalize on the reputation you’ve been building.

Capricorn: It seems your perspective and how you see the world needs a little shaking up. That’s why a bevy of planets will be lining up in Virgo; your zone of travel, education, and adventure to help push you past your comfort zone. It all begins on September 5th when excitement loving Mars moves into Virgo. With Mars making you antsier than usual, you could find yourself booking a trip at a moment’s notice in search of a life changing experience. Meanwhile, with Mercury moving forward again in Leo (your zone of intimacy and rebirth) on the 5th, you may find yourself craving some fresh air and a fresh perspective after digging around in the depths of your mind. You’ll get your wish come September 6th as a potent Full Moon in Pisces lights up your communication zone. Under the influence of this moon, you may see where your thinking has kept you fearful or limited. This full moon pushes you to open your mind. Mercury continues this theme when it moves into Virgo on September 9th, pushing you to expand your brain past what you already know. This expansion could include the start of the book you’ve always wanted to write, or the decision to immerse yourself into a new philosophy, faith, or field of study. Overall, the cosmos is asking you to see the world with new eyes. Since this area of your chart also deals with ethics and beliefs, you’re also encouraged to use your voice to speak up for something you’re passionate about, especially in the face of injustice.

On the 19th, Venus enters Virgo, helping you to follow your heart and find the joy in living again. If you’ve been feeling a bit battered and worn down, Venus will be on hand to help you open your heart to what’s possible, whether it’s fulfilling a dream or falling in love with someone new. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th, to assist you with turning over a new leaf. If you have a media or publishing project to launch (or pitch) the new moon can also be a source of support for you. With the Sun moving into Libra (your zone of career and achievement) on September 22nd, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a promotion or an impressive new job offer. However, much of your success will depend on finding the right balance between doing what makes you happy and impressing others. With transformative Pluto moving forward in Capricorn (September 28th), in your zone of confidence and self-image, the theme of rebirth continues for you this month, as Pluto pushes you to break down the façades in your life. You often strive to keep it real, but you can also succumb to keeping up appearances if it means you get to hold on to approval and power. The thing is, true power and affirmation comes from the inside, not the other way around. On the 29th, Mercury moves into Libra. Use your words effectively.

Aquarius: Save a little for yourself. This is the message that the Universe brings you this month as money and security become the focus for most of September. That’s because there will be a team of planet transiting through Virgo, illuminating your zone of debt, finances, and intimacy. The action begins on September 5th, when Mars enters Virgo; pushing you to be more protective of your resources. Your generosity and willingness to pitch in are some of the most wonderful things about you, yet you run the risk of depleting yourself when others aren’t as willing to return the many favors you hand out. That’s why Mars will be on hand, helping you to draw better boundaries. At the same time, you’ll need to watch for sudden expenses too, as Mars creates a stir wherever it goes. With Mercury ending its retrograde (September 5th) in Leo – your zone of partnership – themes around give and take continue as Mercury helps you to see others more clearly. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th, lights up your zone of income and possessions which could bring a wake-up call in terms of how you handle your money. On another note, this full moon may push you to exit a job if it’s been an unfulfilling one. Working for little to no pay isn’t an option either. When Mercury moves into Virgo on September 9th, it’ll be a good time to take a realistic stock of your debts and financial obligations, while looking to ways you can pay them off in a way you can afford.

On the 19th, when Venus moves to Virgo, you can expect your financial situation to improve with the help of your partner. Perhaps they get a new job or salary increase that helps the two of you to find a little extra security and peace of mind. On another note, you may find that now’s the time when you and your partner make some sort of a joint investment like buying a house, car, or a retirement fund to assist with your short and long-term needs. If single, hosting Venus and Mars in this zone may bring you a soul mate connection with another or motivate you to reconnect with your sexual energy. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th, to assist you with writing a new narrative when it comes to your financial or intimate life. You don’t have to be a slave to your past. Things significantly lighten up by September 22nd when the Sun enters Libra – your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Over the coming weeks that follow, your job will be to engage experiences, perspectives, and information that challenge what you already know and push you towards growth. This can happen by returning to school or taking a trip overseas. With Pluto ending its retrograde in Capricorn (your zone of healing and retreat) on the 28th, you can begin the process of healing/letting go of a deep-seated pain, anger, or sadness. On the 29th, Mercury moves into Libra, motivating you to pursue a big idea. Don’t lose sight.

Pisces: It’s all about partnerships and collaborations this month as multiple planets team up in Virgo; your zone of one-on-one relationships. The action begins on September 5th, when go-getter Mars moves into Virgo, pushing you to connect and join forces with others that motivate you to succeed. At the same time, if someone has been pressing their luck with you, Mars will also give you the courage to speak up for yourself and maintain your boundaries. Though be warned, Mars will also have you in the mood to stir up some trouble too, so make sure you’re not picking any unnecessary fights with the ones you love or work closely with. Also on September 5th, Mercury begins moving forward again in Leo; your zone of health, work, and routine. The frustrations, glitches, and delays that you may have had to deal with in and out of the office begin to clear up. Meanwhile, if you fell off a fitness or nutrition program, Mercury direct can help you get back on track along with the Full Moon in Pisces (September 6th) landing in your zone of self-image and confidence. With the help of this full moon you could find yourself working to put an end to an unhealthy habit or addiction. While on another note, this moon may push you to begin pushing back on the images and expectations that others project on you; leading you to define yourself for yourself. With Mercury moving into Virgo on September 9th, a part of your job this month will be to become more discerning about who you give your time and attention.

By the 19th, Venus enters Virgo bringing opportunities for you to take on new clients within the health, service, or coaching industries. If you’re a writer or an artist, you may begin working with an agent to help grow and expand your audience. In matters of the heart, Venus could also help you along. Look to the New Moon in Virgo on September 20th to assist you with meeting someone new. If you’re already attached, you and your love could decide to tie the knot or take your relationship to the next level. When the Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd, it’s all about you and your partner’s resources. As such, September could have you teaming up to tackle debt or make a major joint purchase. If single, Libra season will be teaching you the importance of striking a balance between how much you give and take. While you don’t want to be afraid of vulnerability, you don’t want to be anyone’s doormat either. That’s why Pluto moving direct in Capricorn (your zone of friends and future plans) on September 28th, will be helping you to figure out where you may need to take back your power when it comes to the people in your life. Perhaps it may be time to cut certain people off. Meanwhile, all-or-nothing Pluto will also be helping you to get serious about pursuing your dreams, while pushing you to stay clear of anything where you’re just going through the motions. On the 29th, Mercury enters Libra and it’s time to take a long, hard look at your finances. However, money won’t be the only focus. Your feelings and your ability to voice them will be important too.