November 2020 Horoscopes

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

It's an action-packed month, and the action starts with Mercury retrograde coming to an end on November 3. With Mercury in fair-minded Libra until the 10th, we can expect an influx of information and conversations focused on justice, equality, and integrity. Come the 10th, chatty Mercury re-enters detective-like Scorpio, which should again bring secrets and exposés to collective conversation, all the while encouraging us to do our research and trust our instincts. On the 13th, the momentum goes into hyperdrive as Mars retrograde finally ends and Mars begins moving forward again in fast and furious Aries, which will heighten our energy, libido, and of course, our temper. If things have felt stuck and slow-moving up until this point, Mars in Aries direct will thrust us forward.

The action continues on the 15th, courtesy of an emotionally-charged New Moon in all-or-nothing Scorpio, which pushes us to reach down deep to find the courage to confront our worst fears and fight for what we want, especially as love planet Venus moves to Scorpio on the 21st. Also on the 21st, the confident Sun gallops into adventurous and enthusiastic Sagittarius. During Sagittarius season, we're called toward growth, excitement, and boldly living our truth. Since Sagittarius is a sign cares deeply about the beliefs and philosophies that shape us, as well as doing what's morally right, this could be a time when many of us may find ourselves fighting for what we believe in.

The month ends on a crescendo with a power-packed Lunar Eclipse in stimulating Gemini on November 30. As eclipses are the cosmic harbingers of change, we should expect this eclipse to reveal a shocking secret or expose information that forces us to take an active stance in improving or saving our future.

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September 2020 Horoscopes



Expect September to be a month of accountability as the planets gather together to help us to see the ways in which our words, values, and beliefs are out of alignment with our actions, and the steps we can take to set things straight.The month opens with an emotional Full Moon in compassionate Pisces on Sept 2, which highlights the ways our beliefs shape how we treat others and how we’re treated in return. For some of us, this full moon will show us where we need healthier boundaries or to be more selflessly giving.

Come the 5th, chatty Mercury moves into fair and objective Libra, pushing for more communications, negotiations, and decisions where everyone feels valued and heard. The next day, love planet Venus moves into bold and passionate Leo, which not only encourages us to love what’s special about ourselves, but also encourages us to envision how much better our world would look if everyone (especially our unsung heroes) were treated like they were special, too.

On September 9th, things come to a grinding halt as action-oriented Mars begins its two-month retrograde in headstrong Aries. With Mars retrograde it’s time to slow down, reassess our actions, as well as our relationship to anger, and figure out how best to move forward. Between expansive Jupiter moving forward again in ambitious Capricorn on September 12 and a New Moon in disciplined Virgo on September 17, whatever actions we do take will require patience and some level of personal responsibility, particularly as no-nonsense Saturn begins moving forward again (September 29) in Capricorn as well.

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August 2020 Horoscopes

Image: courtesy of Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Image: courtesy of Margaret Flatley/Bustle

The month opens with an electric Full Moon in unconventional and innovative Aquarius on August 3, which could bring a few shocks or surprises our way, particularly where relationships or friendships are concerned. The best way we can harness this full moon's power is by being open to the unexpected and doing what we can to break social norms or rules that foster injustice and inequality. With communicative Mercury moving to bold and passionate Leo on August 4, it's time to speak loud and proud about the things we're most passionate about. Confidence and creativity are key to making connections with others and getting our ideas out. Brainstorming sessions and art related projects could be golden now.

Come August 7, we're called to drop out of our heads and down into our hearts as love planet Venus finally leaves curious Gemini for tenderhearted Cancer. With Venus in Cancer, we'll find peace, pleasure, and even a little romance too, when we consider and care for the feelings of others in addition to honoring our need for nourishment and affection. Though with some gnarly planets in the mix, which includes angry Mars in Aries somber Saturn in Capricorn and power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn, we can also expect to flex our need for healthy boundaries and community support.

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February 2019 Horoscopes

photo courtesy of I AM & CO

photo courtesy of I AM & CO

Last month may have been a roller coaster ride thanks to the effects of two game-changing eclipses. Luckily, this month we get the chance to catch our breath and let the dust settle a bit. February opens with love planet Venus entering grounded and practical Capricorn on February 3rd, bringing the focus to commitment, dedication, and integrity when it comes to relationships and financial matters.

Since Capricorn is an earth sign, Venus in Capricorn will also be pushing us to establish a healthier relationship with ourselves, especially when it comes to our physical well-being. With active Mars entering sensual and equally grounded Taurus on February 14th, followed by the Full Moon in health-conscious Virgo on the 19th, the emphasis on our physical health will be hard to ignore.

As a rule, eclipses can be rough on the body by ramping up stress levels. The earthy energy coming our way can help us get the care and calming energy that we need.

Meanwhile, the New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th, coupled with the start of Pisces season on February 18th, encourages us to make smarter and more fulfilling choices when it comes to our connections to others, while looking to ways that we can help make the world better for others too–specifically those who may be vulnerable or marginalized. Having communicative Mercury entering soulful Pisces on February 10th means that we’ll be looking to have more meaningful conversations and connections as well.

Between the New Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, and planets in Pisces, we’re reminded that healthy, supportive, and emotionally uplifting relationships can also be the anchor that we need right now.

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Here's What's In Store For May - May 2017 Monthly Horoscopes!

You should be feeling back on track this month as Mercury begins moving forward again in Aries, your zone of confidence and self-image, on May 3. With charming Venus (now in Aries) also back in this zone, you should have a better sense of what you want and where you want to go moving forward. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting a makeover too as you’ll be wanting a new look that matches your new outlook on life. Meanwhile, hosting Venus and Mercury in your sign means that you have the power of persuasion now, especially with Mars in talkative Gemini camped out in your zone of communication. With the help of this cosmic combination, it won’t be hard to win friends, influence others, talk yourself into an opportunity, or attract love. If you have something you want to promote, launch, publish, screen, or build an audience for – May is your month to do it, especially as the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, followed by a New Moon in Gemini on the 25th. Writing, media, networking, and gathering new experiences will be your source of strength and good energy.

