Venus Retrograde: Refunds And Receipts

Flowervases by Martin Klimas

Flowervases by Martin Klimas

Beginning today until September 6th, Venus goes retrograde; first in Virgo, then moving back to Leo. As the planet of love, harmony, beauty, and wealth; Venus helps us to get pleasure out of life. Symbolizing our approach to relationships and what we deem valuable, natal (birth chart) and transit (orbiting/moving) Venus pushes us to find balance, improvement, and security in everything we hold near and dear to our hearts.

However, when a Venus retrograde comes along, our special things (and people) come up for review. Challenges and disagreements in relationships become more apparent, while a job, location, or subject we may have loved doesn't seem so lovable anymore. Finances come up for scrutiny too. If our bank accounts are lacking, Venus retrograde asks us to reassess our worth. Are we settling for less than we deserve? And what about our personal style? Is it time to look the part we want to play? Could our look use a little va-va voom?

In Virgo, Venus retrograde asks us to go over our relationships and budgets with a fine tooth comb; analyzing the results and involving ourselves with only the people/things that improve us. In Leo, Venus retrograde is about valuing our talents, our specialness--and when others don't, having the confidence to walk away.

As with any retrograde period, this is a time to review the areas that Venus symbolizes; not necessarily a time to act on them. This means, that we make note of the challenges that come up, think and discuss resolutions but we don't make actual changes until Venus goes forward or direct. This review or sitting period ensures that we don't make hasty decisions and get the opportunity to thoroughly evaluate the seriousness of the situation. This rule also of course applies to beginning new relationships, jobs, etc. we want to be long term or doing anything drastic to our appearance. Wait until Venus is direct.

Though we'll all be affected by Venus retrograde (depending on where she currently is orbiting in your birth chart), those of us who can expect the lessons of this Venus retrograde to hit particularly close to home are:

  • Libra Suns and Ascendants/Risings (Venus is your ruler)
  • Taurus Suns and Ascendants/Risings (Venus is your ruler)
  • Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, and Pisces (while Venus is in Virgo)
  • Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus (while Venus is in Leo)

And remember, when it comes to retrogrades, don't panic. Think of retrogrades as Cosmic Quality Assurance. The Universe is helping you to make sure your wheels don't fall off when you hit the gas.


    Venus in Virgo: Choosy Lover

    "Virgo" by Sheeba Maya,

    "Virgo" by Sheeba Maya,

    On July 18th, the Moon helped kick off Lady Venus' transit of Virgo, indicating that our emotional fulfillment, well-being, and finances will be best experienced through a discerning and sensible filter. When the planet of love and wealth expresses herself through an Earth sign such as Virgo, quality over quantity becomes the mantra.

    Given that Venus will go retrograde on July 25 (and back into Leo, from July 31-September 6) it seems appropriate that her first stop before heading backwards will be in Virgo. As with Virgo, a Venus retrograde encourages us to go over our relationships and money matters with a discriminating eye, eschewing anything (or anyone) that's more trouble than it's worth.

    Aside from being the zodiac's Editor in Chief, Virgo also teaches us the importance of service to others. During the height of Cancer season, I stressed how vital a self-care practice is to navigating the wear and tear of everyday life.  Though as Leo season approaches; bringing with it Jupiter's move to Virgo, and later followed by Venus, much of the cosmic emphasis will be on extending the support and concern outside of ourselves. Just make sure that your time and resources are being given to a worthy cause.


    Venus in Pisces: What's Your Potion?

    Venus, our planetary Goddess of love and wealth, makes her way into Pisces today, where she'll eventually sync up with Neptune, then Mars. But not before having a face-off with Saturn in Sagittarius on January 29th. If we've been fooling ourselves in our relationships; playing too many rounds of victim-savior, or mistaking poverty for piety, Saturn will come along to deliver some hard, but necessary, truth. 


    Yet, for those of us who have been erring too far on the side of the cynic, the stoic, the guarded, the critic, the pragmatic-because-it's-safe-side, this deep and dreamy union of Venus, Mars, and Neptune will be a reminder. A planetary potion of sorts to remind us of how it FEELS to be in love, to soul mate, to stand emotionally naked in front of another in our truth. 

      Drink up.