Capricorn Season: Redefining Wealth

From the Earthbound Oracle deck. 

From the Earthbound Oracle deck. 

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have caught me tweeting recently on how important it is not to skip meals and how missing meals is actually a form of negating abundance. Keep in mind that I understand for those who can't afford to eat regularly or suffer from an eating disorder, eating on a healthy and consistent basis is of course out of their control and requires help. However, for those of us who are able to keep up with our meals, we shouldn't take for granted that creating space to eat (as well as the food itself) is a form of physical wealth.

As we move through Capricorn season, which includes a New Moon in Capricorn and Mercury's retrograde through Cap (both of which have lit up my zone of income and possessions), we are encouraged to review and redefine our wealth. While food and nourishment may seem to fall in Cancer's wheelhouse, Capricorn has some authority in this realm too as Capricorn shares Cancer's need for security. The only difference being that Cancer craves emotional security while Capricorn seeks it in the material world. And if we can consider land and crops as a physical resources (both provide a source of sustenance/security), then our bodies have to be included too. After all, we can't do much if we don't have our health. Plus, if we want to magnetize abundance, we have to be in a place where we feel abundant already in order to draw more of it to us, otherwise we'll find ourselves operating from a place of desperation. And desperation is not sexy.

If you missed my tweets, I've included them below. Unsurprisingly, when I asked how many people worked through their lunch or ate at their desk, I received a huge response from people (mostly women) who said they did and apparently way too often. Incidentally, not long after I tweeted about taking necessary time during a busy day to eat, two of my friends on Facebook (who don't follow me on Twitter) posted two separate articles about the same thing, which you can find here and here


Venus in Pisces: What's Your Potion?

Venus, our planetary Goddess of love and wealth, makes her way into Pisces today, where she'll eventually sync up with Neptune, then Mars. But not before having a face-off with Saturn in Sagittarius on January 29th. If we've been fooling ourselves in our relationships; playing too many rounds of victim-savior, or mistaking poverty for piety, Saturn will come along to deliver some hard, but necessary, truth. 


Yet, for those of us who have been erring too far on the side of the cynic, the stoic, the guarded, the critic, the pragmatic-because-it's-safe-side, this deep and dreamy union of Venus, Mars, and Neptune will be a reminder. A planetary potion of sorts to remind us of how it FEELS to be in love, to soul mate, to stand emotionally naked in front of another in our truth. 

  Drink up.