Before Gemini season arrives though, there’s some unfinished business for you to handle first thanks to the Full Moon in Scorpio (May 10) landing in your zone of finances, intimacy, and rebirth. Under this full moon, you may be pushed to put the kibosh on an intimate relationship that’s become more controlling or manipulative than supportive and nurturing. Meanwhile when it comes to your finances, you could be making a big step towards your financial security like purchasing life insurance or your own house. Either way, look to this full moon to help you find the courage to grow up in some way. The theme of money and the things you value will continue as Mercury enters Taurus, your zone of income and possessions on May 16. With Mercury here, it’s time to go over your financials and pay closer attention to the money going in and out of your bank account, as well as your perceptions around scarcity and abundance. It’s time to see the glass as half full instead of the other way around.



As your birthday season continues, you can consider this month to be a re-set of sorts, especially when it comes to your relationships, money, and the things you value. With Mercury moving forward again in Aries (your zone of rest, healing, and retreat) by May 3, you should be able to find the courage to let something you’ve been fearing go. With Mercury in one of the most sensitive zones of your chart, your intuition is spot now on, you just have to make sure you allow yourself to get quiet enough to hear it, especially with Venus in Aries calling you towards better self-care. Having Mercury in fearless Aries though, is like having that little voice in your head that tells you that you can do anything. It’s time to trust that voice, as it really means trusting yourself – especially as multiple planets begin lining up in Gemini, your zone of self-worth, income, and possessions. Mars in Gemini already kicked off the party last month, pushing you to be more demanding about getting the things that you’ve been working so hard for, while making sure others respect those demands.

And speaking of others, on May 10 a Full Moon in Scorpio lands in your zone of relationships, which may push you to end a bad relationship or force you to see someone close to you as they really are. If there’s been a drought in your love life, this full moon could also bring an end to that as well. By the 16th, when Mercury enters Taurus, your zone of self-confidence and self-image, your words will carry special power, so make sure you’re using them to speak what you want into existence. Be mindful of how you use phrases like “I can’t”, “I won’t”, “I don’t have”, “I am”, etc. On another note, you can use Mercury to meet and connect with others in a way that could lead to an opportunity or two. Prepare to sing your own praises. By the 20th, when the Sun enters Gemini, the spotlight turns back to your money and self-worth. It’s time to put yourself in spaces, working or not, that make you feel valued and productive. No more holding onto people or things out of fear. On the 25th, look to the New Moon in Gemini to help you with manifesting a new source of income.


Happy Birthday, Gemini! With a brand new year ahead of you and nearly half the cosmos behind you this month, you may feel like you can’t be stopped. This feeling is a good thing, Gemini as it may have felt like you’ve been swimming in molasses lately. Though the slow progress helped you to figure out where your energy is best spent. With Mercury moving forward again in Aries (your zone of friendship and future goals) on May 3, you succeed by paying closer attention to the company you keep both on and offline. With Venus back in Aries and in this area of your chart as well, there may have been some changes in your circle of friends, but you should be clearer on what friendship means to you. Simply put: if the people you know aren’t adding value to your life in some way, then what are they doing? With aggressive Mars currently in Gemini, your zone of confidence and self-image, you should be feeling assured and energized in a way that you haven’t felt for some time. You should also be feeling less tolerant of other people’s nonsense, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself quicker to set boundaries with others.

On the 10th, a Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your zone of health, routine, and work. Under the influence of this full moon your personal boundaries continue to be an opportunity for growth for you as you may decide to call it quits on a job within a toxic or abusive work environment. Another way this full moon may show up for you is by pushing you to detox your body or break a bad habit. When Mercury enters Taurus on the 16th, it’s time for a mental sabbatical of sorts as your creativity and intuition only shine through when you give yourself enough quiet and solitude. As such, stay off the social media for a little while. Consider this time a chance to clear things off your plate before your birthday rolls in as when the Sun arrives in Gemini on the 20th, joining Mars, it’s full steam ahead. With the Sun and Mars on your team, May is your month to make major progress and take chances on things that you may have been afraid to do in the past. Look to the New Moon in Gemini on the 25th, to turn over a new leaf when it comes to your style and approach.


It’s time to move past your fears this month, especially when it comes to your creativity and your career aspirations. With Mercury moving forward again (May 3) in Aries, your zone of success, career, and fame; you should be receiving some clarity on the steps that you want to take to get ahead which may mean a career switch or change. With Venus back in Aries and in this same zone, your focus is making sure that whatever you choose to do, it allows you a sense of fulfillment and creative freedom alongside making money. Is it possible to do what you love and live on it too? The universe seems to think so. It’s time you got your head in that same space. With passionate Mars currently in Gemini and in your zone of rest, retreat, and dreams; you may be feeling both divinely inspired and wildly afraid to leave your current situation behind. Though this is the perfect time to strategize behind the scenes and engage activities that help you reduce anxiety and overcome fear. Therapy or working with a reputable spiritual healer could help.

On the 10th, the Full Moon in Scorpio lights up your zone of creativity, adventure, and romance. As Scorpio is a sign that pushes us to recognize our personal power, this full moon may push you to stop doubting yourself or playing yourself small. Whether it comes to love or something you love doing, it’s all about putting yourself in spaces and living experiences that allow you to be your authentic self without reserve. On the 16th, when Mercury enters Taurus, your zone of friendship and future goals, it’s time to take your hopes and wishes seriously by taking tangible steps to make them come true. Part of this work will involve connecting and conversing with others that you can collaborate with in a professional capacity or those that can at the very least point you in the right direction when it comes to opportunity. Since social media is associated with this area, make sure to use it as your digital resume. A personal website could even help. On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini, followed by a New Moon in Gemini on the 25th. Giving yourself space to dream, heal, and create will be the best gift you can give yourself. Take care of you.


