Starstruck 2020 Global Astrology Summit

I'm so honored that the AstroTwins asked me to be a part of their Starstruck: 2020 Global Astrology Summit. I had a blast sitting on the "cosmic couch" with Ophi and discussing my ideas on how we can maintain some joy and pleasure in such a chaotic time.

For less than $30, you get can get my full talk plus 23 other thought provoking and informative talks on the astrology of the new year from other astrologers like the renowned Susan Miller of AstrologyZone, Samuel F Reynolds, Colin Bedell of Queer Cosmos, Rebecca Gordon, and more!

Thoughts On the Moon and Why We're So Damn Anxious

Photo: Nicole Mason, Unsplash

Photo: Nicole Mason, Unsplash

This post is inspired by the pre- Lunar Eclipse jitters that I've been working to keep at bay all week. 

Around eclipse season, especially at a Lunar Eclipse (which is technically a Full Moon), it's not uncommon to feel extra anxious (or extra tired) as anything having to do with the moon always keys right into our adrenals. Full Moons in general have a long history of charging the atmosphere, which is why there tends to be more accidents and heated encounters during one, and they always bring things that have been in the dark to light (like secrets) or a situation to a head. A Lunar Eclipse is a doubly potent Full Moon and the moon by astrology standards, has rulership over feelings. All of the feelings.

With this Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (September 16th) coming in with a square (hard aspect) to fiery Mars in Sagittarius, this energy is only amplified. Note that the Sun in Virgo is also apart of this Full Moon/Eclipse and Virgo energy, when blocked or misdirected, can manifest as anxiety and nervous stomach issues as Virgo is connected to Mercury, the planet that's associated with the brain and central nervous system; as well as the intestines.

As if that weren't enough stimulation, I've also been tracking the moon's movement in connection to Uranus, the planet of sudden developments, radical changes, breakthroughs, and mass communication. Uranus has been hanging out now at around 23 degrees of Aries, which currently makes it the last planet that the moon has to communicate with before the moon moves into the next sign. So for example, let's say the moon is at 23 degrees of Capricorn, the next aspect or connection it will make is when it immediately enters Aquarius and links up with Jupiter which is currently at 0 degrees of Libra. (You can kind of think as the moon as being like a hand on a clock as it moves around.) 

By astrology's standards when you take a "soft" planet/celestial body like the moon and brush it up against a more electric planet like Uranus, especially in an in-your-face kind of sign like Aries, overstimulation and anxiety can definitely be side effects.  While other planets like the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus will eventually "pass" Uranus; because Uranus moves so slow, we'll still have those intermittently intense periods of activity, and more than likely lack of sleep.

By now, some of you may be wondering why all the torture?  What could the universe be thinking, putting all this pressure on us? Well, I can tell you that this energy is not meant to be a form of punishment. We are all at a pivotal time where there are great changes taking place across the globe; most notably those grassroots driven changes happening in the United States (a Cancer sun nation - influenced by the moon); and change is necessary to positive evolution and growth.

Though the moon can spark change (it changes signs every 2.5 days; Cancers are labeled as moody), it can sometimes be afraid of change, because change feels like a loss of security. However, I strongly believe that one of the biggest lessons/messages of the moment for us is learning how to better tap into the power of the moon. The moon provides us with feeling and intuition, and the time has long come that we begin listening to both. The moon as a divninely feminine energy demands it. We are watching the days disappear where we are expected to work through the pain, to grit and grin our teeth and bear "man up". Our bodies, our feelings are asking that we listen to them, honor their value. We need to sleep when our body calls for it, eat what will make it feel good, take time to regularly unplug, seek out therapy and healing, give ourselves space to cry and get angry, and give ourselves space to love. This is how true change happens, when we find the right outlet to direct the energy, our energy. It's time to go with the flow.





Capricorn Season: Redefining Wealth

From the Earthbound Oracle deck. 

From the Earthbound Oracle deck. 

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have caught me tweeting recently on how important it is not to skip meals and how missing meals is actually a form of negating abundance. Keep in mind that I understand for those who can't afford to eat regularly or suffer from an eating disorder, eating on a healthy and consistent basis is of course out of their control and requires help. However, for those of us who are able to keep up with our meals, we shouldn't take for granted that creating space to eat (as well as the food itself) is a form of physical wealth.

