New Moon in Taurus: Hold Your Ground

Stability has never been my forte. Put another way: I have always lived my life in a state of crisis. One reason for this is because it's part of my Chironic story. Having natal Chiron (karmic subconscious wound) in Taurus has meant that one of my biggest challenges in this lifetime has been to overcome insecurity, as Taurus is a sign whose purpose is to experience all the luxury, resources, and self-worth life has to offer. Another reason why instability has been an issue for me is because it's also a part of my family legacy. In my birth chart, Uranus (instability) sits right on top of my 4th House (emotional conditioning, family history), plus I have my Moon (instinct, emotional style, the archetype of one's mother) in unpredictable Aquarius.

In plain terms, this means I grew up in a household with parents whose own childhood wounds resulted in drug addiction and for my mother especially, mental health issues. The result of which often meant eviction threats, utility shut offs (we went years without a phone in the house), second hand clothes, nearly empty refrigerator, and fights over money (mostly the lack of it) my family and I dealt with time and time again; year after year. And because I grew up in scarcity, it became all too easy for me to take on the same bad habits with money my parents had, along with the belief that I would never have enough because, I too, wasn't good enough to deserve it. I had came to believe that scarcity was my birthright. As a result, stability in all of it's Taurus essence --being well-fed, well-paid, well-dressed, well-lived--has always been something that has eluded me (actually, frustrated the fuck out of me); up until now.

Fast forward to today, under this New Moon in Taurus which falls directly on my Midheaven (10th House), a critical point in everyone's birth chart that connects each of us to the promise and manifestation of our personal legacy, and I find the power of this moon, of Taurus season resonating with me more than it ever has in a very long time. Perhaps this also because I've been on a fever hot mission (thank you Mars) to break the cycle of my familial legacy (thank you Saturn) so that I can build (and maintain) a solid foundation for myself and my daughter. Today this New Moon gives me the opportunity to plant the seeds to create this future. Today, this New Moon in Taurus gives us all the opportunity to lay the groundwork to create the kind of life we desire.

This is why for me the biggest question under this moon is not so much about the kind of seeds we're planting but more about what we do when we've planted them; when we've set the intentions, made the prayers, or created the vision board to make our dreams real. What do we do when it seems like it takes forever to make progress or as though we are making no progress at all? Through Taurus, we dig in. We work. We add 1 part determination and 2 parts resilience. We say fuck fear and fuck failure. We treat ourselves kind. We affirm that abundance and pleasure are our birth right. We have patience. We hold our ground.


Venus in Taurus: Pleasure is an Investment

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Being a Libra North Node* (with Taurus at the Midheaven*),  I am always fascinated (and at times challenged) by all things Venusian. As the planetary ruler of Libra and Taurus, Venus is the guiding light toward anything that brings us pleasure and romance. Through Libra, she's charming, witty, well-dressed, and creative. Through Taurus, she all of these things too but whereas Libra's focus is on the visual and intellectual expression of Venus, Taurus is more concerned about the sensual and material. And as an Earth sign, it's all about substance and quality for The Bull.

As an astrologer and transformation coach, I can't begin to tell you how many people (especially women) that I come across who spend very little time and money on pleasure. Though I can't say that I blame them, as we live in a culture (namely, American culture) that places way too much emphasis on productivity and not nearly enough on relaxation and renewal. Yet study after study has concluded that being overworked and overextended can lead to some very damaging consequences for our health.

Outside of health complications, there's another danger to being too busy. We lose the power of allure. Think about it. When you're in the throes of something pleasurable, a delicious meal, a juicy kiss, a hearty laugh, a good movie--you light up. You become so consumed with the brilliance of that moment that you become pleasant and enjoyable. You become attractive;  a happy magnet. Knowing all of this, why are we still so pleasure deprived?

We're often bereft of pleasure because we've been conditioned to view it as frivolous. I mean, why put so much effort in wasting time when there's so much to do? However, as the Queen of Pleasure, Venus in Taurus asks a little something different of us. She asks that we shift our perception of fun by taking it seriously. This is not about wasting time or resources as much as it is about being smarter about how we spend it. Through Venus in Taurus we discover that when we take the time out to invest in our pleasure what we are doing is investing in ourselves. So, as planet Venus makes her way across this earthy terrain (from UPDATE for 2017: June 6-July 4), here are a few ways to make the most of this time:

Be wise with your money. This is not about being cheap or exorbitant but about a balance. Treat yourself to quality. Save for security.

Get bodywork. Reiki, acupuncture, and massage are just a few ways to rejuvenate and restore your body.

Eat something healthy and delicious. Bonus if you cook it yourself.

Get into your body. Intro to Pole? Qoya? Belly dancing? Adopting sensual movement as exercise can be fun and invigorating.

Take your time. Slow down your eating, breathing, walking to be more present to the moment.

Wear something pretty. A wonderful way to amp up your self-confidence, joy, and personal allure.

Have good sex. Notice the emphasis on "good." The health benefits are proven.

Create something you love. Then show it off!

Only do something if your heart's really in it. Don't settle for anything less.


Suggested reading: Sacred Seduction by Kitty Cavalier

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*North Node/South Node: A component of the birth chart that highlights the purpose of a person's life or karmic path.

*Midheaven: A sensitive point in the birth chart that symbolizes/denotes a person's career path, reputation, or legacy.