New experiences, places, and faces are the theme for you this month as curious Mercury moves forward again in Aries (May 3), your zone of travel, opportunity, and education. During Mercury retrograde, your job was to reconnect with your sense of adventure and enterprising spirit. This month, it’s all about taking those ideas and inspiration that Mercury retrograde stirred up and using them to expand your horizons. Publishing, media, travel, teaching, or learning are all areas that may present opportunities that can help to catapult you forward. With lovely Venus back in Aries as well; money, love, and your overall fulfillment will be found by taking a few creative risks – so don’t second guess yourself. With go-getter Mars in Gemini, your zone of friendship and future goals, the push to pursue your ideas while building the network of people around you will be felt even stronger. With Mars here, you’ll find that you have less tolerance for the naysayers in your life. This is a good thing as you don’t need anyone projecting their fears onto you.

When the Full Moon in Scorpio lands in your zone of home and family on May 10, it’s time to clean up shop. This full moon could highlight issues around your sense of stability, relationship to your mom, or your need for an improved quality of living. Use this moon to help you with releasing the past, drawing better boundaries, or to detox your living space. On the 16th, when Mercury arrives in Taurus, your zone of fame, career, and achievement; it’s time to step up to the mic. It’s time to tell people what you do and how you do it. With the right people listening, you could talk yourself into a promotion or another money-making opportunity.  A press kit, website, or a speaking engagement could get the ball rolling. When the Sun arrives in Gemini on the 20th, your source of warmth, strength, and good vibes comes by soaking up the company of good people. Look to the New Moon in Gemini on May 25 to help you with making your hopes and wishes come true. 


Now that Mercury, your ruling planet, is beginning to move forward again in Aries (May 3), your zone of finances, intimacy, and rebirth; you should have a clear idea on how to move forward with getting your money on track, especially when it comes to getting out of debt. With money-loving Venus back in Aries as well, your financial picture could also improve with the help of your partner, as your partner may be in line to receive some extra cash by way of a bonus or commission. Hosting Venus and Mercury in this zone of your chart could also get you thinking about how you can stop giving away your energy, skills, and resources for free. Think about ways you can monetize or better charge for your expertise. With confident Mars in Gemini – your zone of career, fame, and achievement – it’s time to grab the bull by the horns when it comes to your goals and ambitions. Simply put: go hard or go home. Mars in Gemini will be giving you the right amount of confidence, charisma, and wit to help you create your own opportunities.

On the 10th, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your zone of communication. Under this full moon, a creative project or idea could come to fruition, landing you on the map while the right conversation or exchange could blow your mind in a way that positively shifts your perspective. And speaking of your perspective, when Mercury enters Taurus (your zone of education, travel, and opportunity) on the 16th, it’s time to push past your immediate environment and look towards activities and information that helps you to broaden your mind and experience. When the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, you’re back in the spotlight again. Between the Sun and Mars charging up your career zone, it shouldn’t take long for you to land a prominent position or receive noteworthy praise around the work that you do. Look to the New Moon in Gemini on the 25th, to go after a new position or title. This moon could also be helpful for impressing/meeting VIPs or helping you to make a successful name for yourself.


Lessons in partnership are the theme during the first half of the month as Mercury begins moving forward again in Aries (May 3), your zone of marriage and significant others. During Mercury retrograde, you may have had the opportunity to gain insight around a relationship, which may have helped you to solve an issue within the relationship or see the other person in a new light. As Mercury moves forward, you should be able to have a clearer idea on how to proceed forward too. Some Libras may decide to move on from a relationship, especially if they find it lacking in growth or direction. Meanwhile, with Venus back in Aries, some Libras may find themselves with a new lease on love. Since this area of your chart also deals with professional partnerships, Mercury and Venus could also be helpful for signing papers or negotiating an agreement. With go-getter Mars currently in Gemini; your zone of education, travel, and opportunity, your personal growth and direction will be a theme as well, as Mars will be pushing you to put an end to anything that’s become boring or rote in your life.

When the Full Moon in Scorpio lands in your zone of income, self-worth, and possessions on May 10, your finances come into the spotlight. Under this moon, you could experience a financial crisis that motivates you to get better with how you handle your money or to value yourself enough to find a better paying or raise your prices. If you’ve adopted a poverty consciousness for far too long, this full moon could help you with facing your fears around security. On the 16th, when Mercury enters Taurus – your zone of intimacy, debt, and rebirth – it’s time to come up with a plan to help you improve your sense of stability. Working with a financial advisor or within a budget could help. Though when it comes to relationships, you’re not exactly out of the clear as Mercury in Taurus will be stirring up issues around intimacy and trust. Guard your psychic space. On the 20th, when the Sun enters Gemini, followed by the New Moon in Gemini on the 25th, it’s time to get out and see the world and reconnect to your sense of adventure. Feed your spirit.


Your habits and routines are your focus as the month opens, with Mercury moving forward again in Aries (your zone of health, work, and routine) on May 3. Over the past few weeks it may have felt like you were spinning your wheels a bit as you were asked to slow down and assess what happens when you take on entirely too much at one time. Mercury retrograde may have pushed you to see your doctor or find improved ways to deal with stress. Now that Mercury is going forward the pace will pick up significantly, but your mission will be making sure that you’re using your time and energy as effectively as possible, while engaging activities that boost your health. If you’re in a soul sucking job or work environment, Mercury may also motivate you to begin looking for something new, while Venus (also back in Aries) will have you craving work that makes you happy and wealthy. With Mars in Gemini moving through your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth; you can tap into Mars’ confidence to help you with attracting the right opportunity at the right time.

Speaking of confidence, on the 10th, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your zone of self-image. Under the influence of this moon, you may decide to break free of anything or anyone that you may feel is holding you back. Since this full moon will also be drawing public attention to you, use it to show off your work, talent, or personal style as you never know whose eye you might catch. Above all else, this moon will call you to put your needs first. On the 16th, Mercury enters Taurus – your zone of partnership and marriage. Having Mercury here should be good news for single Scorpios looking for love as Mercury will be helping you to meet new and interesting people. For Scorpios already in relationships Mercury can help you to keep things interesting by getting the conversation going along with an appetite to try something new together. On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini and it’s time to delve into the depths. Look to Gemini season to help you with healing old wounds or finding your sense of empowerment. On the 25th, the New Moon in Gemini will feel like a rebirthing period of sorts. Are you ready for the new you?