As we move through Capricorn season, which includes a New Moon in Capricorn and Mercury's retrograde through Cap (both of which have lit up my zone of income and possessions), we are encouraged to review and redefine our wealth. While food and nourishment may seem to fall in Cancer's wheelhouse, Capricorn has some authority in this realm too as Capricorn shares Cancer's need for security. The only difference being that Cancer craves emotional security while Capricorn seeks it in the material world. And if we can consider land and crops as a physical resources (both provide a source of sustenance/security), then our bodies have to be included too. After all, we can't do much if we don't have our health. Plus, if we want to magnetize abundance, we have to be in a place where we feel abundant already in order to draw more of it to us, otherwise we'll find ourselves operating from a place of desperation. And desperation is not sexy.

If you missed my tweets, I've included them below. Unsurprisingly, when I asked how many people worked through their lunch or ate at their desk, I received a huge response from people (mostly women) who said they did and apparently way too often. Incidentally, not long after I tweeted about taking necessary time during a busy day to eat, two of my friends on Facebook (who don't follow me on Twitter) posted two separate articles about the same thing, which you can find here and here


Venus in Taurus: Pleasure is an Investment

Artwork courtesy of

Artwork courtesy of

Being a Libra North Node* (with Taurus at the Midheaven*),  I am always fascinated (and at times challenged) by all things Venusian. As the planetary ruler of Libra and Taurus, Venus is the guiding light toward anything that brings us pleasure and romance. Through Libra, she's charming, witty, well-dressed, and creative. Through Taurus, she all of these things too but whereas Libra's focus is on the visual and intellectual expression of Venus, Taurus is more concerned about the sensual and material. And as an Earth sign, it's all about substance and quality for The Bull.

As an astrologer and transformation coach, I can't begin to tell you how many people (especially women) that I come across who spend very little time and money on pleasure. Though I can't say that I blame them, as we live in a culture (namely, American culture) that places way too much emphasis on productivity and not nearly enough on relaxation and renewal. Yet study after study has concluded that being overworked and overextended can lead to some very damaging consequences for our health.

Outside of health complications, there's another danger to being too busy. We lose the power of allure. Think about it. When you're in the throes of something pleasurable, a delicious meal, a juicy kiss, a hearty laugh, a good movie--you light up. You become so consumed with the brilliance of that moment that you become pleasant and enjoyable. You become attractive;  a happy magnet. Knowing all of this, why are we still so pleasure deprived?

We're often bereft of pleasure because we've been conditioned to view it as frivolous. I mean, why put so much effort in wasting time when there's so much to do? However, as the Queen of Pleasure, Venus in Taurus asks a little something different of us. She asks that we shift our perception of fun by taking it seriously. This is not about wasting time or resources as much as it is about being smarter about how we spend it. Through Venus in Taurus we discover that when we take the time out to invest in our pleasure what we are doing is investing in ourselves. So, as planet Venus makes her way across this earthy terrain (from UPDATE for 2017: June 6-July 4), here are a few ways to make the most of this time:

Be wise with your money. This is not about being cheap or exorbitant but about a balance. Treat yourself to quality. Save for security.

Get bodywork. Reiki, acupuncture, and massage are just a few ways to rejuvenate and restore your body.

Eat something healthy and delicious. Bonus if you cook it yourself.

Get into your body. Intro to Pole? Qoya? Belly dancing? Adopting sensual movement as exercise can be fun and invigorating.

Take your time. Slow down your eating, breathing, walking to be more present to the moment.

Wear something pretty. A wonderful way to amp up your self-confidence, joy, and personal allure.

Have good sex. Notice the emphasis on "good." The health benefits are proven.

Create something you love. Then show it off!

Only do something if your heart's really in it. Don't settle for anything less.


Suggested reading: Sacred Seduction by Kitty Cavalier

book seduce.jpg


*North Node/South Node: A component of the birth chart that highlights the purpose of a person's life or karmic path.

*Midheaven: A sensitive point in the birth chart that symbolizes/denotes a person's career path, reputation, or legacy.