Fulfillment is the theme for you for most of May, namely as Mercury starts to move forward again in Aries (May 3), your zone of romance, adventure, and creativity. Over the past few weeks, you may have been pushed to reassess what turns you on, both literally and figuratively. Mercury will be on your side encouraging you to feed your passions and sense of adventure while inviting in a little romance. With pleasure-loving Venus also back in Aries; love, fulfillment, and money come when you dare to take some risks and remember your joie de vivre. Look to Mercury to help you with launching a creative project while you tap into to what authentically makes you who you are. With aggressive Mars currently in Gemini, your zone or partnership and marriage, it will be important for you to connect with others (whether romantically or professionally) that inspire your adventurous side. If you’re currently in a relationship that offers little spark or fun, Mars could have you looking for the exit or actively working to liven things up.

On the 10th, the Full Moon in Scorpio lands in your zone of healing, rest, and retreat. This moon could have a rather cathartic effect on you, helping you to do a clean sweep of sorts when it comes to your emotional/psychic space. Look to this moon to highlight old feelings or fears that you need to release. Think of this moon as helping you to shed some dead skin. On the 16th, Mercury moves into Taurus, your zone of health, work, and routine. With busy Mercury in this zone, you can expect things to pick up inside the office and out. Though with Mercury being in grounded Taurus, this won’t be about taking on more than you can handle or scattering your energy on too many things. Use Mercury in Taurus to help you make smarter choices as to what you choose to take on or agree to doing. On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini and it’s all about partnerships and collaborations. Use Gemini season to establish genuine connections and build your clientele. The New Moon in Gemini on the 25th could bring you a new romantic relationship or your current relationship to a brand new chapter.


Home is where the heart is during the first half of this month as Mercury begins moving forward again in Aries (May 3), your zone of home and family. While Mercury was moving backwards over the last few weeks, you may have had some thoughts around moving to a new space or reassessing your connection to your past/family roots. As May unfolds, you should find yourself ready to release old thought patterns and perspectives that you may have inherited from your familial legacy with the intent of seeing the world with your own perspective. With Venus back in Aries as well, you could also be thinking about upgrading or redecorating your living space. Mercury and Venus will be working together to assist you with this renovation project on your interior life. Now that active Mars is in Gemini and transiting your zone of work, health, and routine; it’s time to pick up the pace and ditch the dull and boring. If you’re feeling particularly antsy – hit the gym.

On the 10th, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your zone of friendship and future goals. Under the influence of this moon, you could decide to cut ties with a less than stellar friend or find that a group or association with whom you once identified, no longer aligns with the person you’re becoming. With regards to future plans, the Scorpio Moon could deliver a light bulb moment that helps you to correct your course. On the 16th, when Mercury moves to Taurus, your zone of creativity, romance, and adventure – it’s time to open yourself up to fun, learning experiences. Meanwhile a creative, media, or writing gig could help you earn some extra cash. Romance is on the table too, as you could meet some new and interesting matches. Even if you’re in a relationship already, you and your bae will also be inspired by love. On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini which may motivate you to take better care of your health and look to ways that you can cut back on stress. The New Moon in Gemini on May 25 could help you turn over a new leaf when it comes to fitness or employment.


As Mercury begins moving forward again in Aries (May 3), your zone of communication, it should be easier for you to express yourself, which means if you have anything to promote, share, launch, publish, or discuss – especially on a public platform – May is your month to wow the crowd. Networking should also be smoother too, as following up with people and having them follow up with you won’t feel like a wild goose chase. Plus, with charming Venus back in Aries too, you’ll have the opportunity to establish authentic connections with others that could have an almost immediate pay off. With Mars hanging out in chatty Gemini; your zone of romance, creativity, and adventure – a love connection could also be in your future. Either way, with your creative energy riding high, your goal this month is to get out and mix, mingle, and flirt as much as you can. This is not the month for playing it safe, but for indulging in the people, places, and things that light you up!

Speaking of being lit, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminating your zone of career and achievement on May 10 may help you to put yourself and your reputation on everyone’s radar. If you’ve been busy putting in that work, you could be rewarded with a distinguished award or position. If you’ve been getting the itch to leave where you currently are, this moon could also have you making an abrupt exit. Either way, it’s time to step up and be the leader you were born to be. On the 16th, Mercury enters Taurus, your zone of home and family. With busy Mercury here you may be called to play a supportive role to a parent or you may find that your living space could use an upgrade. When it comes to relationships with your family, Mercury could help improve the communication between you if things have been strained in the past. On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini and your source of warmth and energy comes through being yourself. Being authentic and unafraid to shine will get you far. The New Moon in Gemini on May 25 could bring love, a creative opportunity, or a baby – plan accordingly.


Your finances are on your mind for a good chunk of this month as Mercury begins moving forward again in Aries (your zone of income, self-worth, and possessions) on May 3. During the retrograde you were asked to reassess how you earned and handled your cash. If you’ve been feeling undervalued or underpaid at your current job, Mercury will help you in shifting your perspective around money. As such, you may decide to leave where you are for something better or raise your fees to better accommodate your needs and reflect your value. Now that Venus is also in Aries, she will be working alongside Mercury to help you with attracting and manifesting the things that you desire. First things first though, you have to believe that you deserve such things before you go about getting them. Mars is currently in Gemini, your zone of home and family, helping you to re-center yourself and find your inner strength. Meanwhile have Mars stirring around at the bottom of your chart could bring up anger – a lot of it. Find a therapeutic way to release it.

On the 10th, the Full Moon in Scorpio lands in your zone of travel, adventure, and education. Under the influence of this moon you could find yourself ready to jump on the next plane or train headed out of town as your craving for new experiences. Consider this moon to be your call to follow your heart as this is a time when you should be hyper focused on your sense of fulfillment. Since this area of your chart also rules publishing - you could put yourself on the map with a good story to tell. On the 16th, Mercury enters Taurus, your zone of friendship and future goals. While Mercury is here, use its power to help you meet and connect with people that can help you to find new opportunities or streams of income. Since this area of your chart deals with mass communication, social media could be an incredible tool for networking, especially on the days when you don’t have an event to attend or don’t feel like leaving the house. On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini, followed by the New Moon in Gemini on the 25th. Work with the energy of Gemini season to help you decompress, re-group, connect with family, and find new tools to deal with old feelings. A move or relocation could be in the near future.




March 2017 Horoscopes


Aries: The key themes for you this month are focus and intention as March opens with Venus retrograde (March 4th) in your zone of self-image and confidence. As Venus is the planet in charge of self-worth, relationships, and finances, your homework will involve reassessing your connection to each. Have you let money (how much you have or don’t have) define you? Are you putting your best foot forward when it comes to getting the things you want? In terms of your look and personal style, what can you do for yourself so that you not only look better but feel better too? These are just a few of the questions that will come up for answers now. On March 9th, when Mars (your patron saint) enters Taurus (your zone of income and values), your lessons in self-esteem continue as you’re encouraged to go after money-making opportunities that not only offer you financial freedom but pay you what you’re worth. At this time you may decide to go after a pay raise, a new client pool, or a new job. One thing to note – with aggressive Mars in your money zone, you’ll have watch out for sudden expenses. Try to hold on to funds in case of emergency.

On the 12th, there’s a Full Moon in Virgo landing in your zone of health, work, and routines. As your birthday season approaches, it’s time to clean house and get in things in order in preparation for your personal New Year. Look to this moon to highlight things that need improvement or trashing altogether when it comes to what you eat, how you physically feel, and your everyday habits. When it comes to work, this moon could give you the push you need to say goodbye to a current employment situation. On the 13th, when Mercury enters Aries, expect things to speed up significantly. With Mercury’s help, mark this as your time to get curious and get into new experiences with new faces and places. Mercury’s wit and charm can help you with meeting the right people at the right time, especially when it comes to business pursuits. On the 20th, the Sun enters Aries and it’s Happy Birthday to you! With the Sun in your sign, expect your swagger, creativity, and power to increase exponentially. Over the next few weeks all eyes will be on you so make sure you’re ready to strut your stuff. When the New Moon in Aries arrives on March 27th, you get an extra blessing from the universe. Harness this moon to reinvent yourself and start fresh. On the 31st, when Mercury enters Taurus, it’s time to pay better attention to how you earn, spend, and save your money.

Taurus: This month it’s all about finding your way back to what makes you feel alive and reconnecting to  your own unique style. Though in order to do this, you first need to get clear about what moves you in the first place. Expect this to be your focus during much of the month as your ruling planet Venus goes retrograde (March 4th) in Aries, your zone of rest, retreat, and dreams. With Venus retrograde here, you’ll have to draw inward and tap into the more soulful part of you in order to figure out what really speaks to your spirit. If there was a mantra for Venus in Aries, it should be – only do it if your heart is 100% in it. If not, leave it alone. This should become your motto by the time go-getter Mars enters Taurus (your zone of confidence and self-image) on March 9th. Having Mars on your team not only helps to turn up your swag one hundred thousand trillion, but it can also give you the eye of the tiger when it comes to getting things done. If there’s anything that you’ve been afraid to go after, look to Mars to help you take a balls to the wall approach. However, with Mars in Taurus, it’s about only going after what you’re truly passionate about. Under Venus retrograde, don’t be surprised if you’re not feeling the same stuff you used to before.

On the 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo lights up your zone of creativity, love, and adventure. With the help of this moon, you could have a light-bulb moment when it comes to a creative project, or receive clarity on how to improve your love life. You could also experience a breakthrough of sorts when it comes to connecting with a passion or determining what truly makes you happy. The old you is being slowly phased out to make room for a new and improved you. On the 13th, Mercury (your ruling planet) moves into Aries. With Mercury joining Venus retrograde, your focus turns back to your interior self. Use this time to work behind the scenes while engaging a therapeutic practice to help you unload all the stuff on your mind. When the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, your source of warmth and well-being will be found in the company of one -- and that one is you. Don’t look to keeping too many dates with others as this is your time to chill and focus solely on yourself. When the New Moon in Aries arrives on March 27th, consider it a good time to turn over a new leaf when it comes to your self-care. Trying a new form of therapy or healing could help you make a breakthrough. On the 31st, life begins to pick up significantly when Mercury enters Taurus, your zone of self-image and confidence. Get ready to wow the crowd.

Gemini: Your friendships and associations are up for review as the month opens with Venus in Aries retrograde in your zone of allies, beginning on March 4th. With the planet of love and relationships spinning backwards in this area of your chart, it’s time to take stock of your relationships and whether they’re as balanced as they should be. At this time, you could have a falling out with a friend that could lead you to draw closer or kiss each other goodbye. The side this coin falls on depends on whether this person still adds value to your life. The same goes for any groups, organizations, or associations that you belong to. Do you still fit in? On the 9th, aggressive Mars enters Taurus, your zone of rest, healing, and retreat. With Mars in one of the most private parts of your chart, it’s time to channel your angry feelings into a creative or therapeutic outlet as holding on to those feelings or attempting to ignore them will only hurt you more than it will help. On the plus side, having Mars here is helpful for getting stuff done on your own and working behind the scenes. Keep your head down and stay focused.

On the 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo lights up your zone of home and family. This moon could highlight where you may need to improve a relationship with a parent or release something from the past. If having healthy boundaries between you and a family member have been an issue, the Full Moon could help you to fix the issue. You could also decide to move or fix up your living space to boost your sense of well-being. On the 13th, Mercury (your patron saint) moves into feisty Aries, joining Venus retrograde. Having Mercury here could help to repair and renew old friendships while introducing you to a whole host of new people. If you’ve been thinking of hosting a fundraiser or crowdfunding campaign, Mercury can help you bring attention to a good cause if you plan well. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, your source of warmth, creativity, and confidence will come by way of surrounding yourself with those that rally you and by paying extra special attention to your hopes, dreams, and wishes. Align yourself with the right people now and you can go far. On the 27th the New Moon in Aries can help you with making a radical change. Where could you use a breakthrough? Let this New Moon help you find the courage and the excitement to make it happen. On the 31st, Mercury enters Taurus and it’s time for you to mentally unplug. Be mindful of what you absorb.

Cancer: Your goals, status, and professional life are up for review at the top of this month thanks to Venus retrograde in Aries (your zone of fame, achievement, and career) beginning on March 4th. With the planet of love, relationships, and wealth spinning backwards in this area of your chart, you may find yourself reassessing and obsessing as to whether you should be doing what you truly love or whether you’re getting your due when it comes to all the work that you’ve been doing. At this time your relationship to your boss or supervisor may also come up for review. If you’ve been working under someone that makes you feel undervalued, you could find yourself working on your exit strategy. If you are the boss, you may want to review how you’ve been treating those under your leadership, as Venus in Aries can be a bit egotistical at times. Overall, now’s the time to dig in and find your courage to do something that you really want and command the respect that you deserve. When confident Mars steps into Taurus (your zone of hopes, wishes, and allies) on March 9th, you’re asked to step up where your future is concerned. While Venus retrograde can help you to reassess where you are, Mars can help you to move forward.

On the 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo illuminates your zone of ideas and communication. Under this moon you may experience a moment of clarity that can help you to get down to the facts and handle whatever comes up head on, especially if the situation calls for you to speak your mind. A relationship with a friend or sibling could also come to a head which could pave the way to improving the connection between you. On the 13th, Mercury moves into Aries and your career comes back in focus. Look to the next couple of weeks that follow to reach out and rub shoulders with the movers and shakers in your industry. If there’s a pitch, proposal, or presentation you need to make – Mercury in Aries will help you to be a true standout. Though you won’t really shine until March 20th when the Sun enters Aries. With the Sun at the pinnacle of your chart, you’ll be at the pinnacle too which could translate into a promotion or another form of prestige and recognition. On the 27th, the New Moon in Aries could help you to increase your chances to achieve something you’ve only dreamed of up until now. Harness the power of this moon to boost your reputation and show off your expertise as you could unlock doors in the process. On March 31st, when Mercury enters Taurus it’s time to work your network.

Leo: It may feel like the month of March is raining on your parade a bit, especially with Venus in Aries retrograde (March 4th) in your zone of travel, opportunity, and education. With the planet of love and pleasure spinning backwards in a zone that’s often associated with adventure, abundance, and growth; you may find yourself lacking your usual zest for fun and new experiences. That’s because Venus retrograde is pushing you to take a step back to reassess the things that used to get you out of bed. What moves you now? What are some of your biggest dreams? Have you lost your joie de vivre? Maybe it’s time for you to reconnect to it. The world is so much bigger than we often make it to be and it’s time for you to fall in love with it again. On March 9th, confident Mars moves to Taurus, your zone of fame, career, and achievement. With Mars on your team get ready to kick butt and take names when it comes to your professional life. At this time you could win praise or recognition that catapults you into the spotlight, or make some serious moves towards a promotion or new opportunity. For those of you who’ve been tinkering with the idea of entrepreneurship, Mars in Taurus could give you the courage and stamina to make it happen.

On the 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo lands in your zone of income and self-worth. Under this moon, you may decide to say goodbye to a current employment situation in exchange for something better or you may have a light-bulb moment around your self-worth and the money you make. If you feel like you haven’t been getting your due, this moon can show you how and what to improve to get on track. Perhaps it’s time to stop to giving so much of your hard work and skill away for little in return. On the 13th, communicative Mercury enters Aries, joining Venus retrograde. With Mercury working alongside Venus, it’s time to expand your mind with things that aren’t only fun but enriching too. Consider taking a trip or a class that exposes you to a new culture or new school of thought, while also stoking your passions. When the Sun enters Aries on the 20th, it’s all about steeping yourself in cultures, customs, and ways of thinking that are very different from your own. Your source of light and warmth this month will come by way of travel or experiences that push you beyond your microcosm. On the 27th, look to the New Moon in Aries to act as a reset button. What’s something that you’ve been wanting to do but have been putting off?  Let the New Moon help you find the hunger to do it. On the 31st, Mercury enters Taurus. If you want the world to know what you’ve been up to, it’ll be time to step up to the mic. Show them why you’re the expert.

Virgo: Security continues to be a big focus for you this month, especially as Venus in Aries is retrograde (March 4th) in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. With the planet of love and money moving backwards here, your homework this month will be to review your intimate relationships to determine whether you’re getting what you want. You’re often good at doing and caring for others that you can often overlook your own needs. This Venus retrograde will be pushing you to strike more of a balance between yourself and your partners. If you’ve been experiencing a block around intimacy or relationships, Venus retrograde can help you to delve inward to clear the blockage. Perhaps working with therapist or healer can help you break through. In terms of finances, Venus retrograde will help you to take a closer look at your money and debt. On the 9th, confident Mars moves into Taurus, your zone of travel, expansion, and opportunity. With Mars egging you on, don’t be surprised if you pick up and travel at a moment’s notice or find yourself following a whim just for the thrill and new experience. If you have a big idea or vision for something great, especially of a creative nature) Mars will give you the spirit and determination to get the ball rolling.

On March 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo illuminates your zone of self-image and confidence. Under this moon you may find yourself putting the kibosh on anything (or anyone) that’s been holding you back from living the way you want. If you’re in need of a pampering or a makeover of sorts, this moon can show you just where you need it. Think of this moon as a self-care moon for you. However, with Venus retrograde just try and hold off on making any drastic changes to your appearance or hair color as Venus rules beauty too. Do more for yourself that’s physically nurturing. On the 13th, Mercury (your patron saint) moves to Aries, joining Venus retro. At this time you’ll be motivated to come up with a plan to pay off debt or find yourself handling taxes and investments. If you have a partner with whom you share bills, a discussion around your finances could come up now, namely if someone has been feeling like they’ve been paying more than their fair share. On the 20th, the Sun enters Aries and you’ll find that your source of light now comes by way of going to the depths. Whatever is in your life that’s not able to withstand scrutiny, authenticity, or intensity will need to be tossed aside. On the 27th, the New Moon in Aries can help you to create a new story when it comes to your finances, love life, and sense of personal power. (You are not a victim.) On the 31st, Mercury enters Taurus and it will be time to move beyond what you know.

Libra: As the sign associated with partnership and marriage, relationships are where you tend to learn most of your lessons and put in a great deal of work. For March, this work will be especially important as your ruling planet, Venus, spends her time retrograde in Aries (March 4th) which is your zone of partnership and marriage. If you’re currently in a relationship you may notice that some of the issues that come up now to be addressed will center on fairness, balance, and personal boundaries. If you’ve been feeling like your partner (whether romantic or professional) hasn’t been keeping up their end of the bargain when it comes to your relationship, then you two should be able to find a way to work through your differences. Don’t be surprised if a break up happens too. In some cases, Venus retrograde can make things crystal clear if it’s time for you to move on. If you’re single, this Venus retrograde can help you move past challenges in love. Sometimes you have to let people be who they are and decide if it works for you, rather than try to force them to fit your ideal.

On the 9th, Mars moves to Taurus, your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth. When hotheaded Mars shows up in this zone, get ready for sexy time and lots of it. You’ll be in the mood to turn up the intensity in and outside the bedroom, which should turn up the passion and your sense of empowerment too. Don’t be surprised if you find you’re quicker to cut negative people off or exercise healthier boundaries. If your finances have been an issue, Mars can help you to step up and take action instead of avoiding it. On the 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo lands in your zone of healing, rest, and retreat. Under this moon, you may be especially emotional as it’s time for you to release all the psychic garbage you’ve accumulated over the last month. Use this moon to improve your self-care practices as well as your relationship to your own emotions. Don’t rationalize. Just feel. On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries and joins Venus retrograde. At this time, you may decide to enlist the help of a coach or counselor to help you work through a relationship block. On the 20th, when the Sun enters Aries, consider ways that you can strengthen the relationships you have and establish ones that are more mutually beneficial. Near the New Moon in Aries (March 27th), a collaboration could be in the works that helps you professionally. When Mercury enters Taurus on the 31st, it’s time to talk money.

Scorpio: Your health and routines come up for assessment this month, namely as Venus in Aries is retrograde (March 4th) in your zone of health, work, and routine. With the planet of love, beauty, and abundance moving backwards in this zone, you’re being asked to review whether you truly love what you do when it comes to your professional life and to consider ways you can make self-love a regular part of your schedule. If you’ve been under stress and feeling the weight of the world on you lately, Venus retrograde can help you to see where you may not be giving yourself enough attention. Hint: you’ll feel it physically. Relationships with your co-workers may also get wonky at this time, which could have you searching for a work environment with greener pastures, especially if the money is right. On the 9th, Mars moves to Taurus and steps into your zone of partnership and marriage. While hosting passionate Mars here can turn up the heat between you and your partner, you’ll have to watch out for arguments too. Though, that hotheadedness could be helpful if you need to let go of someone who is no longer good for you. The key thing to remember though, is that ultimately you don’t have to force anything.

Speaking of not forcing anything, On the 12th, when the Full Moon in Virgo lands in your zone of friendship and allies, you may find that you’re all too ready to let go of a friendship that been D.O.A. Look to this moon to show you exactly what’s wrong in your friendships as a means to help you make improvements (if it’s truly worth it) or let the trash go all together. Since this area of your chart also deals with your hopes and dreams, this moon can help you to stop procrastinating and get to work on a plan to see those dreams come true. On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries, joining Venus. With Mercury here, expect the pace to pick up significantly, which means you’re going to have to stay on top of your schedule to keep from getting overwhelmed. Allow Mercury and Venus help you to help yourself by learning to ask for help from others and recognizing your limits. Yes, Scorpio, you have limits. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, your source of energy will come by handling your biz. Schedule those appointments, clear out that closet, organize your desk, run those errands, eat nutritious food, get a good night’s sleep – these will be the activities that bring you the most happiness now. Look to the New Moon in Aries on the 27th to help you make healthier changes in your lifestyle if you’ve been dragging your feet. On the 31st, when Mercury enters Taurus, the same old boring stuff won’t do when it comes to keeping your partnerships alive and healthy.

Sagittarius: What kind of value do you place on your talent? Or do you place a value on it at all? And if you do value your talent, is it time to raise that value? These are just some of the questions that may come up over the next few weeks as Venus in Aries retrogrades (March 4th) through your zone of love, creativity, and adventure. If you want others to appreciate you for your genius, especially in the form of cash, you need to appreciate you first. As such, you can expect Venus retrograde to bring up feelings of being taken for granted as you crave equal exchanges of adoration and energy. This will also be the case when it comes to your lovers and potential lovers now as you won’t want to settle. Additionally, you may also be reevaluating the things you were once passionate about or may have found fun in the past. You seem to have a thirst for something more now and it’ll be your job to go out and find out exactly what that is. On the 9th, Mars moves into Taurus, your zone of health, work, and routine. In tandem to the take charge energy of Aries, it’ll be your turn to take charge of your health and schedule as the same old way that you’ve been doing things won’t work for you anymore. Use Mars to help you reconnect to your kick-ass spirit.

On the subject of work: between Mars in your work zone and the Full Moon in Virgo (March 12th) landing in your career zone, a job change could be in the works. Harness the earthy energy of Taurus and Virgo to help you find opportunities that offer you more stability, more money, and less stress. If you’re self-employed, this Full Moon could show you where you may need to make improvements or fixes to bring your business and your reputation up to the next level. Since this zone also rules fame and recognition, you may receive some for your hard work. On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries and joins Venus retrograde. With Mercury working alongside Venus, this is your chance to get curious again about the world around you and what moves you. By the time Mercury is done you may have found you have a whole new set of interests to keep you up at night researching and learning. Since Venus is retro, you may also decide to revisit a creative project. On the 20th, the Sun enters Aries and the spotlight turns to you once more. If responsible Saturn has caused you to shrink into yourself, look to Aries season to help you find the ferocity and playfulness that you’re known for. Look to the New Moon in Aries on March 27th, to help you start fresh and reboot. On the 31st, Mercury enters Taurus and things get busy quickly. That means it’s time for you to get busy staying on top of it all. What does efficiency look like to you?

Capricorn: Home and family are the focus for most of the month as Venus in Aries goes retrograde (March 4th) in your home zone. With Venus being the planet in charge of love and relationships, your relationships to your family – especially your parents – will come up for review. If boundaries have been an issue or you’ve been unable to forgive them (or one of them) for something that happened in the past, Venus retrograde will help you to work through these challenges. On the subject of forgiveness – often it’s more for your own benefit than theirs. You don’t want (or shouldn’t want) to be tethered to hurt and resentment. In terms of your actual home, Venus retro may have you perusing the market for a brand-new space or rethinking the benefits/cost of your current one. On March 9th, when Mars moves to Taurus (your zone of love, creativity, and adventure), it’s time to come out of the doldrums. Tap into Mars in Taurus to help you get more quality and comfort out of life. Creatively you should find yourself in the zone which means you could produce a true work of art. Since this zone also handles love, expect your love life to yield a few sweet spots. Whether single or not, you can still have a little fun, even if Venus is retro.

Speaking of fun, there’s a Full Moon in Virgo landing in your zone of education, travel, and opportunity on the 12th. Harness this moon to help you try something new, in a new place, with new people. The power of this moon can help you to beat the boring and the blues if you’re up for it. Meanwhile, you may have the opportunity to see your name in print or bring your work to a wider audience, which could look quite impressive on your resume. On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries, joining Venus – which could mark a good time to open negotiations on buying or selling a house or to address a family related matter. When the Sun enters Aries on the 20th, your source of warmth and light will be from time spent at home or in private with people you deeply care about. Don’t worry too much about work at this time, use this period to recharge you batteries and get fussed over for a change. You deserve it. In terms of moving or relocating, the New Moon in Aries on the 27th could be of assistance, just make sure to take your time and weigh your options carefully. Though overall, you can count this moon as big nudge forward as it’s time to release the past. On the 31st, Mercury enters Taurus which signals your cue to get out and get into something interesting.

Aquarius: How you best spend your time, energy, and resources will be the focus for you this month, namely as Venus goes retrograde in Aries, your zone of activity and communication, beginning on March 4th. With Venus being the planet of money and pleasure, you’re not only being asked to rethink what you do for fun but also how you can spend that time on something worthwhile, like making money from a passion project or creative venture. While you tend to be a friend to many and you usually have a variety of interests, the cosmos is asking you to be savvy about what you put your energy towards which means the things you used to do and the people you used to do them with may no longer fit anymore. Overall, it’s time to pare down and get more value for your time spent. On the 9th, active Mars enters Taurus, your zone of home and family. While Mars is here, expect things to get real busy when it comes to your private life. With Mars here, you may be motivated to renovate your space or move somewhere else altogether. Given the last year you’ve head and the goodies you’re in for, it may make sense now to upgrade your space. A note about Mars though: in this zone it can also stir up old resentments and disagreements with family. Channel that energy to draw healthier boundaries or to finally address an elephant in the room.

When the Full Moon in Virgo lands in your zone of intimacy, finances, and rebirth on the 12th, it’s time for a purge of sorts. Use this moon to help you come up with a practical plan to achieve financial independence or to say goodbye to a draining, dead-end relationship. If you’ve experienced trauma or abuse in the past, this moon can be a gateway to your healing, especially by way of counseling or therapy. On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries, joining Venus retrograde. You could reconnect with a long-lost friend or sibling, or revisit an idea that could make you money. On the 20th, when the Sun heads into Aries, your source of energy will come by way of interesting conversations and connections that you’ll have with the people around you. If there’s a project that you’ve wanted to launch, like a workshop or a website, look to the weeks after the New Moon in Aries (March 27th) to help you with spreading the word far and wide. In terms of money making ideas, perhaps it may be time to sign up of training or coaching that can help you to level up your skills and marketability. When Mercury enters Taurus on the 31st, you could find yourself signing a new lease or deed. Above all else however, it’s time to get to talking about your feelings. Don’t try to stuff them down.

Pisces: You’ve got your mind on your money and your money on your mind this month, especially as March opens with Venus retrograde in Aries (March 4th), your zone of income and possessions. With the planet of self-worth, pleasure, and abundance moving backwards in your financial zone, your focus will be drawn to reassessing how you make your money and whether you’re making enough based on what you have to offer. If you’ve been feeling underpaid and underappreciated, those feelings will be hard to ignore now. You’ll also find that the conflict between getting paid for what you love versus getting paid enough to pay your bills will also be a theme. Though with Venus, the underlying issue to each of these challenges will focus around how much you value yourself and your own happiness. With Venus in self-assertive Aries, put yourself first. About assertiveness, when confident Mars enters Taurus (your zone of communication) on March 9th, your anger and how you express it will come up for review. If you’ve ever had challenges with avoiding conflict or holding on to things past their due, Mars in Taurus will push and prod you to get to the bottom of it.

On March 12th, the Full Moon in Virgo lands in your zone of partnership which could bring a relationship issue to a head or pave the way for a new phase in a partnership, whether in business or romance. If you’ve been feeling that love has skipped over you, then look to this moon to highlight what needs to be fixed to draw in the kind of relationship that you want. As Virgo is a “facts only” kind of sign, the relationship work that you do will require you to be realistic and practical. On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries, joining Venus retrograde. With Mercury and Venus in this zone, your attention will be drawn to creating a financial plan or strategy that allows you more freedom whether it’s making more money, saving more money, doing more of what you love, or finding a job that doesn’t tether you to one place. On the 20th, when Aries season kicks off, the spotlight remains on your income and your self-worth. Expect to splurge and show off a bit as a means of boosting your spirits. Remember, how you treat you is how others will treat you too. When the New Moon in Aries arrives on March 27th, look to this moon to help you with finding new employment, clients, or other financial opportunities. If you’ve been stuck in poverty consciousness, this moon can help you with removing blockages to abundance. On the 31st, when Mercury enters Taurus, expect to apply the lessons you’ve learned about self-assertion.